Mr CEO's hidden wife

Chapter 406

Nangong Renhe and Yao Min came in. After Nangong Rengang finished, Yao Min also said, "yes, what's the matter with Yixing? Didn't you come to the hospital yesterday? "

Now in nangongzhi, these two people have not been exposed, but now nangongzhi is very confused. Nangongzhi is really not in the mood to talk to these two uninvited guests, not to mention that they are just weasels paying New Year's greetings to chickens.

"There's been an accident. My uncle and aunt are worried. I'll take good care of her."

Nangong stops his cold tone, which is completely a customer driven attitude. Nangong Ren and Yao Min just take a form. Naturally, they don't want to stay here more,

"Then take good care of Yixing. You don't have to worry about the old man. I'll take care of you and your uncle." Yao Min said.

She didn't say that Nangong had forgotten the old man. He hurriedly reminded Nangong Ren and Yao Min: "don't let Grandpa know about Yixing in advance."

"We naturally understand this. Don't worry. I won't let the old man know. Just take care of Yixing here. Well, if you're okay, I'll go with your uncle first."

After that, Yao Min hurriedly took Nangong Ren out of the ward. After going out, Yao Min took a long breath, patted his heart and said, "Oh, I was scared to death in front of Nangong just now, for fear of revealing my stuffing."

"I said don't panic. Now he doesn't care about us when something happens to Roy." Nangong Ren said calmly.

"But I think the girl is really hurt this time. It's a pity if she doesn't wake up. She's so young..."

When Yao Min just said this, Nangong Ren glared at her fiercely, which scared Yao Min not to say any more.

"If we don't get the property of Nangong family, we will starve to death in the street. You are still in the mood to care about others. It has nothing to do with us that the girl can't die. Now we have to find a way to inform Luo's family."

"Didn't her parents just leave T city? If they deliberately hide it, what do we say now? "

Nangong Ren thought carefully and said, "pretend to be a hospital staff member and call your family."

"Is that all right? Will it be found out? "

"How to check this shit? Who wants to check this. "

"Well, that's it." Yao Min answered, and then he really felt frightened.

Twelve hours later, Roy was still sleeping. An Jinyan came in to give her an injection. Nangong asked, "Dean an, is there any danger if she still doesn't wake up?"

"Now it seems that the vital signs have stabilized, and the danger of life can be eliminated temporarily. Now I'm worried about whether the virus will hurt her nerves." An Jinyan was also worried after doing it for more than ten hours and didn't go to rest.

"What happens if you hurt your nerve?" Nangong asked hurriedly.

"There are too many possibilities. Blindness, deafness and even amnesia are possible, but it's stable now. There's no accident. If you can wake up today, there should be no big problem. I'm afraid you can't wake up today."

"Dean an, you must save her, you must save her!"

"Don't worry, I will do my best." An Jinyan nodded, and then hurried to do various examinations for her.

After checking her all and injecting her with drugs, an Jinyan breathed deeply: "I've done everything I can. It's up to Xiaobai."

Nangong Zhi frowned. At the moment, he felt panic, fear, panic and unlimited. He had never been so chaotic.

But this feeling is not strange, so familiar. When I learned that Lin Shiru committed suicide by jumping into the sea, it was this kind of pain, the pain through my heart.

It was the most unspeakable wound hidden in the bottom of his heart. He almost wanted to tear off his heart.

In the past two years, he used the almost crazy devil's way of work to cover up the pain in his heart and numb all the thoughts he should have. Then he was indifferent and ruthless to all women in the world.

He thought he could never have another emotion in his life, but this moment was so clear that he thought she might not wake up. His whole body was shaking, and his mind began to think about the short days they had been together.

Simple happiness, ordinary life.

Very real and happy.

No one knows that he likes to see her smiling face most, and only then will he feel that he can satisfy the little woman.

No one will know how greedy he is for her lips, how much he likes to hold her in his arms, endless demands for her, and even hurt her, so that she can understand his importance in the joy of that moment.

I'm so flustered. At the moment, I'm really flustered in my heart. It's like if she has something, the whole world will collapse. Nangong Zhi sits by the hospital bed, guards her, holds her hand and keeps following her: "good girl, you must wake up, please wake up..."

At the moment, Nangong is constantly praying. This sentence has been repeated tens of thousands of times. Wake up, girl, be sure to wake up. I said I would spoil you all my life. Now it has just begun. Now it has just begun.

Roy star felt that he had slept for a long time and almost couldn't wake up. After a little consciousness, he only felt that his headache was like exploding, and his whole body was weak and uncomfortable.

"Yixing? "Yixing?" Seeing her eyes moving and her breathing not so stable, Nangong was excited. Are you going to wake up? Is she going to wake up?

"Yixing? Wake up, wake up, Yixing. "

Nangong Zhi kept shouting in her ear. In the shallow consciousness of Roy star, it seemed that someone was calling her in her ear. Then she tried to open her eyes, but her eyelids were so heavy, really heavy, it seemed that she couldn't open them.

"Yixing, Yixing..."

Nangong Zhi kept shouting and shaking her body. Roy star struggled to open his eyes slowly. His brain was still confused. A strong smell of disinfectant rushed into his nose. His bleary eyes swept here again. White walls, white sheets, hospital?

"Yixing, are you awake?" The familiar voice sounded again in his ears, gentle and surprised. Roy turned his eyes, and the man's handsome face and his nervous look reflected in his pupils.

"Yixing, are you really awake? You look at me, you look at me, do you know who I am? Call my name. Call my name quickly. "

She was afraid that the virus would hurt her, and then he said that she would be afraid of losing her hearing.

"Nangongzhi..." Roy star was confused and tried to recall that she was kidnapped by bad people. She ran out and lost consciousness after seeing nangongzhi. She didn't know what was going on? Even when Nangong Zhi said this mechanically, he did what he meant.

"Girl, can you see me? You know I'm nangongzhi, don't you? "

Nangongzhi was very happy to hear Luo Yixing shout out his name like this. After asking this, nangongzhi held her tightly in her arms without giving Luo Yixing an answer. She held her vigorously, and her hand kept touching the back of her head.

"My good girl, if you're okay, if you're okay, you scared me to death. You really scared me to death." Nangong Zhi just hugged her tightly. It was really an impulse to cry with joy. It was really a feeling that everything would be fine as long as Roy star was good.

Nangongzhi kept holding her and repeating like this. Roy Xing was really confused and didn't speak. He was like a string puppet. After holding her for a long time, nangongzhi let her go, then held her left and right shoulders with both hands and looked at her nervously:

"How are you feeling now? What's wrong with you? Tell me, tell me, Yixing. "

Roy star shook his head in a daze: "no, what's the matter with me? Why suddenly... "

Now Roy star's mind is really blank. She remembers that she ran forward desperately. After seeing Nangong Zhi, she was finally relieved. At the moment, her whole body began to feel uncomfortable, and then slowly became powerless. There was no then in her memory. What's the matter?

"You're all right now. Don't think about it. It's all right." Nangong Zhi didn't intend to tell her that she had been injected with the virus, but comforted him, "I'm not good this time, I'm not good, there will be no next time, absolutely not."

At the moment, Nangong Zhi is really nervous. Although any man hasn't been for a long time, he has seen his cold, arrogant and evil nature just when he met him, and his gentle gentleman. He has never seen him like this.

Without a little disguise, he was nervous and cared, which surprised Roy star. He looked at him and asked, "Nangong Zhi, are you afraid?"

"Fear, of course I am. You scared me to death. You really scared me to death." After that, Nangong Zhi held her tightly in his arms again. This time, she was stronger and couldn't kick her.

Roy star doesn't understand. It's nervous. Does she care about her?

At the moment, Roy's mind slowly became clear. It was really scary to think about it. Especially the man with a ghost mask was really like a devil. She was almost, almost given by him

"Who kidnapped me? Did you catch it? " Roy asked.

"No." Nangong stopped shaking his head, "but don't worry, I won't hurt you any more."

Although Nangong Zhi said so, Luo Yixing still felt uneasy and curious, so he couldn't help asking, "who is he? Do you have a grudge against him? He said you killed his family... "

Hearing this, Nangong Zhi's face changed, and then avoided the important and said lightly, "Yixing, you just take good care of your injury now and don't worry about the rest, okay?"

Just now she was talkative, so she had to nod. Then there was a rush of footsteps outside the door. She heard her mother Yang Xu's nervous voice: "Xiaobai, Xiaobai..." Roy star was really surprised to hear this voice. Did she hear it wrong? Didn't her parents go to the army to see her brother?

This novel has been translated by and if you are reading this somewhere, they have stolen our translation.