Mr CEO's hidden wife

Chapter 254

"Attack, action must be fast, but also pay attention to safety."

Yan Qin gave an order before the attack.

This operation is sudden. Without a little deployment and arrangement, it is completely blind. I don't know how many people there are on the mountain, what terrain it is, and whether there are traps. It's a fight like this.

Yan Qin didn't wait any longer, so he took someone to kill him. He was very direct and killed anyone.

From the foot of the mountain to the top of the mountain, the bullets were as dense as rain, and the gunfire was as loud as flood. The deafening sound seemed to break through the sky, and the blood was as flowing as water. The body soon lay everywhere, but it was very smooth to kill all the way.

"Brother, I haven't found any trace of Jinglun."

The mountain is steeper and more dangerous than the north slope. Yan Qin's men came up to inquire about it and quickly reported it to Yan Qin.

"Keep looking inside. Jinglun is not the key point. Find Zhong Yi. Dig three feet and find Zhong Yi for me!"

Yan Qin continues to go up the mountain with a gun. Although he is not sure whether Zhong Yi is really alive, he is very sure that this is a foothold of Jinglun.

If you can't find Zhong Yi, you have to blow up this foothold, or you'll run in vain.

Yan Qin took people all the way to kill them until there were no bullets in the chamber, and then threw away the gun directly.

Yan Qin is definitely an expert in close combat. What he does most in the army is this. He is familiar with the road and is familiar with it. No matter who the opponent is, Yan Qin will easily deal with it.

"Brother, brother, I found brother Zhong!" When he heard his subordinates say this, Yan Qin was almost in a state of shock.

"Really?" Yan Qin couldn't believe it. "Is Zhong Yi really alive? Are you really alive? "

"Yes, brother Zhong is not dead."

"Where is it? Where is Zhong Yi? " Hearing this, Yan Qin was so excited that he couldn't think of anything.

His subordinates quickly showed him the way. He took Yan Qin to the small black house. Yan Qin kicked the door and went in. After entering, the nose was filled with a very pungent smell of blood and moisture.

The light was very dark, but the moment reflected in Yan Qin's pupil was shocking. Zhong Yi's hands were bound by chains. He half knelt on the ground, his head hanging weakly, as if he had been unconscious and had no consciousness.

When he saw this scene, it was as if a knife had stabbed him in the heart. He suddenly felt that his legs were trembling. Yan Qin hurriedly ran over and half knelt down. He looked at him and shouted, "Zhong Yi? Zhong Yi? "

Zhong Yi is already in a coma and has no response at all. At the moment, his clothes are red with blood, and his face is even more frightening.

"What are you doing here? Get him off quickly, come on! " Yan Qin was worried. The anger in his heart seemed to tear Jing Lun to pieces.

After listening to Yan Qin's words, his subordinates hurriedly came forward to unlock the iron chain at Zhong Yi's wrist. After loosening it, Zhong Yi fell powerlessly. Yan Qin hugged him and carried him up.

Now Yan Qin can't think of anything. He wants Zhong Yi to live. He's been missing for so long. It's hard to find him back. How can he let him die again?

Absolutely not! This is absolutely not allowed by him!

"Zhong Yi, you must hold on, Zhong Yi. It's the eldest brother who hurt you." Yan Qin got on the bus with Zhong Yi on his back. After getting on the bus, Yan Qin really saw him. He was covered with wounds, including gunshot wounds. He looked old and new. It could be seen that it was a wound with punishment.

Yan Qin really hated to see these. He really wanted to torture Jing Lun slowly until his last breath.

"Damn it!" Yan Qin growled, then told his subordinates, "blow up the mountain for me, and don't leave any of Jinglun's people alive!"

"Yes, brother."

When Yan Qin gave the order, his subordinates had to listen. After Yan Qin's car left for a long distance, his subordinates lined the mountain with explosives and lit it.

"Bang -"

It was deafening. It seemed that the earth was shaking three times. In an instant, a mountain was like a piece of paper crushed by a paper shredder. In an instant, it was destroyed and razed to the ground.

"Boss, Yan Qin has been saved, but we have lost a foothold and the whole mountain has been flattened." After Yanqin saves Zhong Yi, Jinglun's men report to him.

Hearing that the whole mountain was bombed, Hirai Lun also felt angry, but he held the fire and said, "it's all right. If a mountain can change Yan Qin's life, it's worth it. Just pity Zhong Yi. He suffered skin and flesh before being rescued. There's no way. He has to do a full set of drama."

"Boss, will Yan Qin take the bait this time?"

"The bait is Zhong Yi. Of course he will take the bait." Well completion Lun smiled proudly. His game was perfect. Even if Yan Qin knew it was a game, he would take the bait for Zhong Yi.

"Alas, brotherhood. I'll see how deep their brotherhood is."

"Drive faster, faster!" After getting on the bus, Yan Qin urged the driver. The driver guessed the lowest throttle and the speed was very fast.

During this period, Yan Qin has called an Jinyan and asked for an Jinyan's main knife. He is worried about other doctors. He also called Yang Xu because he knows that Yang Xu must be dying of anxiety“ Really? Is Zhong Yi really not dead? " Yang Xu couldn't believe it when he heard Yan Qin finish. Zhong Yi had been missing for a month and a half. He didn't see anyone alive or dead. He even gave him a funeral. However, he was still alive and came back“ That's great, that's great! " Yang Xu was excited and wanted to cry, "then I'll call Guan immediately. She must be very excited if she knows." Since Zhong Yi disappeared, Jiang Guaner has completely changed like a lost soul“ Zhong Yi is still alive, but the situation is not optimistic. He is seriously injured. I will take him to the hospital immediately. I have told Jin Yan that he is already waiting in the hospital. "“ OK, I'll go to the hospital right away, and I'll go to the hospital right away. " Put down his cell phone and Yang Xu hurried to the hospital. Before that, she called Jiang Guaner first. Jiang Guaner has lived a dark life these days. Now the Jiang family is herself in addition to the servant. She pushed off all her work and immersed herself in her sadness. The entertainment industry is like this. There is never a lack of rising stars. No matter how popular people are, they will expire, and you don't stand up. Some people are taller than you. She has seen through the entertainment industry for so many years, but it doesn't matter. Now she is alone and has endless money. It seems that Jiang Guaner is poor and only has money left. Even if she doesn't do anything in her life, she has a lot of money to spend, so she has never been out of the door of Jiang's house for more than a month. Basically, she locks herself in her room and occasionally walks in the yard“ What did you say? " When she received Yang Xu's call, Jiang Guaner was very excited and felt that her blood was boiling all over at once, but the next second she immediately cooled down and felt very angry, "Yang Xu, don't joke with me, okay? He has been missing for nearly two months. "“ I'm not kidding you. It's true. He's not dead. He's been locked up by Jing Lun. Now Yan Qin has rescued him, but Yan Qin says he's seriously injured and is rushing to the hospital. " At the moment, Yang Xu's tone didn't seem to be joking. Jiang Guan immediately became nervous again: "really? It's true? Is Zhong Yi really not dead? "“ Yes, I swear! "“ Which hospital? Ann's hospital? OK, I'll be there in a minute. " Put down her cell phone and Jiang Guan's mind went blank for a while. One after another, it was like a dream, but there was no time to think so much. Yang Xu said that now Zhong Yi was seriously injured and she had to hurry to the hospital. Zhong Yi was badly hurt. Yan Qin could see wounds everywhere. I can't imagine how he was abused and tortured during his disappearance. Yan Qin really felt that he deserved to die. Instead of tracking down and looking for him all the time, he gave up early and set up a monument for him. Thinking of this, Yan Qin wanted to beat himself. Because he has already said hello to an Jinyan, an Jinyan is now ready for surgery. There was still a long way to go from the place saved by Zhong Yi to an's hospital. Under the constant urging of Yan Qin, the speed was very fast and ran countless red lights“ Come on, push into the operating room! " An Jinyan has been waiting at the door to meet him. When he sees Zhong Yi, he carries him on a stretcher“ Jin Yan, you must save him and don't let him die! " Before an Jinyan entered the operating room, Yan Qin was very nervous and said to him. An Jinyan nodded: "don't worry, I promise to let him live." Yan Qin never doubted an Jinyan's medical skills, but Zhong Yi was hurt too badly and dragged on for so long. Yan Qin was inevitably worried. Zhong Yi was pushed into the operating room. After that, Yang Xu and Jiang Guaner ran back and forth. Jiang Guaner ran in front. She ran quickly, grabbed Yan Qin's clothes nervously and asked, "where's Zhong Yi? Where's Zhong Yi? "“ I'm in the operating room. Jinyan is the main knife. Don't worry. " Yan Qin comforted Jiang Guan. She sat down on the bench and asked Yang Xu to help her down. There are too many things happening these days. First, Zhong Yi disappeared, and then it was determined that he was dead. Now, it is said that Zhong Yi was found. After she was overjoyed, Zhong Yi is rescued in the operating room, and her safety is uncertain. Recently, this series of great sorrow, great joy and great sorrow seems to have made Jiang Guaner a teenager and experienced emotional ups and downs that she has not experienced in so many years. This novel has been translated by and if you are reading this somewhere, they have stolen our translation.