Mr CEO's hidden wife

Chapter 408

Hearing these words, Roy star tooted his mouth, looked at them and said, "Mom and Dad, I know you love me, but now I have grown up and married, and I can't always live in your swaddling clothes."

"Not in our swaddling clothes, can you? What do you look like this time? You almost died, you know? " Now think about Roy star being injected with the virus, Yang Xu can't help shaking all over.

If it were not for the timely rescue and the high medical skill of an Jinyan, it is estimated that they would not even see the last side of Roy star.

Can they not be afraid?

"Don't be silly. I'm your mother. Can I hurt you? There is no safer place than the law's house. " Seeing the reluctance of Roy star, Yang Xu said so decisively.

She was still very angry with Nangong Zhiyan Qin. She was using Roy star when she got married. Even if she abducted their daughter without their permission, she hid so many things from them.

It's lucky that Roy didn't die this time., If there is something wrong, he will never let him go!

"I didn't let you divorce. This is the best time to test a man. You are his wife. Naturally, you want him to protect you from the wind and rain. Although I am your father, I can protect you for a while and protect you for a lifetime?

If he is unreliable, you will cry later, silly girl. Don't think you are so smart. Your father has crossed more bridges than you have walked. "

Yan Qin said this slowly. It sounds reasonable, but she just went to love Nangong.

"I know, Dad. I know you love me. This time it makes you worry."

"I wish I knew." Yang Xu said.

Roy Xing sipped at the corners of her mouth. It was really strange that she really felt distressed when Yan Qin scolded him.

After the car stopped in the courtyard, Yan Qin got out of the car to take Roy star down, but Roy star hurriedly said, "Dad, I can."

"You are a patient now. Be obedient." In Yan Qin's heart, Roy star will always be his little princess.

After that, Yan Qin still held Roy star down. Now her body is still empty. Yan Qin is naturally worried.

Yan Qin always carried her to the bed in the bedroom. When he got home, he lay on the bed again. Roy star really felt warm.

Yang Xu closes the door, takes off his clothes for Roy Xing, and carefully checks it. Yang Xu is assured that there is no wound.

Yang Xu wiped her body again, put on a clean Pajama, and then hurriedly asked, "how do you feel now?"

"It's all right, mom. It's really all right. I don't hurt anywhere now. Everything's fine. Godfather didn't say it. It'll be all right when I wake up." Roy said hurriedly.

"There are many kinds of viruses. Some have incubation periods. You must not take it lightly. These days, you can keep your body at ease. Don't think about it. Don't go anywhere. I'll ask your father to make some of your favorite food for you later."

"Mom, what's the matter? I'm like confinement? It's not that empty. "“ It's all from the gate of hell. Can it be true? " Yang Xu was really distressed this time. "I was really scared to death when I just heard it. Your brother went to do special training for special forces. As soon as he received the phone, he didn't even have the time to tell your brother, so he rushed back. He was really scared to faint all the way


"My brother doesn't know? That's just right, mom. Don't tell my brother. If he knows, I'm afraid he'll kill him with a regiment. " Luo Yichen loved her most since she was a child“ You're right to say, "we'll all be scared to death by you." Speaking of this, Yang Xu frowned, "you girl is really annoying. I was worried about Fang LV before. Now, you flash married and married a gangster man. What if your mother knew nangongzhi was a gangster's mother before

I won't promise you to marry him. "

For a mother, Roy star certainly understands, but she is also impulsive, and there is no way to marry.

"Xiaobai, tell your mother honestly, do you like Nangong?"

Do you like it?

This question really stopped Roy.

"I just think I feel good with him." This is really what Roy is thinking now.

Yang Xu sighed sadly and said, "Xiaobai, in fact, when I was young, my life was similar to yours.

Your father also offended many enemies when he was in the army. Just because I lived that life, I don't want you to repeat my life.

I've also been kidnapped, and more than once, I'm lucky to escape, and so are you this time, but not every time I'm lucky, and not everyone will survive.

This is a fatal thing, and there is only one life. There is no accident. Once it happens, everything will be late. Mom really doesn't want you to live such a life again, such a life of fear every day. "

Roy star understood Yang Xu's mood very much. She hurriedly said, "Mom, I'm not careful this time. I'll be careful in the future."

"A lot of things can't be avoided by being careful."

"What should I do? You can't divorce me, can you? " Roy star said that on purpose.


"Don't deliberately use such words to excite me. You can feed me here these days. If you can't feed me well, don't go back." Yang Xu said so firmly.

Roy star tooted his mouth and asked, "can't I go back if Nangong can't catch that man?"

"Luo Xiaobai, how many days have you been away from home? Now I want to stop with Nangong? "

Roy star admitted that she was married soon, but she really liked the feeling of staying with Nangong.

This time, Luo Yixing also knew that she was kidnapped because of nangongzhi, and she almost lost her life. But at the moment, she was injured and weak. Suddenly, she seemed to let nangongzhi take care of her. She wanted them to stay at home.

It's a strange feeling to have been married for so few days.

"Well, don't think about anything. Just keep it for me. I'll let your father make it for you."

Hearing this, Luo Yixing smiled, then hugged Yang Xu and said, "Mom, you subconsciously arranged my father now. I really think you are very happy now. Nangong told me that he envied our family more than once. When you were young, you suffered a lot with my father, but now you've had a good time. You see, my father has spoiled you like a big baby for so many years. Maybe I'll cook it like you? People say that when you are young, you don't complain, but when you are old, it is true

What about your pain. "

"I said Luo Xiaobai, it's only a few days. What kind of ecstasy did nangongzhi give you?"

"Well, well, mom, stop talking. I want to eat sweet and sour ribs. You ask dad to make them for me, hee hee." Roy star gave a good smile.

Yang Xu nodded her head and went out. After Yang Xu went out, Roy Xing took out his mobile phone and sent a text message to Nangong Zhi.

"I'm home. I'm preparing to eat now. You should eat on time. Don't have too much pressure. My father just loves me."

When he received this message, Nangong Zhi really felt warm. Nangong Zhi smiled knowingly and simply replied, "I understand, wife, keep your body at ease, and I will pick you up soon."

Nangong put away his mobile phone and asked ah Jin in a harsh voice, "is there any news from Rong yin?"

Ah Jin shook his head: "no, it's the same as the evaporation of the world, and he's good at disguise. It's really difficult for us to find him if he doesn't show up, young master."

After so many years of confrontation with Rong Yin, Nangong Zhi still knows his style very well. This time he must play with him.

"Go and find him for me. Dig three feet and find him for me!"

Yan Qin said that you can't take Roy Star home without handling it well. Roy star said that he should have no pressure. How can he have no pressure?

What's more, the opponent is Rong Yin, a haunted person. It can be said that he is like a ghost. If it weren't for this, he would have killed all the Rong family in that year, and let Rong Yin run away.

He had just finished with ah Jin, and his mobile phone called again. This time it was the old man. After answering the phone, Nangong hurried to the hospital.

"You bastard, how can you let something like this happen to Yixing? What about the isin? Where's my baby granddaughter-in-law? " The old man asked nervously, saying he was hiding it from the old man, but how can he hide it in a hospital?

"Yixing was brought back to Luo's house by his father-in-law first."

After hearing this, the old man raised his hand and hit him hard, scolding: "you bastard, what are you still doing here? Make a mistake with your father-in-law and get Yi Xing back. If you lose my baby granddaughter-in-law, I can't spare you! "

The old man likes Roy star very much. He can't allow Roy star to leave Nangong's house.

"I know, Grandpa. I'll go to the police station first. I'll pick up Yixing tomorrow." Nangong Zhi said so in order to reassure the old man.

"That's about the same." The old man was more relieved when he heard this, "who is it? Who has the courage to touch my granddaughter-in-law? "

"Rong Yin."

Nangongzhi really knows him, because Rong Yin is playing the missing tactics, but nangongzhi's every move is clear to him.

"Boss, that girl is not dead."

Rong Yin also knew, and was really surprised: "the girl's life is really big. Well, I don't intend to stop Nangong from dying so soon. I want to play with him slowly. I have plenty of time."

"The boss, let's..." "isn't he looking for me all over the world now? Let him find it. Have fun with him and play hide and seek. I have plenty of time to play with him." Rong Yin said leisurely, "moreover, my heart q is still useless."

This novel has been translated by and if you are reading this somewhere, they have stolen our translation.