Mr CEO's hidden wife

Chapter 349

"Where did you lose it?" An Jianyu asked nervously.

"I've already thrown the garbage can. I'll probably dispose of it at the garbage station now. I won't find it."

Now it's been lost for a long time. Where do you want to find it?

Hearing this, an Jianyu is really... Really angry.

"Zhong Jiangqing, you really want to kill me! Since you bought me a present, why don't you give it to me? "


An Jianyu was really going to be angry, and then he said, "I'll find it."

Before Jiang Qing could say anything, he ran out. An saw Yu's nervous reaction. Although Jiang Qing thought of it, it was also unexpected. He didn't think he would care so much.

But how can you find it? She's lost it for so long.

Think of her regret, so how can you say she lost something valuable?

I knew


But the accident really happened

"You... How did you find it? Where did you find it? " Jiang Qing was stunned when she saw an Yuman coming back with the gift box.

Ann saw that Yu deliberately teased her and didn't speak. Jiang Qing was really curious. She quickly dragged his clothes and asked, "tell me, where did you find it? Can't you really find it from the garbage station? "

"You don't have to worry about it." Ann sees Yu's happy mouth and grins to her ears.

An Jianyu took out this tie from the gift box. She was really happy like a child. She had never seen an Jianyu so happy when she was so old. Did she give her a gift to make him so happy?

"This tie is really beautiful. My family has a good eye and memory. I still remember that I like this tie."

Speaking of this, an Jianyu took off his tie and handed the beige tie to her hand. He couldn't wait, "come on, put it on me."

Jiang Qing was completely stunned this time. She knew that he would be very happy when she gave him a gift, but she didn't expect him to be so happy.

Suddenly Jiang Qing felt a pain in her heart. In the past few years, she didn't know how many things she had bought for Gu Junlei.

Because Gu Junlei came from a bad family and had little money at home, he basically relied on scholarships to go to school. At that time, Jiang Qing bought things for him every day.

She bought him clothes, shoes and ties. She basically bought everything she could buy for him.

For an Jianyu, it was always an Jianyu who bought it for her, and the things she bought were piled up into a mountain.

Apart from the music box when she was a child, she never bought anything for an Jianyu. She really didn't expect to make him so happy.

"What are you doing here? Put it on me. "

An Jianyu couldn't wait. Seeing him like this, Jiang Qing thought of something and asked:

"An Jianyu, are you so happy?"

Hearing this sentence, an Jianyu felt helpless and wanted to cry. He couldn't help sighing:

"Of course, that's nonsense. Put it on me."

Seeing that an Jianyu is now completely a child, Jiang Qing has no choice but to take the tie from his hand.

But that night she was depressed and finally casually stuffed the tie back into the gift box, so now there are many folds on the tie. Seeing this, Jiang Qing asked:

"Are you sure you want to wear it now? Shall I iron you first? "

Ann shook her head when she saw Yu: "no, you gave it to me. Even if it's full of pleats, I'll wear it. As long as it's from you, I like everything. Is this going to associate with me?"

After saying this, Jiang Qing seemed to react. She raised her hand and hit an Jianyu severely, questioning:

"Hey, an Jianyu, don't put gold on your face. When did I promise to associate with you?"

"Even sent the love keepsake, don't you communicate?" An Jianyu has some scoundrels.

"What token of love? Is this a birthday present? " Jiang Qing is angry.

"In my opinion, this is a token of love. Today is... July 28. Well, it's good. It's a good day, Jiang Qing. Remember, from today on, you're my girlfriend. You can only be mine!"

An Jianyu said so firmly.

"An Jianyu, you bastard, when did I promise you? If you are such a scoundrel again, I won't give you this tie! "

Seeing that an Yu came again, Jiang Qing couldn't help but be a little anxious. She had to put away the tie. Seeing that, an saw that Yu hurriedly pressed her hand and said:

"Well, well, don't make any noise. Put it on me quickly. Qingqing, hurry up."

Seeing the appearance of an Jianyu, Jiang Qing was very helpless. This vigorous and powerful man would be like this when he was a child.

Jiang Qing had no choice. She picked up the tie and skilfully bypassed his neck.

The reason why she moves very skillfully is that she has worn it for Gu Junlei many times before, and this is his first time.

Jiang Qing tied it to him very carefully, and an Jianyu's eyes have been falling on Jiang Qing's face. At the moment, her little face is crimson, and her eyes are very serious.

In this way, she was really charming. Her eyes shifted from Jiang Qing's face to her tie, and she couldn't help smiling again.

How can Jiang Qing not feel such eyes? She was a little embarrassed when Ann saw the emperor. After tying his tie, she said, "well, what do you think..."

Jiang Qing's words had not finished yet. His lips were blocked by him, like fire and honey. He was completely breathless. His body was also pressed under him. The more he resisted, the tighter he was kissed.

"An Jianyu... Well... You..." all her scolding words were swallowed by him.

There is a warm room in the ward, but the eyes outside the ward are as cold as a knife, with a strong murderous spirit



Under the coercion of an Jianyu, Jiang Qing feels that her whole body is beginning to disobey.

Beat him hard, but he couldn't shake an Jianyu's wildness. He was as firm as a mountain on her, and Jiang Qing had nothing to do with it.

At the moment, an Jianyu was like a king who planned strategies. Touching her slender waist, she felt it struggling and dancing like a water snake.

The skin is softer than peach and whiter than litchi. I feel that an Jianyu's heart is like a fire.

After a few Xu, I felt Jiang Qing's cool breath. An saw her overbearing and gentle hands holding her small face.

At the moment, Jiang Qing's face is pink. He slows down and wantonly appreciates her posture with sweat.

The water's long eyes are so flexible, like the sparkling and fluctuating River in the moonlight. You can speak with a gentle blink.

The beautiful scenery has to let it rise to high heat, the soft and complete release of cotton entanglement, and the long-standing desire and sweet past are not only sucking at this moment.

Gu Junlei saw this scene clearly outside the door. Seeing this, he couldn't help clenching his fist. His eyes seemed to be on fire.

The flowers and snacks in his hand were so tightly grasped by him that they all changed their shape. The thorns on the roses seemed to have pierced his heart, and now they were bleeding.

After his resentment, he couldn't help feeling ridiculous. When he heard that Jiang Qing was ill in hospital, he ran over nonstop.

I ran several streets to buy her her favorite snacks and eleven roses, but I came to see this scene.

Gu Junlei sneered at himself. He thought he was too ridiculous!

Zhong Jiangqing, I thought I was sorry for you, but unexpectedly, I was just a chess piece in your hand!

After reading this, Gu Junlei turned angrily and threw his snacks and flowers into the trash can.

From today on, he and Zhong Jiangqing have completely finished. It's really over. He won't miss that woman anymore. No, what he's prepared to say is that she doesn't deserve him to miss at all.

However, for the things Gu Junlei came to, the two people in the ward didn't know at all.

This time, an Jianyu couldn't control it. He would kiss Jiang Qing. At this moment, he didn't let go until he kissed enough.

Just now an saw that the kiss from Yu was too sudden. Now Jiang Qing still feels dizzy, but the most is anger and hatred.

"An Jianyu, you bastard!" It was the first time she had been strongly kissed. Now she felt very uncomfortable and wronged.

Scolding him for raising his hand to fight, an saw Yu busy holding her hand with both hands and said, "good Qingqing, I'm so happy that you gave me a tie. Just now I couldn't help it. If you want to fight, you can fight, but you just hit a little bit with your hand, and you'll hurt it if you try too hard."

"An Jianyu, you said you didn't bully me. You were clearly bullying me. You took advantage of me!"

Now Jiang Qing really feels wronged. This man has always been accommodating her, but this time

Although this is not bullying her, this time he really took advantage of her. He hasn't kissed her like this for so many years since he was a child. This is the first time. Unexpectedly, he still plays hard.

Thinking that Jiang Qing took her hand out of his palm, she still wet her eyes. Seeing that she was going to cry again, an Jianyu was nervous and hurriedly explained:

"Little girl, don't cry. I swear I'll never force you again. If you don't agree, I'll never kiss you again?"

An Jianyu admitted that he couldn't help it just now. He received a gift from her for the first time.

Looking at her so close, she was so beautiful in his eyes. There was no way. An Jianyu was also a normal man, especially in the face of a woman he had liked for more than ten years.

Hearing this, seeing an Jianyu raise her hand to wipe her tears, she subconsciously pulled his arm and bit again.

Ann saw that Yu slightly locked her eyebrows and smiled bitterly. She knew that the girl had to vent“ Are you angry now? Without me, the whole person is here. Bite wherever you want. "

This novel has been translated by and if you are reading this somewhere, they have stolen our translation.