Mr CEO's hidden wife

Chapter 303

Something important?

Although Yan Qin quarrels with an Jinyan from time to time, when it comes to business, an Jinyan is always the most reliable one.

"What's the matter?" After dinner, the servant went to clean up. Yang Xu and they all played with the children in the living room. Yan Qin went into the study with an Jinyan.

"It doesn't have much to do with us, but I think it's necessary to tell you."

"Don't talk nonsense!" Yan Qin immediately denounced.

An Jinyan said seriously: "during your time in the military region, director Lu was investigated. Probably yesterday, he officially issued the document and director Lu was sacked."

"What are you talking about?" Yan Qin was really surprised to hear that. Director Lu fell off his horse?

"I'm shocked, too." An Jinyan said slowly, "director Lu's ten-year term of office is coming to an end. I don't know whether he was reported or what happened. Just a few days ago, there was a news that director Lu was temporarily suspended for investigation.

Yesterday, I issued a document saying that he was involved in the underworld, colluded with police and bandits, knew the law and broke the law, heard that the charges were quite big, and acted very quickly. The new director of the provincial public security department will take office today. "

Yan Qin really sighed when he heard this. He naturally heard something from the last conversation with director Lu. He did do something illegal, but he didn't know what role he played in the poison stabbing terrorist organization.

What he said, you can turn a blind eye. Yan Qin thought it would probably pass. Unexpectedly

"I see." Yan Qin said faintly.

In fact, an Jinyan was right. It had little to do with them. He had no friendship with director Lu. He had only seen him on several occasions before. The real contact was from the day he transferred the file of Lord Luo.

It can be said that his failure to fall has no impact on his life. However, he has helped himself a lot in recent times. Suddenly he fell off his horse. Yan Qin really doesn't know what it's like.

Because of this, Yan Qin didn't sleep well all night. He didn't know what he was thinking. Maybe his father had done that position, so he paid more attention.

"Husband, I'm fine at home today. Big white and little white are still on vacation. Shall we take our children to the amusement park? I haven't taken my children with me for a long time. "

After getting up for dinner the next day, Yang Xu asked Yan Qin. Yan Qin smiled and nodded, "OK, I'll change my clothes."

Yan Qin changed his clothes and also changed the clothes for Da Bai and Xiao Bai. The family was going out, but a guest came to the house, a guest in police uniform.

"Hello, Luo Beiluo always?"

Seeing that the police suddenly visited Yan Qin and Yang Xu, Yan Qin nodded, "yes, what can I do for you?"“ Mr. Luo, it's director Lu who wants to see you. " The policeman said, "I think you should know that director Lu has an accident. No one is allowed to visit him now, and director Lu will be transferred to Kyoto for trial tomorrow, but I have feelings with him for so many years. He said he wanted to see him

You and I will break the discipline once. Would you like to meet him with me? "

Director Lu?

Last night, because I heard that director Lu had an accident, he didn't sleep well all night. Director Lu wants to see him today?

Hearing this, Yang Xu knew the great meaning. He hurriedly pulled over Da Bai and Xiao Bai and said to Yan Qin, "since director Lu wants to see you, you can go to the amusement park another day."

Yan Qin was very pleased with Yang Xu's initiative. Yan Qin nodded and said, "well, I'll be back soon."

During the period when Jing Lun appeared, Yan Qin often went to see director Lu, but this time, his heart was suddenly heavy and he was a little afraid to see him.

The policeman took him in through the back door. Because it was against discipline, he still had to keep a low profile. Yan Qin waited there. Soon, director Lu was led out by two policemen.

At that moment, Yan Qin had a great visual impact. From a dignified white police uniform to today's prisoners, from a high-ranking director to today's prisoners, Yan Qin really couldn't adapt to the change of roles.

When he cleaned up Heyuan City a few days ago, director Lu personally took a helicopter to command the battle. As a result, he went to the army. How can he

Yan Qin was shocked, and director Lu felt shameless. He slowly sat down opposite him, smiled at himself and said, "is it special irony to meet again in this place?"


Hearing this, Yan Qin took a deep breath and nodded: "yes, it's really ironic. I can't believe it when I sit opposite you and see director Lu like this." Lu Ting smiled. He laughed at himself again and said, "yes, that's what people are like. It may take ten, twenty, or even longer to go uphill to reach the peak, but if you want to go downhill, it's just a moment, your brain is so crooked, and then, if you miss, the whole person will fall

The bottom of the valley. "

At the moment, Yan Qin didn't know what to say. He was silent and looked at him like this.

From his expression, he saw regret and an understanding of life, but it was too late and mixed with an irreparable helplessness.

Anyway, it's complicated.

"I don't know why I want to see you at this time. Maybe I want to say something, but I'm afraid no one will understand it, so I came to you."

"I'm honored." Director Lu said so. Yan Qin really thought so.

"Really?" Director Lu smiled. "It's my honor to be thought of by a criminal before trial."

Yan Qin could probably understand director Lu's mood, so he still didn't speak. Since he wanted to say, let him say that they might never see each other again after this meeting“ When I first became a policeman, my blood was boiling. I wanted to crack down on all evil forces, catch all the bad guys in the world, and be a superhero worshipped by everyone. I thought it was hard but energetic at that time. It was really a full time, and then I relied on my own

I worked hard to reach the peak of a career step by step. Maybe it was still the idea at that time, but I didn't have the energy at that time. "

Speaking of this, director Lu smiled bitterly, looked at Yan Qin and said, "maybe you are right about why people need to grow two eyes."

Is he right?

Director Lu said again, "many things in the world can be turned a blind eye, but only the law can't." Speaking of this, Lu Ting sighed for a long time and then said: "looking back on my decades as a policeman, I also fought life and death to catch crimes, and I was indomitable under the retaliation of evil forces, but the law is like this. Ten meritorious deeds can't equal that mistake, so people, forever

Don't make unforgivable mistakes of the law, and don't have any luck. You can't escape. "

Director Lu also thought that he would leave office soon. Some mistakes can be passed, but——

Director Lu said slowly: "the choice between hero and criminal is just a thought. Jing Lun has been on the run for so many years. So many police have never caught him, but he fell into my hand a few years ago. If I catch him, I will make great achievements, but

It's easy for people to find themselves in front of interests. I thought at that time, what if they made great contributions? Can I climb up again? Is there any need to climb up? It's better to cooperate with Jinglun to earn it, but it's easy to think, and then it became a bottomless pit.

I became more and more dissatisfied when I made more and more black money. Until you came to investigate your father's case, I began to feel guilty, but I don't know why. We clearly have countless ways to let you die, but I didn't.

After I caught Jing Lun, I was too anxious to kill him, so I didn't have a chance to try. At that time, the reason why your father was killed was really unknown. I'm sorry for this.

So after Jing Lun died, I tried my best to make up for it. Seriously, I went to save you a few days ago. I really enjoyed the process. It's like going back to my youth. I didn't have any ideas except to fight criminals. I thought everything could pass... "Speaking of this, director Lu's eyes are wet, He paused for a long time before he said, "I've met countless criminals. I've seen too many. After being caught, I cried bitterly and said I regretted it. At that time, I didn't have any sympathy for them. I just wanted to tell them why to be a criminal if I knew today

Time. I never thought that one day I would sit in this place, and one day I would shed tears of regret in the face of trial. Originally, I could be praised as famous as your father, but now I end up with so many criminals I have arrested before. In the same way, although I

However, I regret it, but I don't feel sorry for myself. I know the law and break the law. There is nothing to sympathize with. "

He eased his mood and looked at Yan Qin, which was a kind of advice to young people: "officialdom is really a vanity fair that is easy to lose. Unlike shopping malls, it can use all kinds of competitive means to obtain the maximum benefits. Money is the dirtiest and most attractive thing. Most of the time, human nature is worthless in front of it. Yan Qin, I see the shadow of your father in you. If you can, let your father's legend end in this officialdom. Never enter this circle and never be a man

That's what I'm going to tell you today. "

"I wrote it down." Yan Qin was very touched to hear this.

Lu Ting smiled and said, "last time I made you think, you said you might not understand. This time I hope you can think it through. Now you can go, but remember never to come back to such a place in your life!"

After that, director Lu stood up first. Yan Qin looked at him and watched him walk into the darkness with regret. When he left here, he had to do what director Lu said and never come back to such a place in his life. Yan Qin sighed long, then turned around and walked out of here without looking back

This novel has been translated by and if you are reading this somewhere, they have stolen our translation.