Mr CEO's hidden wife

Chapter 288

"It's my fault that I should keep such a person around and reuse him. I can see his wolf ambition, but I didn't expect that he had the courage to break ground on Tai Sui's head. It's like looking for death!"

The most hated thing for those who come out to join the underworld is to be stabbed by their own people, especially by their own men. That feeling really makes people feel angry!

"When I catch him back, I must have dealt with him myself, bastard!" Mr. Yuan said again.

Yan Qin, who should have been more angry than Mr. Yuan, just smiled quietly and didn't respond. No one knows that when it comes to Heyuan City, no one wants to catch him more than Yan Qin.

"Heyuan City can't last for a few days. Don't worry, I'll catch it." Yan Qin was sure of this and never doubted it.

"I'm sure I can't escape. I just feel angry when I think I'm going to assassinate me and let him run away afterwards."

Seeing the appearance of fifth master yuan, Yan Qin still looked calm and indifferent. He gently picked up the teapot and poured a cup of tea for fifth master yuan. He said, "fifth master likes tea art best. He should know that he needs meditation most when tasting tea. Those dirty things will only disturb his interest. Don't say it."

Seeing Yan Qin doing so and saying so, Mr. Yuan was really surprised. He admired Yan Qin again, smiled approvingly and said, "I like your temperament. If I had your son, I would be satisfied."

His son?

Yan Qin smiled. He didn't want to. That's what he thought.

"But I don't want to have a gangster father. If you want to recognize your son, it's too late. I have a godfather. I'll be a godfather in my life. I don't intend to find more."

Yan Qin said it directly. It can also be said that he blocked all the words that fifth master yuan wanted to say later. Fifth master yuan looked at him with a frown and looked a little unhappy“ I've been on the road for decades, and countless people want to curry favor with me. If I want to be my son, I don't choose any means to show up in front of me. You refuse before I say it, and you dare to refuse me. You're the first, boy. You're really not afraid to make me unhappy. I'll shoot you down

What happened to you? "

Hearing this, Yan Qin just smiled and said, "first, I respect you, so I'm willing to really say what I think. Second, I'm not afraid of you. I'm confident that you can't kill me. Third, I feel that you won't kill me."

"Ha ha ha ha." After hearing this, Mr. Yuan burst out laughing, pointed to Yan Qin and said, "your boy, good, good, you are much more pleasant than your father."

Yan Qin also smiled, then took a sip of tea from the teacup, put down the teacup, and then Mr. Yuan said, "in fact, I'm not looking for you to taste tea with you this time, but I want to tell you something."

"Fifth master, please speak."

"I'm going to leave T city. I may not come back in recent years."

"Are you leaving?" Yan Qin asked.

Mr. Yuan nodded: "t city is your world. I disdain to compete with a hairy boy for territory. My main business is not here, so I don't have to waste time here. Of course, I will send someone to Heyuan City, but the traitor doesn't deserve to involve me too much energy."

Mr. Yuan said before that because Yan Xin was abroad, he followed him abroad. He has basically developed abroad in recent years. There is really nothing he can worry about here in T city.

"Well, I'll see you off when I taste tea this time."

The relationship between Yan Qin and fifth master yuan is very delicate. It seems that a friend is not, and the enemy is not. It seems that the friendship between an elder and a younger generation is not. In short, there is no suitable word to define it.

Not deep, not shallow.

"OK." Mr. Yuan answered, and then told Yan Qin, "remember what I told you last time."

"Huh?" Yan Qin was slightly stunned. What sentence? Say young people don't be impulsive? Seeing Yan Qin's confused appearance, fifth master yuan snorted in displeasure, and then repeated it again: "young people, don't be too impulsive. You should leave a way for yourself in everything, otherwise you will suffer in the end. Also, don't learn from your rigid father and don't live up to the people who love you

People, or they will regret themselves in the end. "

Mr. Yuan's tone was like a father educating his son. Yan Qin felt very warm and grateful when he heard these words, because he was too young when his parents died. Later, he followed Jiang Zhan, who was busy all day. No one had ever said such words to him.

"I see, fifth master, I have written down your words."

"Don't just say it's not enough to write it down. Remember to take action. When you're going to have a wedding, remember to inform me in advance. I still want to hold it."

Yan Qin smiled, nodded and said, "yes, I will be the first to inform the fifth master when the wedding is scheduled."

"OK." Mr. Yuan smiled happily.

Yan Qin and fifth master yuan were really unexpected results. Originally, water and fire were not allowed, but now they have become a relationship of forgetting to make friends.

Good, good. As Mr. Yuan said, one more friend and one less enemy is a great good thing.

Yan Qin had tea with Mr. Yuan in the morning, and Mr. Yuan boarded the plane in the afternoon. As he said, he would not come back in a moment and a half.

He sent Xing Yanqin to the company for Mr. Yuan, and then went out to purchase. He told Yang Xu that he wanted to buy a lot of things for pregnant women and babies.

When all these things were carried home, Yang Xu was really shocked: "Yan Qin, do you want to exaggerate? Are you going to move all the shopping malls home? "

"Of course not. These are things that pregnant women and newborns can use in the future."

This time, the things he bought are stacked in the guest room. Yang Xu is really helpless. Who says that only women are shopaholics? Men don't want to die if they work hard.

"During the period when my wife is pregnant, I try to put off my work, that is to take good care of you at home."

Yang Xu was really moved to hear Yan Qin say that. Of course, she also believed that Yan Qin would do what he said.

Now Yang Xu's life is completely the life of the Empress Dowager. He puts out his clothes and opens his mouth. He does almost nothing except eat, drink, sleep, rest, walk and listen to music.

This period of time was really pleasant and comfortable. If it was a great pity that Yan Qin was not accompanied during the last pregnancy and childbirth, it has really made up for everything now.

I don't know if it's true that the month is growing, or Yan Qin takes good care of it. He has too much nutrition, so he looks at his stomach growing day by day.

That day, Yan Qin cooked another meal and called Yang Xu to come over for dinner. Yan Qin didn't study anything else these days, but he was very proficient in cooking.

"Wow, better than a five-star chef." Just looking at Yang Xu couldn't help drooling.

"That's nature. Try it." Being praised by Yang Xu, Yan Qin couldn't help feeling a little proud.

"Yes." Yang Xu answered quickly, then picked up chopsticks and began to eat. After tasting it, he couldn't help giving Yan Qin a thumbs up, "Hmm ~ ~ ~ ~ great! Husband, you are simply a male god. You are handsome, capable and charming. You can cook. You are a versatile person! "

This was the first time Yang Xu really praised him. Although it was very empty, Yan Qin couldn't help being happy.

"Husband, come on, you also sit down and eat quickly. Isn't it exploitative for you to only let you cook and not let you eat?"

"You have a little conscience." Yan Qin smiled, but just about to start eating, the phone rang. It was an Jinyan who opened it.

Generally, no matter what, an Jinyan won't call him.

"Hey, Jin Yan."

"Turn on the TV."

Turn on the TV?

Yan Qin didn't think much about hanging up an Jinyan, so he quickly turned on the TV. The news station is broadcasting a news conference on the case of stabbing terrorist organizations. The protagonist is director Lu“ Recently, the police of T City cracked a major case that has not been solved for nearly 30 years and smashed the poison stab terrorist organization headed by Jing Lun. Jing Lun has been arrested, but today Jing Lun tried to escape from prison and was killed on the spot. Jing Lun's death also announced the original reason. Now Jing Rong is headed by Jing Lun

The extraordinarily large terrorist organization was completely smashed. So far, in addition to Jing Lun, thousands of suspects of the organization have been arrested. After Jing Lun was arrested, Jing Lun has explained his crimes one by one. Among them, Jing Lun confessed that he brutally killed Luo Yuanxun, the former director of the provincial public security department, in retaliation for his capture of Jing Rong

Da Bai, if the murderer is captured, I wish peace will last forever and the hero will rest in peace. Next, director Lu will give us a specific description of the case... "

Hearing this, Yan Qin felt very heavy. After his father died for so many years, he finally caught the murderer and got rid of the four perfunctory words of his father's death on duty. Just Jinglun escaped from prison and was killed on the spot?

"Yang Xu, you eat first. I'll go out."

"Where are you going?" Yang Xu hurriedly asked, but Yan Qin had hurried out.

Yan Qin didn't go anywhere else, but went to the provincial public security department. Just now, it was a live broadcast. Director Lu hasn't come back yet. Yan Qin is waiting outside his office.

After waiting for a long time, director Lu finally came back. He was stopped by security guards behind him. Countless reporters were outside. It didn't seem strange to see Yan Qin waiting for him here. On the contrary, director Lu thought this was expected.

"Come on, Mr. Luo, come in and sit down." Director Lu always spoke politely to Yan Qin.

Yan Qin followed director Lu into the office. When he got to the office, his secretary was busy making tea for Yan Qin. Yan Qin said, "director Lu, don't bother. I just came to know the situation and left."

"OK." Director Lu said faintly, then raised his hand and sent his secretary out and brought the door. Now there are only two of them in the office. Director Lu first asked, "you must have seen the press conference?"

Yan Qin nodded, "yes."“ What are you trying to tell me? What do you want to know from me? " Director Lu looked at Yan Qin and asked slowly.

This novel has been translated by and if you are reading this somewhere, they have stolen our translation.