Mr CEO's hidden wife

Chapter 338

"Qingqing? Qingqing? "

Looking at Jiang Qing's stupidity, Jiang Guan hurriedly called her a few times. Jiang Qing came back and asked, "what's the matter, mom?"

"Ask you something, why are you stunned?"

"Ask me?" Jiang Qing was stunned“ Of course I'm asking you. Your father and I have always had a good relationship with Dean an and Tang Qin. It's reasonable to say that we must go to see the emperor for his birthday. But it's mainly you. Your relationship with the emperor is so stiff now, so I didn't tell your aunt Tang to die, so I said to see

It depends on the time. "

Ask her?

Do you want to go to an Jianyu's birthday party? The question stopped her. Are you going?

In fact, she knows very well that an Jianyu never likes this kind of occasion. It can be said that she is the one he most wants to go. If she doesn't go, he won't agree to do it no matter how worried Dean an and aunt Tang are, then

"Anyway, I have nothing to do with my holiday now. It doesn't hurt to go."

Hearing this, Zhong Yi smiled and said, "I know my daughter is sensible."

Jiang Guan Er reminded her again: "well, I'll talk back to your aunt Tang, but after all, it's the royal birthday. You've gone. Remember to prepare some gifts, otherwise it's impolite."

Jiang Qing did this well when she was a child. Now she needs Jiang Guan's advice when she is old.

Jiang Qing just replied faintly. After dinner, she went back to her room.

Ann Jianyu's birthday?

After returning to her room, Jiang Qing has been thinking about it in her mind. In fact, she really feels sorry for an Jianyu in this matter.

She remembers that when she was a child, she gave an Jianyu a music box. Every year after that, an Jianyu would give her a birthday gift, even if she couldn't accompany her on her birthday.

He remembered all her days more clearly than he did. He didn't fall down once, and what about her? I really didn't give him a birthday.

In fact, more accurately, Jiang Qing is very heartless and will not deliberately remember any day, let alone an Jianyu. She has forgotten her parents and her family's birthday several times.

She is very helpless about this, but she is such a character. She can't help it. She will forget her birthday, but an Jianyu will make her remember that it's true.

Maybe she had a hangover last night. She slept too much. She didn't feel sleepy in bed tonight. She didn't sleep until very late.

This holiday was so boring. I wanted to take advantage of this holiday to do the major events of my life, but I didn't think of such a thing. It was so annoying. She forced herself to sleep. She slept almost noon.

She and her nanny are left at home. Zhong Yi and Jiang Guaner are very busy. She is the only idle person at home this holiday. But this time, she has a long heart and lungs. Remember, an Jianyu's birthday will be in three days.

Jiang Guaner said to prepare a gift for him?

She is still very angry with Gu Junlei, but she thinks it's his birthday after all. Forget it, let's go shopping

Thinking of going shopping, she took out her mobile phone and called Roy star. Now all she can think of is her. Ann Zaixin is now studying abroad. She didn't come back this holiday, and her college classmates and her friends are basically not in T city.

"Sister Yixing, do you have time today?"

"Qingqing, what are you doing?" Roy star said very sorry, "the senior management of the company will have a meeting this afternoon. I may not be able to leave. Is it important?"

"It's not important, it's not important. Sister Yixing, you're busy."

For fear of disturbing Roy star, Jiang Qing quickly said so. She put down the phone and sighed. Now she is probably the only one idle.

Helpless, she had to go shopping by herself, but seriously, an Jianyu knew her preferences like the back of her hand, but she really didn't know Jiang Qing.

Because that guy is too unprincipled. Everything is good with her. It doesn't matter. I really don't see his preference.

In fact, even if she pulls out a piece of Dogtail grass for him, he can treasure it. But since she decides to buy it for him, she'd better pay more attention.

Perfunctory doesn't mean anything at all, but it doesn't matter if she is serious. Jiang Qing has no idea now. What is she going to buy for him?

Buy clothes? She doesn't know his size. Buy shoes? She doesn't know his shoe size, buy food? She doesn't know what he likes to eat? What a headache.

One day later, Jiang Qing's legs were sore when she went shopping, but she didn't get any results.

She was a little tired and sat down at the door of a shop. She glanced around bored and accidentally saw the neckties placed inside.


Jiang Qing was excited when she read these two words. She suddenly thought of something. She jumped up happily and ran straight ahead.

Seeing the tie suddenly made Jiang Qing think of one thing and made her suddenly have an idea.

It was a few months ago. During that time, an Jianyu was very busy and often had to go abroad. That time, he said he would go out for a long time, so he came to see her before he left.

At that time, she was also perfunctory. They passed a necktie counter where the neckties were very expensive. An Jianyu seemed to like a beige twill tie.

As a result, the clerk began to boast that he had good eyesight. The tie he liked was the treasure of the town store, and it was still limited in the world. It was a symbol of noble luxury. In short, Jiang Qing didn't listen carefully at that time.

Later, Jiang Qing called. It was Gu Junlei. There was no way. At that time, the two were in love like glue.

On the phone, she said she would come right away. When an Jianyu asked, she could only lie that there was an emergency at the school.

Unexpectedly, when she said this, an Jianyu said to give it to her, and ignored the clerk's fanatical marketing words. Later, when he talked about it, he just smiled and said, "I don't lack a tie."

Now think about it, I'm really sorry for him because he didn't buy that tie because of her personal affairs.

If she bought this tie for his birthday, would it be of great significance?

Will he die of joy? Thinking of this, she seemed to see an Jianyu's excited smile after receiving the gift.

Jiang Qing ran all the way to the big store. The clerk changed this time, but it was good. She couldn't stand the clerk.

She ran over and went to the old place to see, but the tie had long disappeared. Also, it had been so long that the tie would not still be placed in the old place.

"Excuse me, does this lady want to buy a tie? For whom? If you need anything, I can recommend it for you. " The salesgirl served very warmly.

"Well, I want to buy that Beige twill. I saw it in your store a few months ago. It was placed in this position at that time."

Jiang Qing ordered the position, and then added, "at that time, the clerk here told me what the treasure of the town store was. It was limited in the world."

"Oh, you said that one." The salesgirl seemed to remember Jiang Qing's description. Jiang Qing was happy and said, "do you remember? I want that one. "

"I'm really sorry, these ladies. That tie has long been out of stock." The salesgirl said sorry.

"No more?" Hearing this, Jiang Qing was lost, and then hurriedly asked, "do you know which store sells that tie?"

"Sorry, miss, that tie is really the treasure of our town store. The reason why it is the treasure of our town store is because we are the only store in T city. Now it is difficult for you to buy it online. I don't believe you can search it." The salesgirl was sorry to explain.

What? What's the global limit for a broken tie? In other words, it's really sharp.

"I'm really sorry, miss, but there are many styles of ties in our shop. You can have a look at others. Oh, by the way, what do you think of this one? In fact, it's similar to the one you said. "

Business people naturally want to sell things, so they are busy selling to Jiang Qing.

Jiang Qing is not interested in reading it at all. If it's not that one, what's the meaning? Jiang Qing shakes her head for her recommendation, and then firmly replies, "I want that one."

"I'm really sorry, miss. We can't help you." Clerk Jiang Qing can't help it.

Jiang Qing's mouth curled helplessly. It's true that the tie is so expensive. She is determined to buy it. She still has money to spend.

Just now that Jiang Qing thought of such a meaningful birthday gift, she would not give up easily. She hurriedly climbed up and asked:

"Didn't that tie say it was limited in the world? You can't buy it all over the world. There must be some way for your store to get the source of goods. You can try again and see if you can buy it again. "

"This..." the salesgirl really didn't expect Jiang Qing to suddenly say so, "I can't be the master."

"Then let those who can decide come out and talk to me." Jiang Qing is the eldest miss of the Zhong family. She always speaks with a certain aura.

Look at her dress, you know she's a golden lady. If you name such an expensive tie, it's a big customer.

After Jiang Qing said this, the salesgirl helped find their manager. She explained the situation to the manager first. The manager greeted him with a smile and asked politely:

"The lady wants to buy that Beige tie, doesn't she?"

"Yes." Jiang Qing answered very simply.

"I'm just really sorry. Our store really doesn't have it now, and it's really difficult for the situation you just said..."

"As long as you can buy it for me, I'm willing to pay ten times the price." Jiang Qing is very forthright. She really doesn't believe this evil. She has to buy that tie.


The manager was shocked when she said so. The price of that tie was already frightening. If it was ten times higher, it would be a sky high price. The manager would not give up easily for such a tempting thing.

"How's it going? You can think about it. Ten times that is the sky high price. You can't sell 100 ties at that price. " Jiang Qing said it impolitely“ That's, that's. " How could the manager not know, "since the lady likes that tie so much, I can try it." Hearing this, Jiang Qing smiled happily. He said he could try. In fact, he was fully confident“ Well, you can do it as soon as possible. My friend's birthday is three days later, so I must get it within these three days, or I won't pay you a penny. " Jiang Qing's strong sentence again“ OK, OK, I've written it down. Take your time. " Then he bowed politely to Jiang Qing and asked her to be a VIP. Generally, he was sent to the door. After going out, Jiang Qing couldn't help laughing happily and said, there's nothing you can't spend if you want to spend money. It's just that the money is actually wronged, and most importantly, Jiang Qing is a rich lady, and there is plenty of money at home. But she is only a student now, and the scholarship and pocket money given by her family probably don't add up to a fraction. So what? Did she just speak wildly without knowing the depth? Think about it. There's probably no other way but to borrow money first, but who do you want to borrow it from? She has the best relationship with Roy star, but when she asks for so much money, she will ask East and West. Knowing that it is to buy a gift for an Jianyu, she will scold her. Forget it, you still have to borrow it from a man. Who are you looking for? In addition to an Jianyu, she also has two older brothers who grew up together. One is Luo Yichen of her uncle's family and the other is Luo Yifeng. They are both big brothers who treat her very well, but now Luo Yichen is far away in the military region, so there is only the heir of Yan's group and her rich and powerful brother Yifeng. Luo Yifeng? Yes, just find him! This novel has been translated by and if you are reading this somewhere, they have stolen our translation.