Mr CEO's hidden wife

Chapter 282

Hearing the sound of the police car, everyone was surprised. An Jinyan looked at Yan Qin and couldn't help saying, "your boy is really well planned. Even the police have come."


Yan Qin just said faintly, "I didn't call the police."

An Jinyan was stunned. Then he watched director Lu come in with the police. He saw the police coming, and director Lu brought someone himself. An Jinyan and Zhong Yi were really shocked.

"Director Lu." Seeing that director Lu brought someone himself, an Jinyan and Zhong Yi were busy and polite.

Seeing that director Lu came to Yanqin, he was also surprised and felt that it was not the right time“ President Luo. " Director Lu called Yan Qin, and then several policemen went there with handcuffs and wanted to cuff Jing Lun and take him away. But Yan Qin didn't want to let Jing Lun go at all. He was completely willing to torture him with his own hands, so director Lu reminded him

A word“ Just now a guest called the police and said there was a gunfight here. " For their astonishment, director Lu explained first. After that, he said to Yan Qin, "president Luo, I understand your mood now. After all, it is a deep blood feud, but now Jing Lun is an important wanted criminal and should be handed over to the law

Disposal. If you kill him without authorization today, you should also bear legal responsibility. I hope you don't be impulsive. " Director Lu's words are completely reasonable. Now Jing Lun is an important wanted criminal in the world and should be taken away by the police and handed over to the law. If the police are not present, it may be said to be self-defense, but now the police come and Yan Qin insists on killing him. Yan Qin will be punished by the law

Legal sanctions. Hearing this, an Jinyan hurried forward and advised Yan Qin: "Yan Qin, director Lu is right. Don't be impulsive. Killing him is also troublesome. It's not worth it. He's countless and heinous. He's also a capital crime before the law. It's just a matter of time. Let him suffer a few more days before he dies


"Yes, brother, don't be impulsive. It's not worth it for such a person." Zhong Yi also hurriedly advised.

Yan Qin looked at Jing Lun again. Now Jing Lun is not as good as a stray dog. He really can't live for a few days before the law, but

"Director Lu, you can really expect things like a God. When you receive the alarm, you can guess that Jinglun will appear." The police quickly put the handcuffs on the well and dragged him to the ground.

Now he had no strength at all. The wound pierced by Yan Qin was bleeding all the time. He was dragged out. When hearing Yan Qin's question, director Lu just smiled and said, "a guest called the police and said that there was a shooting incident at the wedding in Heyuan City. Luo and Mr. Yuan were present. Even if I didn't guess that Jing Lun would come, you two big people moved their hands. I have to go there myself, otherwise it would be the same

I'm afraid I can't keep my black hat. "

After listening to director Lu's explanation, Yan Qin just smiled and said, "director Lu is hard."

"Within minutes." Director Lu was still so easy-going and polite, and then said to Yan Qin, "I'll take Jing Lun away. The court will soon prosecute him. I'll inform president Luo to listen in. Don't worry, if Jing Lun catches it, director Luo's revenge will be rewarded." Yan Qin just nodded, then watched the landing director turn and walked out. In the next few seconds, Yan Qin was in a state of deep thought until the people of the fifth master yuan hurried in and reported with fear: "the fifth master, the fifth master, we are incompetent. Heyuan City, Heyuan City, he ran away,

We didn't find it anywhere. "

After that, they all hung their heads, each afraid of being tight and ineffective. It is a very serious crime for Mr. Yuan.

"A bunch of rubbish! So many people went after one person and lost it! Waste! "

Hearing that Heyuan City ran away, Mr. Yuan was so angry that he shouted angrily at these people.

"Yes." They can only listen to the scolding words of waste.

"Go and find it for me again. Dig three feet and find it for me! I said, "live to see people, die to see corpses!" Fifth master yuan gave a death order.

"Yes." Subordinates took the order, and then a subordinate reported: "fifth master, although Heyuan City ran away, Yu Xinlei didn't run away. She's dead. What do you think of the disposal of the body?"

"What are you talking about?" An Jinyan was surprised to hear that Yu Xinlei was dead. "Yu Xinlei is dead?"

This news is really sad. Heyuan City ran away and Yu Xinlei died. Is he dead“ Since everyone is dead, let's bury them. " This sentence was said by an Jinyan. He has been a doctor for so many years and has seen too many things about life and death, but in any case, it is the dead. Since people are dead, no matter how many mistakes they make, they can only be brought to the grave. There is no need to chase them


An Jinyan looked at Yan Qin after saying this, because Yu Xinlei was the reason why Yang Xu was kidnapped. He was not sure if Yan Qin would agree with him, but Yan Qin didn't answer.

What if he hates the bud again? Yu Xinlei is dead. How much do you hate a dead man? Bury him. It's better to bury him.

"Since President an said so and Yan Shao has no opinion, let's do it. After all, I've lived there for so long. Let me do it later." Yan Qin was really grateful to hear what fifth master Yuan said, and hurriedly said, "fifth master yuan, I really don't know how to thank you this time."“ Thank you. I said it for the last time. Don't come to me again next time! " Mr. Yuan pretended to be a serious reminder. Yan Qin smiled reluctantly and said, "no next time!"“ This time, it's not all for you. I've seen the wolf ambition of Heyuan City for a long time, but I didn't expect that he had the courage to kill me directly. Damn it! "“ He is also a grasshopper after autumn. It won't be a few days. I believe you can catch him back soon. " An Jinyan said so. Mr. Yuan nodded and looked at Yan Qin's arm. The blood in his wound had dried up. Mr. Yuan said, "all right, do whatever you should do. I'm tired after playing with you for so many days." With that, Mr. Yuan went out first. After Mr. Yuan left, Zhong Yi hurriedly asked Yan Qin, "brother, is your arm okay?" Zhong Yi can't shoot Yan Qin, but that's what Yan Qin means. Zhong Yi has to do it. Jing Lun is not a simple person. If he isn't really hurt, he won't take the bait, so... "It's all right." Yan Qin hurriedly said that Zhong Yi was also a veteran for many years. He was very powerful with a gun. Although he did hit Yan Qin's arm, the bullet just rubbed his arm. It didn't matter“ Elder brother, Dean an, you've really worried about this time. " Zhong Yi feels very sorry when he looks at Yan Qin and an Jinyan. He is even more upset when he thinks about the trouble they have caused for so many days. Hearing this, Yan qincai felt uneasy. He hurriedly said, "Zhong Yi, this sentence should be said by me. It's really difficult for you and made you suffer a lot. I should have borne these."“ Brother, don't say that. I'm willing to do it. " Speaking of his willingness to do so, Yan Qin was also angry. He could not help scolding: "although I feel sorry, I still want to criticize you. Don't do such a thing again in the future. If there is such a thing again, don't recognize me as the eldest brother!"“ I see, big brother. " Zhong Yi said hurriedly“ All right, you two old men, don't be tired of being here. It's useless to say these things. Zhong Yi, this time, you don't have to thank anyone. The most important thing to thank is smile. She really took care of you during this time. You did your best. The whole person lost a circle and washed his face with tears almost all day. " When it comes to Jiang Guan Er, Zhong Yi's heart hurts violently. When he wakes up, he is really sad to see Jiang Guan Er like that. It's even more painful. His heart will drop blood, but Zhong Yi repeatedly reminds him to hold back, or he will fall short of success. There is no way, he can only be cruel and install it again“ This time I'm really sorry to smile. I really didn't consider her when I made this decision. I thought she didn't care about me. I... "OK, don't be a mother here. If you don't go back, smile will be crazy." Yan Qin interrupted Zhong Yi and said a sentence. Elder brother Lian Yi said, "I heard this. Let's go first." With that, Zhong Yi was very excited and hurried out. Seeing that Zhong Yi was the same as before, Yan Qin smiled happily and put down a big stone in his heart“ What should I do? I owe you again. " Yan Qin looked at an Jinyan and said so. An Jinyan disapproved: "you owe me a lot. It's good that Zhong Yi can wake up this time, and Jing Lun has caught it. It's really gratifying. Although Heyuan ran away, Mr. Yuan's people all over the world will find him in a few days. It's not enough to be afraid. How about it? Would you like to celebrate tonight? " This time, an Jinyan also felt very tired from acting. Obviously, he had cured Zhong Yi, but he still pretended to be very worried and headache in front of Yang Xu, accompanied her to study and do this investigation“ What did I say just now? Would you like to celebrate tonight? Go to my house. " An Jinyan said it again, but Yan Qin said, "now is not the time, and how can I celebrate like this? Another day. " After that, Yan Qin also went out. An Jinyan really wanted to curse. Isn't it time? When is it? This novel has been translated by and if you are reading this somewhere, they have stolen our translation.