Mr CEO's hidden wife

Chapter 252

In Yang Xu's memory, Yan Qin was drunk once. He went out with Zhong Yi four years ago. The night she decided to talk about divorce with Yan Qin, he was very drunk. He didn't know what happened that night.

This time, he seemed to be more drunk than that time. When he got home, Yan Qin was still asleep. An Jinyan struggled to help Yan Qin to the bedroom and let him lie in bed.

"Yang Xu, the rest is hard for you. Can you? If not... "

"I can. Don't worry, Dean an. I've seen Yan Qin after he was drunk. He doesn't go crazy even when he sleeps. I can do it."

An Jinyan was not at ease here, but he was also at ease. Tang Qin took the child alone. He nodded and said, "OK, just call me when you have something. I can come at any time."

"I see. Thank you, Dean an."

Yang Xu watched an Jinyan go out. After an Jinyan left, Da Bai and Xiao Bai hurriedly asked Yang Xu, "Mommy, what's the matter with daddy?"

"It's all right. Your father just drank too much. You don't have to worry. Well, you two go and play by yourself. Mommy should take care of Daddy. You two don't let mommy worry, you know?"

"I see, Mommy."

"Can I help you?"

Listening to Da Bai's question, Yang Xu couldn't help laughing. He touched his little head and said, "my baby is really good. No, I can do it myself. Go and be busy."

Dabai and Xiaobai run away to play. Yang Xu stays in the room to take care of Yan Qin. She first unties Yan Qin's tie, takes off her coat and shoes, and then brings hot water to wipe his face. Yang Xu was distressed to see Yan Qin like this. Fortunately, Yan Qin slept safely. Yang Xu sat by the bed and watched him. Although he had been sleeping, his eyebrows were frowning. It can be seen that he was not sleeping well. It should be more accurate to say that he was not sleeping, but too drunk to wake up

Yan Qin didn't wake up. He slept for a long time, but suddenly his eyebrows were getting tighter and tighter. He looked very painful, and then touched his stomach.

Your stomach hurts again?

It's no wonder that Yang Xu had been trying to nourish his stomach. As a result, so many things have happened recently that he has forgotten. Drinking so much wine today will definitely cause stomachache.

"Yan Qin? Yan Qin? " Yan Qin slept more and more uneasy. Yang Xu called him softly. Yan Qin's hand pressed tightly on his stomach. Seeing this, Yang Xu hurriedly said, "bear it first and I'll get you stomach medicine."

After that, Yang Xu hurried out of the bedroom because Yan Qin's stomach was bad. Recently, Yang Xu prepared stomach medicine at home. Yang Xu hurriedly took stomach medicine for him and poured a cup of warm water.

"Yan Qin, get up quickly and drink the medicine first." Yang Xu handed the stomach medicine and warm water to Yan Qin. Yan Qin slowly sat up and sent the medicine down with warm water.

Yan Qin drank the medicine. Yang Xu rubbed his stomach and said, "how's it going? Feel better? " Yan Qin locked his eyebrows tightly, and a cold sweat came out from his forehead. He could see that it was already unbearable pain. Yang Xu's hand had been rubbed by him, and then he scolded himself and said, "it's all my fault, I've forgotten that your stomach is bad. I should stop you drinking. How's it now? Does it hurt?

Now Yan Qin's mind with stomachache was a little clear. He shook his head, then pressed Yang Xu's hand that was rubbing his stomach and said, "it's okay, don't rub it."

"It's all right?" Yang Xu hurriedly asked, "after that, you must not drink too much. It's very bad for your stomach. Another gastric bleeding will be very serious."

"OK, I see. I won't do it again." Yan Qin shook his head and said, "I have a headache."

"If you have a headache, go to bed quickly. Don't go to work tomorrow. Have a good rest."

"Yes." Yan Qin nodded, then gently hugged Yang Xu's body, held her in his arms and said, "wife, I'm very uncomfortable. I really feel very uncomfortable. Sleep with me and have a good sleep."

Yang Xu nodded, then closed his eyes in his arms. What filled his nose was an unpleasant smell of alcohol, which made her feel the same pain.

This sleep, as expected, slept for a long time. When Yang Xu opened his eyes, it was more than nine o'clock. It was really rare that both of them could sleep so long and wake up naturally.

Yan Qin also opened his eyes. Yang Xu looked at him. His handsome face showed fatigue and haggard. It was enough to torture him these days.

"Does your stomach still hurt?"

Yan Qin shook his head: "it doesn't hurt."

"Don't drink like this in the future. Don't spoil your body like this." Yang Xu has a very serious attitude.

Yan Qin smiled faintly and said, "I see, wife, this time it worries you, and my little white."

Then Yan Qin touched Yang Xu's stomach again and said, "Daddy is bad this time. Daddy won't drink like this in the future."

Yang Xu smiled, then took off his hand and said, "well, you can sleep again. I'll make breakfast for you. You've always done it. I'll do it this time."

Yang Xu was about to get out of bed. Yan Qin suddenly thought of something, then hurriedly grabbed her and asked, "last night... Did I do anything wrong when I was drunk last night?"

Listening to Yan Qin's question, Yang Xu seemed to have a ghost's heart and deliberately asked, "you really don't remember at all?"

Looking at Yang Xu like this, Yan Qin wanted to find a hole to drill down. Is it really a drunken gaffe? In front of an Jinyan and Tang Qin?

"I don't remember. I don't even remember how I came back. Tell me quickly. Did I do anything wrong?"

Seeing that Yan Qin was scared like this, Yang Xu couldn't help smiling and said, "no, there's no gaffe. You'll go to bed as soon as you come back. Well, be at ease. I'll make breakfast for you and call you when it's ready."

"Yes." Yan Qin smiled happily.

After Yang Xu walked out of the bedroom, Yan Qin smiled happily, and then closed his eyes again.

"Madam, a letter sent early in the morning seems to be for president Yan." As soon as Yang Xu came downstairs, the servant handed a letter to Yang Xu. Yang Xu took it and was curious.

The envelope is clean, with only Yan Qin on it. What is this?

Yang Xu was also curious. He couldn't help but open it and have a look. What would be sent to Yan Qin?

Yang Xu opened it. This is a piece of paper. There is only one line of words on the paper:

"Zhong Yi is not dead yet. He is in Jinglun's hands now. I don't want him to die and hurry to rescue."

This line of words is absolutely explosive. Yang Xu hurriedly asked the servant, "who sent this?"

"I don't know. When I went to the newspaper early this morning, I was in the mailbox. I saw that the name of President Yan was written on it and took it in."

Yang Xu looked at this line of words again, then quickly returned to the bedroom and shouted Yan Qin, who was closing his eyes for rest: "Yan Qin, get up, get up, look."

Yan Qin slowly opened his eyes. It was rare to see Yang Xu so excited. Yang Xu hurriedly gave Yan Qin this note. When Yan Qin saw the content on it, he sat up and asked the same question as Yang Xu: "who sent it?"

"I don't know. The servant said it was in the mailbox." Yang Xu said, "will this news be true? Is Zhong Yi really not dead? "

Yan Qin looked at the content again. After confirming it, he immediately got up and put on his clothes. Yang Xu hurriedly asked, "where are you going?"

"Provincial public security department." Yan Qin replied in a hurry.

"Don't you eat?"

"No more."

Yan Qin said in a hurry, then ran out and got into the car. He started the car and drove out quickly. Yang Xu didn't react yet.

When she looked at the note again, she couldn't help getting excited. Whether it was true or not, and no matter who sent it, there was such a sentence as hope.

Yan Qin drove all the way to the provincial public security department. When he arrived at the provincial public security department, he went directly to director Lu's office, but director Lu was having a meeting at the moment, and Yan Qin was waiting in the office.

Since Zhong Yi disappeared, Yan Qin tortured himself every day. Now he suddenly received the news. He wants to live. It's true, it must be true!

Yan Qin hurriedly paced back and forth at director Lu's door. He waited for a long time before director Lu came back.

"When my secretary says how long president Luo has been waiting, I'm really scared. What's so urgent?"

Director Lu opened the door and said first. Seeing that director Lu came, Yan Qin hurriedly asked, "have you found the whereabouts of Jing Lun? Do you know his foothold? "

"No news yet? What's up? Have you received threats again? "

"No." Yan Qin replied simply, "it's one of my brothers. Now it's in his hands, Zhong Yi. He's not dead yet. Don't say so much. Really there's no clue?"

"At present, these people are recidivists and have rich experience. It's not easy for them to hide and find their foothold. Otherwise, Mr. Luo, you'll wait a few more days. As soon as we have news..."

"Now Zhong Yi's life and death are uncertain in his hands. How can I wait? Forget it. Take your time and I'll find it myself. "

After saying that, Yan Qin hurried out. After running out, he was suddenly at a loss. Where would he go to find Jing Lun at this time?

What should I do? What should I do?

Now Yan Qin's mind was in a mess, and then a name suddenly appeared in his mind.

Fifth master yuan.

Yes, last time on Beipo mountain, Mr. Yuan actually knew and saved him. Now he must be able to find out the foothold of Jing Lun.

Whether the note is true or not, he will go to Jinglun. Thinking of this, he started the car and drove quickly in the direction of Mr. Yuan's house

This novel has been translated by and if you are reading this somewhere, they have stolen our translation.