Mr CEO's hidden wife

Chapter 412

After Nangong Xiu came out of Nangong Zhi's house, he went directly to an's hospital. He learned from the medical staff that the old man lived in the ward and went.

When Nangong Xiu went in, the old man had just finished his lunch break. Seeing the old man, Nangong Xiu came forward and shouted, "Grandpa."

Suddenly, a young man stood in front of him and called him Grandpa. The old man was really confused. He didn't recognize him at all.

"Grandpa, I'm Xiao Xiu. Don't you know me?" Looking at the old man with such strange eyes, Nangong Xiu said his identity. He looked at the old man with expectant eyes and waited for his response.

"Xiao Xiu?" The old man read these two words and looked at him up and down. After recognizing it, the old man was very excited. He hurried forward to help him and looked at him with pity, "you are Xiaoxiu, really Xiaoxiu? My little repair is back? "

Seeing Nangong Xiu coming back, the old man was very excited. He was sure that Xiaoxiu was very happy. The old man still loved him. After all, he grew up at Nangong's house.

But after being excited, the old man couldn't help but get angry and hit him hard: "you smelly boy, where have you been for so many years? Why didn't you hear anything? Not even grandpa? I thought you'd never come back, you bastard, bastard! " The old man kept hitting him. At that time, he only heard from Nangong Ren that he sent Nangong Xiu to study abroad, but he never heard from him after sending him abroad. After all, he was not his own. The old man thought he was looking for his own parents and would never recognize Nangong's family again

, also sad for a while.

He really didn't expect Nangong Xiu to come back after so many years.

The old man was very angry, so he hit him like this. When the old man was angry, Nangong Xiu slowly lowered his head and said, "I thought you didn't want me."

"Nonsense!" Hearing this, the old man angrily scolded Nangong Xiu, "since you have arrived at Nangong's house, you are the people of Nangong's house. Who doesn't want you? Who dares not want you when grandpa is here? "

"Thank you, Grandpa." Nangong Xiu hurriedly said“ Don't be polite to Grandpa. Just let Grandpa talk about it. " The old man looked at Nangong again and said happily, "I didn't expect my little slender to be so promising. I remember you were a hairy boy when you left. Now you have become a mature man for five years

Well, it's changed so much that grandpa can't recognize it. If you don't say you're Xiaoxiu, grandpa can't recognize it. It's so promising. Good, good. "

Today's Nangong is very slender. It's no worse than Nangong Zhi in appearance. His great grandson is really happy. He loved Nangong Xiu before, but he hasn't been equated with Nangong Zhi after all.

But as soon as Nangong Xiu came back this time, the old man really felt very close. It was like a lost treasure. That feeling could not be described. It was like his own grandson who had been missing for many years suddenly came back. He was very surprised and happy.

"Do your parents know when you come back this time?" The old man asked after asking for warmth for a long time.

His parents? Nangong Ren and Yao Min?

In name, it's even parents.

Nangong Xiu shook his head: "no, I told my cousin when I came back this time. I just came from my cousin's house."

"Oh." The old man said, "well, you and zhi'er grew up together since childhood. They have good feelings since childhood. They are also peers, so they can communicate."

"Yes." Nangong Xiu nodded.

"I'm so happy, Xiao Xiu. Hurry to go and go through the discharge formalities for me. I want to leave the hospital. Call your parents tonight and your cousin and sister-in-law to go back to Nangong's house for dinner." The old man couldn't close his mouth happily.

"Discharge? Is that all right, Grandpa? Your body... "It's all right. It's nothing. Your sister-in-law has to let me recuperate. I've recuperated for nearly a month and the effect is very good. Now I feel energetic and energetic. Besides, there are many happy events in Nangong family recently. Your brother found me a satisfactory granddaughter-in-law. Now you

I'm so happy that I'm back again. I'm in a good mood. I don't have any diseases. Hurry to go through the discharge formalities. Let's go home, let's go home. "

The old man was very excited. When he was in a good mood, he felt that he was 20 years younger. Seeing that the old man was so happy, Nangong Xiu was busy: "OK, Grandpa, wait. I'll do it now."

Everyone was surprised when Nangong came back from the repair. Nangong Zhi was surprised, the old man was surprised, and Nangong Ren and Yao Min were even more surprised.

That year, nangongren's company went bankrupt. He was really upset about his son who had no use value, so he gave him a sum of money to send him abroad. They didn't expect that nangongxiu would never hear from him after he went abroad.

At that time, Yao Min was scolded. The heartless white eyed wolf had raised him for so long and sent him abroad to say that he would disappear if he disappeared.

After so many years, they almost forgot him. Everyone thought he would never come back again. This sudden return really shocked the Nangong family.

Nangong old man ordered that he would go back to Nangong's house for dinner tonight. The news was that the old man called Roy star. Lay down the phone and Roy star said to Nangong Zhi, "Grandpa said that when Xiao Xiu comes back today and goes to Nangong's house for dinner tonight, he should pick up the wind for Xiao Xiu."

Luo Yixing didn't know what to call Nangong Xiu, so he called him Xiaoxiu as Nangong stopped. After listening to Luo Yixing's words, Nangong Zhi first looked at his mobile phone and made sure that the old man didn't call him, so he smiled and said, "my Nangong wife is really charming. After only a few days, she has completely replaced my position in Grandpa's heart. Now grandpa doesn't call me." Listening to Nangong Zhi's jealous words, Luo Yixing smiled proudly and said, "that's right. If you marry a good wife like me, you can laugh secretly." Nangong Zhi smiled contentedly, held Roy star over and said, "yes, I'm even laughing in my dreams now."“ All right. " Roy star pushed him away. "Don't talk nonsense here. I have to dress up for dinner at home tonight. I'll see what I wear." Hearing that she had to dress up well, Nangong Zhi really felt helpless: "don't be so grand, just a family banquet."“ It is because of the family banquet that we pay attention to it. We should always pay attention to our image in front of our elders! " Roy star vowed, and then ran to the cloakroom. Nangongzhi had to wait outside. She felt that she had gone in for a long time before she picked up her clothes and went out. It's a white light check dress and a pair of black high heels. It's very simple to match, but it looks very refined and generous. It looks better against her white skin“ Last time you said I looked good in white. Is that all right? " Roy star went to Nangong Zhi and turned around. Nangong Zhi couldn't help saying, "Mrs. Nangong is so beautiful. Who are you going to kill?" Roy star stood on tiptoe, pinched Nangong Zhi's mouth with both hands, and said, "Mr. Nangong's mouth is becoming more and more talkative. Well, it's almost time. Let's go." Nangong Zhi and Roy Xing didn't go late, but the old man, Nangong's wife, Nangong Ren and Yao Min, and Nangong Xiu were already there“ Stop, Yixing, I'll wait for you two. " As soon as they went in, the old man said happily“ Grandpa, mom, uncle and aunt. " Nangongzhi and Roy shouted politely back and forth“ How is Yi Xing now? " Mrs. Nangong asked hurriedly, "I should have taken care of you, but zhier wouldn't let me. I'm so worried."“ It's all right, mom. You can rest assured. "“ It seems that Yixing looks really good. I heard that something happened to you. Your uncle and I will go to the hospital to see you right away. At that time, you were still unconscious and scared my aunt to death. Now it's OK. God bless you, God bless you. " Yao Min also hurried up and said. Looking at Yao Min, Luo Yixing reluctantly smiled and said, "my uncle and aunt went to see me. I didn't know at that time. Nangong didn't tell me afterwards. Thank you for your concern."“ The family said "thank you, I'll see you outside. I'm glad you're all right." Yao Min has been laughing. Originally, Roy Xing had a bad impression of Nangong Ren and Yao min. he heard Nangong Zhi talk about Nangong Xiu. He was even more disgusted with these two people. In order to win the favor of the adopted son, he is not good to others and kicks them away when he feels that he has no use value. How can there be such a person in this world? Therefore, Roy star can't get warm to these two people, just a few words in a formal way, and don't want to say more“ Sister-in-law, it's so beautiful today. " At this time, Nangong Xiu also came in this way, and the first word he said was to Roy star. Roy star looked at him and looked at him again. Is it a psychological effect? Just feel that kind of look is so strange. Roy star hurriedly covered up his smile and said, "thank you."“ All right, all right, don't stand, all sit, all sit. " The old man hurriedly said, and then ordered the servant, "go to the kitchen and see if it's ok?"“ Yes. " Everyone took their seats, the old man sat on the top, and the others sat in turn. The family banquet should be the most warm, but the Nangong family's family banquet is different from the Luo family's. The Luo family's family banquet is warm. Here is a Hongmen banquet. Not to mention that Luo Yixing feels uncomfortable, even Nangong doesn't like it“ I'm so happy that Xiao Xiu came back today, so I asked you all to come over and have dinner together. It's a welcome for Xiao Xiu. " The old man said happily. He has been happy since he knew Nangong Xiu came back. This novel has been translated by and if you are reading this somewhere, they have stolen our translation.