Mr CEO's hidden wife

Chapter 345

"Alas..." Su Nian was puzzled. Didn't Tang Qin let her come?

At this moment, seeing Su Nian go in, Tang Qin hurriedly came together to listen, but he hasn't heard yet. An saw Yu and opened the door and went out, which startled Tang Qin.

"So soon?" Tang Qin murmured, but also some guilty.

As for Tang Qin, his mother, an Jianyu, was also angry and said directly, "Mom, you should know my temper and my feelings for Jiang Qing. In that case, you should know that doing these things to me is blind and has no result!

And you should understand that other women are not just hitting a wall here. I am persistent to Jiang Qing, but that persistence is not understandable. Even if I can't catch up with her in my life, I won't be interested in other women.

On the contrary, I will be disgusted with the women who make up my mind. Do you want to lose a son and bet on a sure bet, or do you want to let go of everything as usual? "

Lose a son?

Hearing this, Tang Qin's legs softened and an saw what Yu was talking about? Talking about why Jiang Qing can deny her mother?

Seeing that the Emperor didn't give Tang Qin another chance to speak, an turned around and went out. Su Nian, who came out, couldn't touch his head. He asked Tang Qin, "aunt Tang, what's going on?"

And now, where does Tang Qin still have the heart to answer her question?

An Jianyu strides out of the hospital. An Jianyu is a hard stone for other women. It's cold. People can't feel his temperature at all. It's hard to get close to him. It's even harder to get into his heart.

Since Jiang Qing cheated an Jianyu, she blamed herself to death. She can't imagine the scene after an Jianyu saw Su Nian.

In short, now I'm irritable and extremely uneasy. I've always been restless. I'm always thinking about what they'll say, but I'm more and more uneasy at the thought.

Jiang Qing is driving on the road, but her mind is not driving at all. So she goes home. Now Jiang Guan sprains her foot and Zhong Yi is taking care of her.

"Zhong Jiangqing, come out!"

Jiang Qinggang is about to go upstairs. This voice comes from outside the door. An Jianyu?

Why is he here now? So fast? Can you say?

Before Jiang Qing could react, an Jianyu rushed in. This time, he completely ignored Zhong Yi and Jiang guan'er, grabbed her wrist, and then walked out with her.

"An Jianyu, what are you doing? Let go of me. Where are you taking me?"

Jiang Qing has been taken out of the yard by him. Jiang Qing is shocked. How could he appear here?

Jiang Qing shouted, but an Jianyu ignored her. She kept pulling her out with a gloomy face. This was the first time Jiang Qing saw his angry expression, which made her a little flustered.

What's he doing? It's not because she lied to him this time and let him tear all his good temper to her. She won't scold her severely, or

"An Jianyu, let go, you let go, you hurt me..." Jiang Qing shouted loudly. When she heard this, an Jianyu let go and turned around.

"An Jianyu, what are you doing? Can't you say something well? " Jiang Qing is a little annoyed.

"Didn't you sprain your foot?" An Jianyu looked at her and asked, which made Jiang Qing don't know how to answer.

"I......" when asked about this Jiang Qing, she felt guilty. She knew he had done wrong, but an Jianyu had always been gentle to her. Suddenly, it really annoyed her to question her like this. She simply hardened her attitude, "just to give you a chance to talk. Why are you so fierce?"

"Why am I so fierce?" Hearing this sentence, an Jianyu sneered at himself, "Zhong Jiangqing, you also mean to say!"

An was so angry when he saw the Emperor: "why do you think I'm so fierce? The person I want to see is you, not su Nian. If I'm interested in other women, I won't wait for you for so many years. Do you think I'm kidding you these years?

You think I'm talking nonsense when you marry me? You can despise my love for you, but please don't trample on it, let alone make wedding clothes for others with my love for you! "

An Jianyu is furious, but he still tries his best to suppress his anger. He can tolerate all people's deception and even fooling him in this regard.

But only Jiang Qing can't. how much he loves her, how angry he is now. He feels that he is going to explode, but no matter how angry he is, he can't vent all his anger on Jiang Qing.

Hearing these words, seeing an Jianyu's emotion, Jiang Qing bit her lips tightly. How could she not understand his anger?

What she should have thought of from the beginning was just a little worse than what she thought, or perhaps how deeply Ann Jianyu loved her and cared about her. She could never guess.

Jiang Qing stopped talking. Now she feels that everything she says is hypocritical. She can't even say a simple sorry. She just stands in front of him and hangs her head like a wrong child. Seeing this, an Jianyu took a long breath and still had to soften his tone: "Jiang Qing, this is the first and last time I'm so old. I hope you'll do this for the last time. Remember, I won't have a second woman except you, and it's impossible

Fall in love with the second woman! " With that, an Jianyu turned and strode out. Seeing him turn and walk away, Jiang Qing hurriedly shouted, "an Jianyu..." but he walked too fast. Jiang Qing couldn't catch up at all. When she caught up with him in three steps, an Jianyu had got on the bus. She was really sorry to see Jiang Qing. Oh, my God, what's it called? She and an see that the emperor has no grievances and no hatred. So does she. Why does she have no such principle every time? In the end, she makes herself blocked by helping others. Jiang Qing has no choice but to look up to the sky. It's really annoying! She swore that she would never do such a thing again! This afternoon, in order to see Jiang Qing'an, Jianyu has cancelled all the work this afternoon. At present, he is not in the mood to do it. Seeing him unhappy, all the employees work with their heads down and dare not talk more. At this time, the secretary came in trembling with the schedule he hadn't read before he went out, and asked carefully, "president, you have a look. The schedule is that you need to go abroad to talk about business the day after tomorrow. You see... Do you need me to book a ticket for you now?"“ No, not the day after tomorrow. " Now an Jianyu is in a bad mood. It's better to go out early“ OK. " An Jianyu wants to leave early. Naturally, the Secretary can only do so. At the moment, an Jianyu's face is gloomy, just like an angry lion with full damage. In the eyes of others, an Jianyu is a person who finds his own sin. So many women just give up a whole flower cluster for a rose covered with thorns that ignores themselves“ Lingling. " At this moment, an Jianyu's mobile phone rang. Either someone else called Jiang Qing, because an Jianyu's response made Jiang Qing feel very sorry, so since he was wrong, he wanted to take the initiative, so he summoned up the courage to call him. When she saw Jiang Qing calling, an Jianyu's first reaction was shock. This was the second time she took the initiative to call him. Now an Jianyu's mood is really complex. Finally, an Jianyu hung up with Jiang Qing. He didn't know what to say to her at the moment. On the other side, he called an Jianyu. For the first time, he didn't answer Jiang Qing. He was really annoyed: "an Jianyu, you son of a bitch, you still play with me this time, really! Asshole, if you dare not answer my phone, you'll never talk to you again, son of a bitch, you'll regret it! " Jiang Qing scolded her mobile phone fiercely, and then threw her mobile phone aside. Jiang Qing felt sorry, but she became more and more angry. This guy has never ignored himself. How irritable“ Qingqing, it's time for dinner. " At this time, Zhong Yi shouted to her“ All right, Dad. " Jiang Qing took another look at her mobile phone, then took another look at her mobile phone and walked out of her bedroom. Jiang Qing went to the table and saw Jiang Guan. She hurriedly asked, "Mom, are your feet all right?"“ It's nothing. You make a mountain out of a molehill, especially your father. He won't let me go out these days. "“ My father loves you. " After saying this, Jiang Qing couldn't help sighing, "it's nice that you can still love so much after so many years of marriage."“ It's also valuable to see that the emperor has been kind to you since he was a child. You don't know your happiness in happiness. " Zhong Yi walked over and said. Speaking of this, Jiang Qing also ignored it. Then Jiang Guan hurriedly asked, "what happened when I saw Yu Lai so angry that he called you out? Quarrel? "“ It's all right. There's nothing wrong. Mom, let's eat. " Jiang Qing doesn't want to say, so they don't ask much about the children. In the evening, Jiang Qing was lying in bed alone. She took her mobile phone and played it boring. In fact, she was waiting for something. I also saw a ghost. I didn't find her last one tonight. I didn't have a message. Is an really angry when he sees Yu this time? Think about what he did this time... She dialed an Jianyu's phone again, but just dialed it and hung up. No, don't call him. Wait until his anger subsides. Jiang Qing had insomnia that night. She felt like she had eaten a fly. She couldn't sleep over how she tossed and turned. So the next day she got up early. When Zhong Yi and Jiang Guan Er got up, Jiang Qing had already cleaned up and made breakfast“ Qingqing, it's so early today? " Jiang Guan asked in surprise that Jiang Qing was basically sleeping in this holiday“ Well, I can't sleep, mom. It's rare for you to rest. What are you doing so early? " Jiang Qing asked. This novel has been translated by and if you are reading this somewhere, they have stolen our translation.