Mr CEO's hidden wife

Chapter 262

He Yuancheng and Yu Xinlei were shocked when yuan Wuye finished saying this. None of them thought yuan Wuye would say such a thing. Hearing this, he Yuancheng said, "this joke is not funny, Mr. five."

"You think I'm kidding?" Mr. Yuan looked at Heyuan City and asked. Heyuan City was speechless and couldn't say anything. Of course, he wasn't joking, but he was holding him in a disguised way and watching him.

Heyuan city stopped talking. He knew that what he said was meaningless, so the official and university level crushed people, not to mention in the underworld. If the boss was unhappy, he was in danger of death“ Yes? Disagree? " Looking at the expression of Heyuan City, Mr. Yuan slightly locked his eyebrows and said, "do I understand what I mean wrong? Before you put Miss Yu in a golden house, then you separated, and now you are destined to be together. Can't you get back together? Or did Miss Yu suffer this disaster

Do you dislike Yuancheng? "

"No, of course not." Heyuan City hurriedly said, "it's the fifth master who takes care of everything every day. I won't bother you about such a small thing." Hearing what he Yuancheng said, Mr. Yuan, pretending to be an old fool, hit himself on the head and said, "you say I'm really old. I like to meddle more. I'll mess with mandarin ducks. Well, since you don't let me meddle, I don't care. If you two want to be together in the future, come and tell me at any time


"Thank you, fifth master." Heyuan City hurriedly said.

After that, Mr. Yuan got up and said to Yu Xinlei, "then Miss Yu, take a rest. Yuancheng, come out with me."

"Yes." Heyuancheng nodded and followed Mr. Yuan out.

After going out, Mr. Yuan opened his mouth and asked, "Zhong Yi came back alive. Do you know this?"

Hearing this, he Yuancheng immediately raised his heart, and then hurriedly pretended to be a fool and said, "Zhong Yi? You said Zhong Yi came back alive? Is there such a thing? He... Isn't he dead? Last time we went to his funeral. "

Seeing the reaction of Heyuan City, Mr. Yuan snorted coldly, smiled secretly and asked, "do you think it's amazing? I also think it's amazing that a dead person can come back from the dead. It's a ghost. "

"Yes, it's incredible. What's going on?"

"I heard that he was imprisoned by Jing Lun and then rescued."

"What else? It's incredible. "

Hearing what he Yuancheng said, Mr. Yuan raised his hand, patted him on the shoulder and said, "I know you care about Xinlei now, but you should listen to more things outside. It's better to be informed about our way."

Hearing this instruction, Heyuan City quickly bowed his head and said, "I see, the fifth master, what the fifth master taught is that Yuancheng will improve in the future."

"It's good to know. Go and prepare some gifts for me. Accompany me to an's Hospital in the afternoon. The strong dragon can't suppress the local snake. Now I'm in T city. I should give Yan Qin face."

"I see, fifth master. I'll prepare it right away." ―

President's Office;

An Jinyan felt that he was really cheap. He obviously scoffed at Yan Qin's order, but he obediently pushed out what happened after 3 p.m. and then sat in the office, made tea and waited for Yan Qin.

"An Jinyan, an Jinyan, you are really worthless. Yan Qin, you son of a bitch, I really owe you in my last life!"

"Reluctantly, you can refuse. It's shameful to speak ill of people behind their backs!" At this time, Yan Qin's voice came from outside the door. An Jinyan really wanted to smoke his mouth.

"If this is shameful, your behavior of constantly ordering people is shameless. Make it clear to me that this is not an army, this is my hospital."

Seeing that an Jinyan's angry face was green, Yan Qin really wanted to laugh and replied faintly: "then why are you so obedient? You are not my soldier, and it seems that it is not three o'clock yet. "

After that, Yan Qin looked at the hot tea on the table again, then raised his eyebrows and asked, "is this for me? Dean an is really thoughtful. "

Then Yan Qin took a cup, took a long drink and said, "well, it's mellow and cool. It's the best tea for this season. It's really good tea. It's said that Lord yuan is the most proficient in tea art. You can compete with him."

Listening to Yan Qin's sarcastic words and looking at his complacent face, an Jinyan really wanted to pour all the hot tea just made on Yan Qin's face. He was so angry.

"Are you serious? Speak quickly. There's not much time. " An Jinyan was very angry and said so.

Yan Qin couldn't help smiling. Then he restrained his smile and said, "of course there's something serious. Have you ever met a situation like Zhong Yi after you've been a doctor for so many years?"

An Jinyan shook his head.

Yan Qin's eyes were deep and thought, "what can make a person's temperament change greatly?"

An Jinyan thought for a moment and then said, "have you been poisoned? Have you been beheaded? "

Hearing this, Yan Qin really wanted to curse: "do you still believe in this superstitious thing?"

"What do I say?" An Jinyan was helpless. "I checked him up and down and didn't find anything abnormal. I read the blood test report more than a hundred times. I just feel strange, but I can't find the reason. What else can I do?"

"Don't you call yourself a miracle doctor? Now Zhong Yi suddenly becomes like this. You can't even find out the cause? " Yan Qin said this with contempt.

"Hey, when you become a soldier, you can't handle all your opponents, can you? Even if Hua Tuo was reincarnated, there were diseases that could not be cured. "

"I don't listen to these reasons!" Yan Qin said strongly, "you said it yourself. As long as you live one day, you must ensure that Zhong Yi is safe and sound. Now he is your patient, and you should be responsible for your patient! I don't care what method you use, I must let Zhong Yi return to his original appearance! "

Hearing Yan Qin say so, an Jinyan is really

"Yan Qin, you are... Zhong Yi really beat you too lightly, so you should beat you hard. You can't take care of yourself. Let you play with me here!"

An Jinyan really wants to spit blood. Yan qincai doesn't care about an Jinyan. Yan Qin didn't speak. An Jinyan really wanted to get angry and hurt himself. Then an Jinyan said, "instead of getting angry with me here, you'd better wait and see why Zhong Yi suddenly became like this. I don't know, but it's certain that he was really controlled by Jing Lun, so you'll find a way to talk to Zhong Yi

Contact again, then we'll wait for the rabbit, and then... "

"Jing Lun, if your IQ had died 860 times, this is your hospital. Zhong Yi is supervised 24 hours a day. How could he be so stupid that he threw himself into the net?"

"What about that?" An Jinyan asked.

"Ask you."

"What can I do? I've checked everything I should! "

"That's still not checked carefully. Check again!"

"I said how you..."

Before an Jinyan's words were finished, Jiang Guaner knocked on the door and came in. Seeing her coming in, Yan Qin was nervous and asked, "is there another problem with Zhong Yi?"

"No, Zhong Yi hasn't woke up yet. Yes, Mr. Yuan and Heyuan city came to see Zhong Yi. I can't say hello..."

"Fifth master yuan?" An Jinyan was surprised when he heard it. "Why did he come?"

"Go and have a look." Yan Qin said a word and went out.

At the moment, Mr. Yuan and he Yuancheng are in Zhong Yi's ward, and flower baskets and gifts are placed on the table.

"What a rare guest. Why did Mr. Yuan come?" Yan Qin spoke.

Mr. Yuan smiled calmly and said, "I heard that Zhong Yi is back from the dead and is seriously injured in the hospital, so I specially came to have a look."

Speaking of this, Mr. Yuan's eyes fell on Zhong Yi, and he couldn't help sighing: "look, it's very hurt."“ The injury is not light, but we will take care of it, so we won't bother Mr. Yuan. " Yan Qin's tone was faint. Now he had a new understanding of yuan Wuye. He felt that yuan Wuye's recent behavior was strange, like a friend rather than an enemy, but he couldn't guess what yuan Wuye realized

What do you think? Is there any medicine in the gourd?

Mr. Yuan smiled and said, "I've heard that Dean an has excellent medical skills. Zhong Yi's injury is natural. I believe it will get better soon."

"Mr. Yuan praised it." An Jinyan opens his mouth.

"That Jing Lun is really hateful. How can he torture people like this? That is Zhong Yi. He has a good military background. If he were someone else, I'm afraid nine lives would be lost. "

What the fifth master Yuan said was always true. Yan Qin just smiled and said, "now Zhong Yi is seriously injured and can't say thank you for the fifth master's visit. Then I'll thank him for him."

The fifth master of Yuan smiled faintly without revealing: "thank you. You can only come and visit. It can't help."

"If the fifth master has this heart, the younger generation will not be grateful."

Yuan Wuye still had that smile on his face. He looked at Zhong Yi again and said, "since Zhong Yi wants to rest, don't bother. Yuancheng, let's go."


Heyuan City followed yuan Wuye. Yuan Wuye spoke. Naturally, he Yuancheng didn't have the right to speak. Yuan Wuye turned and walked out, and Heyuan City followed.

Seeing them leave, an Jinyan couldn't help saying, "what is the fifth master yuan doing? Sing Black faces and white faces. "

"Never mind him. If he is a friend, he will not interfere with each other. If he is an enemy, he will be uprooted. There is nothing to tangle with." Yan Qin said decisively.

He looked at Zhong Yi again, sighed sadly and said“ At present, nothing is more important than Zhong Yi's safety. " After that, Yan Qin was about to leave, but he stepped on something. He let go of his feet and found that it was a very old lady hairpin. Yan Qin was stunned, and then looked at the direction where Mr. Yuan left. Did Mr. Yuan fall?

This novel has been translated by and if you are reading this somewhere, they have stolen our translation.