Mr CEO's hidden wife

Chapter 343

Gu Junlei?

Could it be him?

He had been hiding from her so many times before, but now he came to her on his own initiative?

What are you going to say this time? Sorry, or do you want to get back together?

Thinking of this man, Jiang Qing couldn't help feeling angry. She didn't answer, but soon the phone rang again. It was still Gu Junlei. Jiang Qing picked it up and said coldly, "hello."

The tone was very stiff, but compared with her tone, Gu Junlei on the phone was very accommodating and asked, "Qingqing, let's meet?"

See you?

OK, Jiang Qing wants to see what he will say this time.

They made an appointment with a coffee shop and sat down. They didn't see each other for a few days. Facing the man again, Jiang Qing couldn't say what her mood was. In short, it was very chaotic.


Gu Junlei spoke first. This familiar voice rang in her ear. Those things, those past, good things, sweet things, and those bad things also appeared in front of her.

"Don't you hide from me? Don't you dare not see me? What happened today? "

Jiang Qing's tone is very cold and ironic. It's not a short time to know this man. Now she finds that she doesn't know him so well!

Gu Junlei hung his head slightly, with a guilty color on his face. He looked at her with a sorry face, and his attitude was very serious. "Qingqing, I still want to say sorry to you."

"No, sorry is the least valuable word in my feelings. I don't want to listen to it anymore." Jiang Qing's attitude is very tough.

Now Gu Junlei was confused. He hung his head again and murmured, "I came out to find you today to tell you something from my heart. I've also considered a lot these days, so..."

"If you have anything to say, just say it." Jiang Qing's tone is still tough.

"Qingqing, I'm really sorry that I didn't tell you the truth."

Gu Junlei looked sorry and regretful. He could see that he was true. He didn't lie. Jiang Qing didn't speak. He just looked at him, but his heart was getting worse and worse. Speaking of this, Gu Junlei paused and then said slowly.

"Because I know your identity, I admit that I am... I have some other ideas, but later, later, I think you are very enthusiastic and have a good character, because we have a common language."

"Does that mean you really want to use me?" Jiang Qing asked foolishly.

Asked about Gu Junlei's meal again, he sipped his lips tightly and said, "I'm really sorry. As you, any man eager to succeed wants to marry home.

Married to you can at least fight for decades less. No, I'm sure you'll misunderstand. I don't mean to simply want to use you. I mean, there are also two women in front of you.

One is Cinderella who was born like me, and the other is a young lady like you. If you can catch up, normal men will catch up with you, so I did the same. I'm lucky that I have more opportunities to get close to you than other men, so... "

"After all, you are still using me..."

Hearing this, Jiang Qing's heart hurts and hurts fiercely. Isn't this a kind of utilization? If she wasn't the eldest lady, would he go after her?

To put it bluntly, his love for her itself is based on the pursuit of interests. The charm of that interest to him is far more than herself and far more than this love.

"No, sunny, not exactly!" After Jiang Qing said this, Gu Junlei hurriedly explained, "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, listen to me. I admit that my purpose of deciding to associate with you was not so pure.

But later, after we really started dating, I found that I really fell in love with you. Really, I don't lie to you. You are a good girl. You are not wary of me and love me wholeheartedly. I am also a person. Of course, I understand these feelings.

I think I'm sorry for you. I really think I'm sorry for you, so I swear, I told myself thousands of times, tens of thousands of times, to treat you well, to hurt you well, and to treat you all my life. "“ Enough! " Jiang Qing couldn't listen to Gu Junlei. "Gu Junlei, do you think you're ridiculous? I just like my life experience and stay with me. An Jianyu has told me everything after the wedding. He said that as long as you break up with me, he will invest in movies for you, so a few days ago

God, you broke up with me. What are you doing now? And ask me to forgive you? "

Gu Junlei said hurriedly, "I really wanted to break up with you, hide from you, don't contact you, and forget you. However, I was really in pain during this period of time.

I can't live without you, Qingqing. I won't make the film. I'm no longer afraid of seeing the emperor for you. Give me another chance, okay?

The past is my fault, everything is my fault, I am willing to use my life to compensate you, really, I swear, Qingqing, please, please don't leave me, don't leave me... "

As he spoke, Gu Junlei burst into tears. In the end, he burst into tears. He held her tightly, cried in her ear and said, 'I'm wrong, please, I can't live without you', and Jiang Qing was also a pain under this emotion. Did he know how much she loved this man? She once opposed the whole world for him, did he know? However, the more I love him, the more I can't accept his original intention. He actually has such a strong idea of wanting to succeed and live a human life. Under such an idea, can he really love her all his life“ Gu Junlei... "I heard Gu Junlei cry for too long. After Jiang Qing opened her mouth, Gu Junlei quickly let go of her body, held her shoulder, looked at her like this, and looked at her eyes without blinking“ Gu Junlei, we are impossible. I can't accept the cracks and impure feelings! "“ Do you think you'll be happy when you see an Yu? He dotes on you now. It's just a desire. You're not a man. You don't know men. Men's desire to conquer is very strong! He saw that his beloved woman could not be conquered, so his psychology began to be deformed and abnormal. In fact, after he got it, he would not cherish it at all. "“ Isn't that what you think? " Jiang Qing said coldly, "you won't cherish it if you don't get it. What's more, after you get it, I also want to understand why you give up your film. To put it bluntly, the benefits are not enough, because you can't be sure whether the film will be hot or not, but it's different when you marry me. When I get married, my parents won't ignore me. Now my parents will also invest in you after an Jianyu doesn't invest in you. Do you think so? "“ Qingqing, no! Don't think of me like that. "“ What do you want me to think about what you did before? " Jiang Qing is in a bad mood. Seeing Jiang Qing's bad mood, Gu Junlei immediately softened his attitude and begged: "Qingqing, I beg you, you say, what do you want me to do to forgive me? You said, "I'll do everything you say, okay?" Now Gu Junlei is really painful. Seeing Jiang Qing's attitude, he simply knelt in front of Jiang Qing. When he saw Jiang Qing, he hurriedly grabbed her: "what are you doing, get up, get up." Gu Junlei was very determined. No matter how she pulled him, he knelt steadily in front of Jiang Qing and begged: "Qingqing, please, give me another chance. I really can't live without you. I love you. I really love you now. Please, Qingqing, forgive me this time."“ What are you doing? " Seeing this, Jiang Qing said fiercely, "you let me get up, get up first!"“ No, Qingqing, this is my atonement for you. You forgive you. Please forgive you. Good Qingqing, I really can't live without you, Qingqing, Qingqing! " Gu Junlei cried bitterly and begged. How does Jiang Qing feel? They fell in love for so long, but how much time did he spend calculating the identity of the Zhong family's son-in-law, and how much time did he really fall in love with her? That's enough. It's just a game of chasing interests. If she's not a big lady, this love won't start at all. Will the love based on interests really be true love? Jiang Qing left everything to gamble once and went to marry him, but what happened? Can't Jiang Qing wake up at the moment“ If you don't get up, just kneel here. Don't come back to me in the future. This time I dumped you. Don't appear in front of me again. Get out of here! Get out! " Even if Jiang Qing turns back, she will run away“ Sunny, sunny! " Seeing Jiang Qing leaving, Gu Junlei hurriedly grabbed her arm, but Jiang Qing suddenly threw away: "Gu Junlei, what do you think of me? Please coax and kick away when you are happy. I tell you, we are over. It's no use even if you kneel and die here. Don't let me look down on you! " After that, Jiang Qing walked out of the cafe without looking back. This time, it was over. It was over with this man. At the moment, Jiang Qing's feeling is disgusting except nausea. Gu Junlei watched her go away, but shouted painfully, "Jiang Qing!" Jiang Qing made a big circle and ran back home. As soon as she entered the bedroom, she couldn't pretend. She was weak. She felt a spasm. Her back was tightly close to the door and slowly slipped down until she sat down on the cold floor. Then her knees bent, her arms tightly hugged her, and her head was very heavy and powerless against her knees. Those past, those who have become deadly poisons at the moment, so that Jiang Qing can't afford it. She thought she could put it down slowly after the pain and drunkenness. This novel has been translated by and if you are reading this somewhere, they have stolen our translation.