Mr CEO's hidden wife

Chapter 314

Time passed quickly. Tomorrow, the "tomorrow" for Luo Yichen to leave still came. Yan Qin got up early in the morning to cook food for him. Yan Qin made a lot that morning.

"Big white, eat more. When you get to the army, you won't have these things." Speaking of this, Yang Xu couldn't help but wet his eyes. After all, Dabai was still young. Yan Qin said he was 13 when he went to the army, but Dabai is only 11 now.

"Mommy, don't be sad. Dabai will take care of himself."

"OK, Mommy, believe you, eat quickly and eat more. It's far from the military region and you have to take a long car."

"OK." Luo Yichen nodded.

Soon after Luo Yichen finished his meal, the commander's car drove to the yard of Luo's villa. Seeing the commander's car coming, Yang Xu quickly wiped his tears and brought the packed luggage to Luo Yichen.

"Are you ready?" The commander got out of the car and saw the three of them come out. He asked with a smile.

Obviously, the most important thing about this sentence is to ask Luo Yichen. Hearing this, Luo Yichen nodded affirmatively: "it's all ready."“ Good! " The commander bowed down slightly, touched Luo Yichen's small head, and couldn't help boasting, "you haven't grown up for so many years. Look at this young man, it's military material. I don't see the wrong person. Don't let me down. I strongly recommend you. You can't do it at that time, but I can't

Good face. "

Hearing the commander's ridicule, Luo Yichen smiled confidently: "don't worry, uncle commander, oh, no, it's the head. Please rest assured, I can't let you down!"

Luo Yichen's sonorous and powerful sentence. Hearing this sentence, she saw Luo Yichen's spiritual strength. The adults present couldn't help laughing. Of course, except Yang Xu, now she can't think of anything else except the pain of parting.

"Thank the chief for paying so much attention to cultivation. He's still young. To put it bluntly, he's just a child. If you go to the army, please bear more responsibility for what you have and what you can't do well." Yang Xu looked at the commander and said such a sentence to him very tactfully. But Yang Xu still couldn't help but red his eyes. From the birth of Dabai to now, Dabai has never left her side. This time, he has been away for several years. He wants to stay in the army. I'm afraid it will take several years to see him in the future. Thinking about his sad appearance, Dabai also feels sad

This is very unfilial, but he can't give up what he wants to pursue for this. Seeing Yang Xu's understanding, he said to Yang Xu, "Mrs. Luo, I understand your mood, but please rest assured that I will take good care of Dabai. I have joined the army for nearly 40 years and have been a general for more than ten years. I have never seen such a smart and suitable person as Dabai

He was born for the army. I want this soldier and I will be responsible for him. How about it? "

Although Da Bai is still a child, his intelligence is absolutely extraordinary. She also believes in Da Bai's adaptability.

Hearing an old army commander praising his son like this, Yan Qin felt very proud. He looked at Yang Xu who was crying and said, "the army commander is right. Dabai belongs to the army. That's where Dabai can be used."

"Yes, if Da Bai stays in the army, his future will be unlimited!"

The commander was very confident. Hearing that Yang Xu held the little guy in her arms again, she was reluctant, really reluctant.

"Mommy, don't be sad. The separation is only temporary. Dabai will often come back to see daddy and Mommy."

Dabai is very sensible to say this sentence.

Yan Qin couldn't help but pick up Dabai. For the first time, he had the impulse to cry. He felt sorry for his son from the bottom of his heart.

"Good son, daddy's good son, Dabai, we are proud of you."

"Well, Bai said I wouldn't let you down. Just wait and see!"

In Dabai's absolutely domineering words, Yan Qin and Yang Xu smiled proudly. Good son, really good son.

"Brother!" At this time, Luo Yixing and Luo Yifeng ran out. They ran over and hugged Luo Yichen.

"Brother, you must take good care of yourself when you arrive in the army. We will miss you."

"Yes, we'll all miss you, brother."

Luo Yixing and Luo Yifeng were obedient since childhood. Luo Yichen looked at them and told them, "I will. You should also be obedient and study hard. Don't make daddy and Mommy angry."

"We will."

The commander looked at the time and said to them, "it's getting late. Does Colonel Luo and Mrs. Luo have anything else to tell? If not, I should take Dabai away. "

be gone? I am going now.

Hearing this, Yang Xu still hugged Dabai. Seeing this, Dabai also cried. His little hand quickly wiped his tears and said:

"Soldiers sweat and bleed without tears, so does Mommy. Mommy, don't cry. Dabai will always be mommy's good son. As long as Mommy Needs Dabai, she will come back."

"Well, good son, the army is suffering. Take good care of yourself. Call home when you are free. When your brother and sister are older, I'll take them to the army to see you."

"I see, Mommy, Mommy doesn't cry." Then Dabai's little hand wiped Yang Xu's tears, and then reported to the military commander: "report to the chief, we can go."

"Dabai......" seeing that he was leaving, Yang Xu still couldn't help crying. Dabai pursed slightly at the corners of his mouth and felt uncomfortable. Yan Qin patted Yang Xu on the shoulder: "well, don't burden Dabai. Now Dabai is a soldier!"


What a heavy word, Yang Xu nodded with tears: "yes, Dabai is a soldier and the pride of the Luo family!"

Dabai gets on the car with the army commander and looks at the car gradually disappearing into his vision. Yang Xu tightly hugs Yan Qin. Yan Qin can't stand it at the moment. It's strange that his son is so young.

But he can't show any weakness. If he is weak at all, Yang Xu will collapse completely.

Luo Yichen left. Their big white left. Luo Yixing and Luo Yifeng hurriedly had breakfast and sent them to school. After sending off their two children, Yang Xu sat in the car powerlessly and looked out of the window. He felt like something was missing.

In fact, she's right. Sending Dabai to the army is like losing this son. I can't see him once in a few years

"Well, it's his honor that our son can be valued by the commander. So many people want to join the army and can't be a soldier. Our son is excellent, isn't he?" Yan Qin looked at Yang Xu and coaxed her like a child.

Yang Xu was very uncomfortable and said, "I'd rather he was ordinary."

Yan Qin couldn't help laughing when he saw her like this. He hugged her and softened his tone: "well, now that Da Bai has gone, it can't save anything. Be happy, huh?"

"It's not all your fault, but for your soft ears, can he go?"

"Yes, it's all my fault. It's all my fault, okay?" Yan Qin looked into her eyes and coaxed her.

Yang Xu tooted his mouth and didn't look at him or speak. Yan Qin then coaxed: "in order to compensate his wife, let's go to the movies again. Recently, a military theme movie seems to have been released and has a good reputation. Do you want to see it?"

As soon as he heard that it was a military film, Yang Xu immediately exploded in emotion and immediately shouted to Yan Qin: "don't mention any military theme to me. I won't go to see military films in my life. I won't go to see them in my life!"

"Well, well, don't look at it. Then, take you to the mall and go shopping? Shall we go and buy everything you want? "

"No mood."

"Then have a big meal? It's said that a new western restaurant has been opened recently. Would you like to try it? "

"No appetite."

Now Yan Qin had no choice. He looked at Yang Xu helplessly and asked, "what do you want to do?"

"I just want to cry. I just want to cry. I just want to cry." This Yang Xu came at once, and then he couldn't help crying.

Seeing this, Yan Qin really wanted to cry without tears. He hurriedly held Yang Xu over, patted him on the back and coaxed her: "why do you cry? These days, when you close your eyes, you cry. Don't you have a headache? Besides, no matter how much you cry now, you still go to the army, don't you? "

"I know, I know. I try to control it, but I just can't control it." Yang Xu looked at Yan Qin and was very wronged. She also wanted to control it, but as a mother, she couldn't control it.

"I know, I understand, but it's no use being sad now. Then find a way to make yourself happier. If you don't go to the movies, go shopping or have a big meal, I have a way. You wait here."

After saying that, Yan Qin hurried out of the car. Seeing this, Yang Xu hurriedly shouted and asked, "Yan Qin, where are you going?"

But Yan Qin has run away. Yang Xu toots her mouth. She doesn't know what Yan Qin is going to do, but it can be confirmed that every time Yan Qin says to take her to a place, there must be a surprise.

Sure enough

It was really a surprise that Yan Qin appeared in front of her again on a bicycle and said, "get in the car."

Seeing this, Yang Xu was completely stunned and hurriedly asked, "where did you find the bike?"

"Don't worry about it. Get in the car and I'll take you for a ride?" Yan Qin had a faint smile on his face.

But Yang Xu was shy and said, "why? When I'm old and not young, I still learn from primary school students to play bike love? No, No. "

"What's the point? You're not allowed to play this romance when you're old? Come on, come on! " Yan Qin called Yang Xu again. Yang Xu blushed and looked around, but finally got out of the car, jumped onto Yan Qin's bike and sat behind it.

This novel has been translated by and if you are reading this somewhere, they have stolen our translation.