Mr CEO's hidden wife

Chapter 270

Today, Yang Xu spent a day in the hospital reading materials and studying them. In the afternoon, Yan Qin took her home with Xiaobai, but after dinner, Yang Xu took these materials to the study.

"Daddy, Mommy seems very busy." Bluntly said. Xiaobai also said: "no, as long as mommy is busy, daddy is busy recently. He doesn't have time to play with us and doesn't cook delicious food for Xiaobai. Our teacher said that we all have two dads, one is a good father and the other is a bad father. The one who can make friends with us is a good father,

It is a bad father who is busy ignoring us all day. Now, daddy, you are bad! "

Hearing these words, Yan Qin was really surprised and felt sorry for Da Xiaobai. He hurriedly said, "I'm sorry, my da Xiaobai, daddy is really busy recently. After this busy period, will dad take you to have a good time?"

"When will that be?" Xiaobai asked with an angry face.

"Well... Soon, daddy will deal with it and accompany you on vacation, okay?"

"Good! I like this! " Xiaobai hurriedly said so.

"You know how to play." Dabai said something contemptuous, then looked at Yan Qin and asked, "Daddy, you didn't take me to see the tanks, snipers and artillery you told me last time."

"It's barbaric. These things don't have love at all."

"I want to be a general in the future, Luo Xiaobai. I advise you to be polite to me."

Hearing this, Xiaobai made a face at Dabai. Yan Qin couldn't help smiling. They are really two little living treasures.

"Don't worry. When you're busy, daddy will take you wherever you want to go. Bai wants to see these. When daddy is busy, he will take you to the army."

"Well, long live Daddy!" Dabai said excitedly.

After eating for nothing, big and small went to work, while Yan Qin entered the study. Yang Xu sat in front of the computer very seriously, looked up the information from the Internet, and then wrote it down in his book very seriously.

Yan Qin approached, bowed and gently hugged her from behind. Although Yan Qin's action was very light, he could not help but startled Yang Xu.

She stopped to beat Yan Qin's hand and said, "when did you come in? Scare me. "

"You work too hard." Then Yan Qin closed the book for her and turned off the machine. Yang Xu hurriedly said, "Oh, don't turn it off. I haven't finished checking it yet."

"I've been busy all day in the hospital. Don't be busy at night. You still have children in your stomach. Using computers with more radiation is bad for your baby." Yan Qin said so nervously.

"It's okay. It's scientifically verified. The radiation of computers to children is actually very small."

"There are also small ones, and just now Xiaobai said that we have been busy recently and have no time to accompany them."

"Really? What did the child say? " Upon hearing this, Yang Xu immediately got up and said, "I'll accompany them now."

Yang Xu wanted to go, but Yan Qin held her, then nestled her in his arms and said, "they're playing. We'll go later."

"What's the matter with you? Today I feel again? "

Yan Qin smiled: "there are so many feelings. It's because you're too tired. Let you have a rest."

Yan Qin's tone was very gentle, like a hot spring spreading through Yang Xu's heart, pouring sweet water into the dry cracks.

This heart is warm, and warmth is given by him, but also by love.

Yang Xu didn't resist any more. He leaned lazily on his body. Yan Qin took her to the French window and looked out of the window.

"We are so happy now. It's hard to think that Guan Er is still in the hospital. I hope Zhong Yi can get better soon."

"It depends on my great wife. I believe Zhong Yi will get better soon with my wife's participation."

"You can talk." Yang Xu made a pretentious remark. Then she turned around, faced Yan Qin, looked up at him and asked, "do you know how Yu Xinlei is now?"

"Are you still thinking about her? If I see her again, I will not let her go! " Now when it comes to Yu Xinlei, Yan Qin is still angry.

"Just ask casually. In fact, she is also a poor person."

"Poor people must be hated." Yan Qin said bluntly, "there is no need to sympathize or sigh about who is good and who is bad, because you will be good to others and others will come to treat you.

No one's happiness comes for no reason, and no love has no reason. If you feel good now, you are grateful not to others, but to thank your understanding, your generosity and your kindness. "

I don't know when Yang Xu felt that the special forces king had become a poet and a philosopher.

From his sensational words to the words with connotation now, this changeable man is like a deep pool. There is no bottom line for her to discover, surprise and love more and more.

Silent eyes, four eyes relative, rich love exposed in this warm light.

Wave after wave, more and more urgent, more and more overdone, catalyzing a kind of forgetfulness and capturing a kind of reason.

Under the light, Yang Xu's long hair drooping at will is scattered, like a flowing sea of flowers, with a continuous wave.

That pair of black eyes flashing like stars, with a faint red in the white, like Rouge in the water, stand on the two curved eyebrows on the water, outlining the most beautiful radian.

And the thin lips are red with fire. The whole person radiates a crazy charm, which makes people want to forget their God.

"Girl, you are really beautiful. You are the most beautiful girl I have ever seen."

Yan Qin's eyes narrowed intoxicatedly. The eyes completely betrayed his eyes. The atmosphere was strangely ambiguous. Some dark moonlight outside the window poured more and more fiercely.

The cold moonlight spread all over their faces, but it could not melt the heat. On the contrary, it became hotter and hotter, approaching fever, and the burning mind began to be confused.

"More beautiful than any girl?" Yang Xu didn't know which nerve was wrong. Unexpectedly, like other jealous little women, she asked this sentence without a head.

"Yes!" Yan Qin's answer was very straightforward, either rational or addicted. He couldn't tell himself clearly, "more beautiful than anyone."

While talking, his eyes became more and more blurred, like a bottomless hole of love. The deeper he looked, the more he fell. He couldn't find a handle to attach to.

Let the body fall more and more powerless, but he is powerless and willing to sink.

Yang Xu slowly breathed a breath, and the thin cold breath caressed Yan Qin's face. His heart suddenly got out of control, and his body began to get out of control.

Yang Xu slowly approached, and his heart beat irregularly. His charm seemed to have burned Yang Xu's eyes and could no longer bear it, so he slowly closed his eyes after a heavy breath.

Curious and strange, kissing this man is obviously familiar with the road, but this heartbeat feels like the first kiss

The moment he kissed his lips, he couldn't think of anything.

The body under his palm is as soft as a small stone, which can be broken, with smooth touch and soft texture.

The cool scallops slowly chewed a kind of sweetness. Yang Xu's face became more and more hot, and his beautiful neck became more boneless, bright, shaking and shining.

Greed, asking for a long time... For a long time


After leaving his lips, Yang Xu felt that her mouth was still moist and bit her lips. Before he could react, her soft body had been held under his body.

Yang Xu was totally unprepared. He pulled his arm tightly. After being disturbed, he subconsciously called out his name:

"Yan Qin..."

The soft call was like the tight hoop spell. He tightened his forehead, and then his hand around her waist suddenly tightened. He bent down and almost bit her ear root: "wife, I love you."

It's the most beautiful thing in the world that Yang said, but he didn't give it to the whole world.

He, little by little, slowly, picked up her delicate face and kissed her again, warm and not gentle.

Can feel, his face, hot, her face, flushed.

At the moment, each touch and touch of the two of them, like an electric current, crisped each other's hearts and nerves.

The brain soon became confused and disorganized, but it still has more meaning

The tacit understanding and quick breathing hit his lungs. He felt that he could not breathe, and there were flames in his heart.

I can't help but forget my feelings more and more. My heart itches and my body itches more. It's like burning each other to ashes, and then... Then... Then

Yang Xu's looming exquisite curve strongly impacted his vision, but he closed his eyes again. The waste heat was still like a fire.

Wave after wave.

"Ticking, ticking..." at the moment, the sound of ticking sounded softly in the quiet night, like a frivolous note, such as a silver bell, swinging sweetly with the wind. When I heard the sound, the sparkling autumn waves rippled, and then a bright light, I couldn't help jumping: "it's raining."

This weather is really in line with that sentence. There is an unexpected situation. Although it is not suitable here, it is not too much.

"Yes." Obviously, Yan Qin was also surprised by the inexplicable rain, but he couldn't hide his joy. "It's raining. We seem to have a lot of luck with the rain. I really want to hold you all the rainy nights in the future."

"Yes, we will spend every rainy night together and listen to the rain together." Yang Xu said with a sweet smile on his face. Yang Xu wiped a slight smile on the corner of his mouth, and then his body put himself into his arms and clinged to him.

This novel has been translated by and if you are reading this somewhere, they have stolen our translation.