Mr CEO's hidden wife

Chapter 334

Hearing these words, Jiang Qing was stunned. She couldn't believe it at all. After listening, she immediately retorted to an Jianyu: "I don't believe it. You lie!"

"If you don't believe it, you can ask him yourself." An Jianyu said firmly, "that kind of man is not worth your love."

"Stop talking, I don't want to hear you! He's not that kind of person. He can't do this to me! "

Jiang Qing still doesn't believe it, and these words are funny, distressed and angry to an Jianyu.

But in the final analysis, Jiang Qing is only 20 years old. Now she is just a college student. It can be said that she has no social experience, let alone a little anti-human heart. When she meets someone who is gentle with her, she will die hard on him. She doesn't understand the complexity of this society and the danger of the people at all.

In this regard, she does not believe what can an Jianyu say?

"Let time prove it." Speaking of this, an Jianyu's eyes pressed down tightly, "let time prove that the person who loves you most in the world is me!"

Jiang Qing looks up at an Jianyu. He has been saying this to her since childhood, but she is tired of listening. She doesn't want to listen now and is not in the mood to listen now.

"I don't believe it, I just don't believe it." Jiang Qing's eyes were full of tears. "I'll prove that you lied to me."

Then Jiang Qing ran out crying. An Jianyu hurriedly shouted, "Qingqing!"

Zhong Jiangqing ran out crying. After she ran out, she got into the car and called Gu Junlei.

"Doodle doodle..."

Rang a few times and then hung up. She redialed and continued to call. She was hung up for the third time.

"Sorry, the number you dialed is turned off!"

"Gu Junlei, you son of a bitch!" Jiang Qing scolded fiercely. Is it really like what an Jianyu said? An Jianyu promised him benefits and gave him investment to make a film, so he gave up her?

Their feelings are so cheap?

Jiang Qing's heart ached when she thought of it. Then she started the accelerator and quickly opened it out. Shut it down?

Think she can't find him when she turns it off?

Jiang Qing drove straight to his house, but after ringing the doorbell for a long time, no one opened it. Jiang Qing was so anxious and angry that she shouted:

"Gu Junlei, are you in there? Inside, you come out, come out! "

There is still no response. Jiang Qing is really mad. What do you mean? Is the feeling between them so worthless? Can he give up just because of his own interests?

Make sure there is no one at home. Jiang Qing drives to his studio again, but no one calls him. He is still turned off.

"Gu Junlei!" Jiang Qing really hates this son of a bitch! What does it mean to hide from him?

"When Gu Junlei comes back, you tell him I'm looking for him!"

"Yes, Miss Zhong."

After coming out of his studio, Jiang Qing really felt mad. This man hid from him!

Is it really like what an Jianyu said?

Just hide from her, dare not see her, just want to break up with her?

They know so much. When they are in love, they have never had any contradictory love, but they can't stand the wind and rain. Once there is a big storm, those disadvantages will be exposed?

Ha ha, that's ridiculous!

In this way, their love will be destroyed at one time. The stupid things they once did for him and the fact that they didn't marry him have become the biggest irony at the moment?

People should not talk too full. If they are too full, they will overflow and lose the most important part.

Now also let Jiang Qing understand that love is really not as simple and simple as she understood. When those unexpected uses surfaced, she realized and laughed at herself.

She called Gu Junlei again and still turned it off. Jiang Qing was very upset and threw her mobile phone aside. She got in the car again and drove fast.

He turned off the plane and deliberately hid from her, so she had no place to find him, and she didn't know where to drive like this.

What does that wounded heart mean? Just break up with her?

What is the love between them?

She doesn't know, she really doesn't know.

People are unpredictable. People in the world are terrible. Who else can she trust when the most trusted people are using it to calculate themselves?

Chaos, it's too chaotic.

Now Jiang Qing wants to get drunk, and then her mind is empty. She has a hard sleep for a few days and nights.

Sleep in the dark. It's best to wake up and lose memory. It's selective to forget the time with him.

Pain, heart more and more pain, tears more and more surging, feeling about to collapse, she drove to the door of the bar.

Having a big drunk in this place may be the best occasion to vent her lovelorn mood.

At the dawn of the lights, the bar under the neon illusion is in chaos, and the deafening music is wanton. It seems that it wants to cover the noise of the world with this sound.

The flickering metaphorical lights add an ambiguous stroke to this madness, reflecting the more harmonious men and women intertwined.

Jiang Qing has never been to a bar before. Today she came only when she was in a very bad mood. She shuttled through the bright and dark lights and went straight to the central sofa. She didn't order anything but wine.

She used to drink to relieve her worries. Before, whenever a colleague or friend was lovelorn and got drunk, she thought it was too stupid. What's the point?

Three legged toads are hard to find two legged men all over the street. If they are separated, it means that there will be better appearance in the future without fate. There is no need to be too sad, and there is no need to torture yourself for an already wrong feeling.

"Oh." Thinking of this, Jiang Qing smiled. In the end, she despised herself. What she said before is so natural and unrestrained, which can only show that she has not been hurt.

People always say that others are easy to get confused. As usual, if someone told her that she would get drunk one day because of lovelorn, she wouldn't believe it, but what happened?

Jiang Qing drank one bottle after another. She drank in a hurry. Now she doesn't want to take care of anything. She just wants to get drunk, lose consciousness and have a good sleep.

But Mingming has drunk so much. Why are you more and more sober? Why is that heartache getting heavier and heavier?

Jiang Qing wants to cry. Who says it's easy to get drunk when she's in a bad mood, and who says alcohol is easy to numb? Why not for her?

Jiang Qing really cried when she wanted to cry. It was bitter to pour the wine into her mouth with the taste of tears.

"Little beauty, what's the matter? Why are you drinking here alone crying? Why are you unhappy? Tell your brothers? "

Jiang Qing is sitting on the big sofa in the center. A little girl is crying and drinking here alone, which naturally attracts attention.

In a place like a bar where people are mixed up, everyone needs these little ruffians.

Jiang Qing is really unhappy now. She wants to be drunk and can't forget. She also meets these hooligans who come to chat up and want to take advantage of her.

It is said that people will have great courage after drinking wine. Now Jiang Qing is not afraid at all. Coupled with the heart that only wants to vent, when these people get close to her, they are annoyed.

"Little beauty, don't you feel lonely drinking alone? Let your brothers accompany you? "

Seeing that Jiang Qing's eyes did not squint and had no response, those hooligans were eager to try. They stretched out their hands to touch Jiang Qing's face. They saw that their hands were about to touch it. Suddenly, a "bang" startled the people around them.

"Son of a bitch, when I'm easy to bully, isn't it? Die! "

Just now, when the man approached, she swung a wine bottle and hit him hard on the head. The fragments of the wine bottle fell to the ground stained with blood, and the blood flowed down from his head.

Everyone was scared silly first, because there were so many ways to chat up in the bar. Nine out of ten times would succeed. If not, the woman was so timid that she ran away. It was the first time she met someone who would do it.

Then he became angry. The man who was hit in the head covered his head tightly, and the blood flowed down his fingertips.

When the severe pain hit, when the eyes saw a blood red, the man was naturally furious and immediately jumped up and scolded: "smelly woman, you just started to beat me. I think you're tired of living!"

With that, he raised his hand and was about to fight. The sudden palm wind made Jiang Qing's eyes flash. At the moment, her brain was completely blank and numb. She didn't know she was afraid and wouldn't hide. Naturally, she couldn't hide if she wanted to.


But the dramatic thing is that his slap never fell on Jiang Qing's face, but was tightly clamped on his wrist at the moment of falling.

When he felt that his strength was blocked, the man with red eyes became more and more angry and began to scold: "where did you come from... Ah..."

The man had not finished his scolding. His hand clenched his wrist and twisted his backhand, followed by a scream.

In an instant, the noisy bar was suddenly quiet and looked at here.

"Dare to bully Qingqing, you want to die!"

The voice of Leng Li was refreshing. As soon as he put his hand down, the man fell to the ground and rolled on the ground with his arm in pain. This hand tried to be light and thin. Jiang Qing would never stay.

As an Jianyu's terrible voice fell, the group were still in shock, and then they were ruthlessly dragged out by an Jianyu's black bodyguard.

There was no chance for this group of people to resist all the way. The people with broken blood and broken arms were dragged out, leaving a line of blood on the ground.

Everyone in the bar was scared to death, but an Jianyu ignored it and bullied Jiang Qing. Now the only person he is nervous about is Jiang Qing. At the moment, Jiang Qing is half drunk and half awake. He is like an outsider watching a play for what just happened. He has no panic and fear at all.

This novel has been translated by and if you are reading this somewhere, they have stolen our translation.