Mr CEO's hidden wife

Chapter 250

"Zhong Yi." Jing Lun shouted at him, but Zhong Yi's consciousness was so chaotic that he couldn't even tell who came.

"Zhong Yi, do you know who I am?" Jinglun walks up to Zhong Yi and looks at him and asks.

Zhong Yi shook his head again, and then he hit his head several times with his hand. Finally, his mind was a little clear.

He looked at Jing Lun angrily and asked, "what did you inject me? What did you give me? "

"Of course, it's useful for your body. Otherwise, how could you recover so quickly after your injury? Yes? Do you want to thank me? This medicine costs me a lot. I'm not willing to give it to ordinary people. " Jinglun said painlessly.

After listening to this, Zhong Yi was very angry and looked at him angrily. He looked like a wounded lion who urgently needed to eat people.

"What? Hate me? Do you really want to kill me? " Jinglun took out his gun, handed it to Zhong Yi and said, "well, I'll give you this chance. If you hate me, you'll kill me. If you hate me, you'll kill me."

Jing Lun handed the gun to Zhong Yi. Zhong Yi took it and aimed it at him. But before he pressed the trigger, Jing Lun said, "Zhong Yi, can you see clearly that I'm Yan Qin, are you sure you want to kill me? Are you sure you're going to kill me?  ”

"Big brother..." it seems that when Jing Lun says the name of Yan Qin, the shadow of Yan Qin appears in front of Zhong Yi. Is it Yan Qin? Is it Jinglun? Jing Lun took the gun in Zhong Yi's hand, then looked straight into Zhong Yi's eyes and said, "Zhong Yi, look into my eyes. Listen to me, no one in the world is sincere to you. Yan Qin has never paid attention to you. He is now a family of four and is ready to have a second child

, I don't know how happy I am, and you? Now suffering here, does he know? Zhong Yi, you have been with him for more than ten years. When you look back, how many things have you done for him in these ten years, and how did he treat you? He just regards you as a tool to work hard. Now that the tool is gone, of course he is not happy, but it's not sad, not sad. Look how he's doing now

OK, I'll know. What about Jiang Guaner? Is she nice to you? It's not good at all. She doesn't love you at all. She just regards you as a substitute, which can be done by many people in addition to you, so your existence and disappearance are meaningless to him. Zhong Yi, think about it, think about it, help him

I'll go back and kill Yan Qin, and then I'll leave everything to you, everything, everything here... "Jing Lun said very bewildered. That tone was like hypnosis for Zhong Yi. Now, because Zhong Yi was injected with a lot of drugs, his consciousness has been completely confused. It's like a string puppet. Where Jing Lun said, Zhong Yi's ideas will be guided, No self at all

I think of consciousness“ Zhong Yi, do you think I'm right? Think about it. Think about it. What you have done for him over the years is worth it. You have died for him, but he doesn't care about your death. You suffer here and he is there to meet his third child. Is it worth it? It's not worth it, Zhong Yi. It's really not worth it. Don't be silly. People should learn to live for themselves. Moreover, people are selfish animals. Everyone is selfish. If you are not selfish, you will be used and ignored. Zhong Yi, go and help me kill Yan Qin. Go

Help me kill Yan Qin... "

"Kill Yan Qin... Kill Yan Qin..." Zhong Yi seems to be sleepwalking now, and his consciousness follows Jing Lun.

"Yes, that's it. Kill Yan Qin, kill him, you can get freedom, kill him, you can really live for yourself, that's it..."

Zhong Yi frowned, as if there were two fighting in his mind. He shook his head and hit his head with his hand. He desperately reminded himself: "no, no, you can't listen, you can't listen. I'm Zhong Yi, Yan Qin is my big brother, I can't..."

"No." Jinglun hurriedly said, "he's not your big brother. He's using you. You're just his tool. You can't live for him, can't, can't!"

Hearing these words, it seems that the evil self in the mind has defeated the real self, and then the head still hurts violently. The pain wants to hit the wall, crack and explode.

Seeing him like this, Jing Lun smiled and said, "well, Zhong Yi, give you another shot, you sleep again, and everything will be fine when you wake up."

Jinglun said slowly, and a doctor came in. At the moment, Zhong Yi was unconscious. The doctor went over and gave him another injection.

"Well, sleep, sleep will have no pain, sleep." In Jinglun's hypnotic words, Zhong Yi closes his eyes again.

Seeing that he slept again, Jinglun went out. After Jinglun went out, his men said, "I really haven't seen anyone who can be injected with so many needles and know what he thinks. This Zhong Yi is really powerful."

Speaking of this, Jing Lun was really jealous. He said, "yes, it's a pity. If such a person is used by me and loyal to me, I'll be even stronger."

"Such a person is the biggest headache. If he can't use it for himself, he can only break his arm to the enemy."

Hearing this well Lun smiled and boasted, "I really deserve to be the one I brought out."


Although she had no appetite and was determined to die, Yu Xinlei was really hungry at the moment. She still ate a few mouthfuls of the food.

"Mr. He, Miss Yu has just had dinner and is sleeping now." The servant reported to Heyuan City.

"Yes." Heyuancheng nodded.

At the moment, Heyuan city didn't know what his mood was. He sighed long. His mood was really complex.

"Qin Jiu." Heyuan city called Qin Jiu.

Qin Jiu hurriedly replied, "brother, what's up?"

"Qin Jiu, did Mr. Yuan ask you about me again recently?"

Because Qin Jiu was originally placed by fifth master yuan in Heyuan City to monitor him. Hearing this question, Qin Jiu shook his head and said, "no, I haven't asked him since fifth master yuan returned to T city this time. It's strange. Elder brother, do you think fifth master yuan already knows me..."

"Panic what."

Speaking of this, Qin Jiu was very nervous. He was really afraid of Mr. Yuan.

Hearing a reprimand from Heyuan City, Qin Jiu quickly lowered his head and stopped talking, but he was still very nervous in his heart.

Heyuan City's eyes were tightly locked. Mr. Yuan must have known. In fact, he didn't trust him from the beginning“ Brother, what shall we do now? We offended Yan Qin. We wanted to be covered by the big tree of fifth master yuan, but now it seems that the situation is wrong. Fifth master yuan doesn't seem to plan to deal with or even help him. Moreover, if Yan Qin deals with us in the future, he won't take care of it

What shall we do? "

Yeah, now he's really depressed and cowardly.

Here is subject to the fifth master yuan, but he can't survive without the fifth master yuan. Moreover, he doesn't have an umbrella, neither advance nor retreat.

"Yan Qin should not care about us for a while, but he will deal with us in a while. Then..."

Indeed, Yan Qin will not be dumb. Then

"People in the street are big fish eating small fish and small fish eating shrimp. We have no power. We can only wait to die, so we can't be passive. Find an opportunity to take this place for ourselves and kill Mr. Yuan."

Kill fifth master yuan?

Hearing this, Qin Jiu was really startled. He looked around in panic, then hurriedly reminded Heyuan City and said, "brother, you can't talk nonsense. If you are heard, you will be..."

Qin Jiu was very nervous, but Heyuan City was very calm. He asked, "is there another way to go? Qin Jiu, don't forget that you and I are now a grasshopper tied to a rope. You can't live if I die. "

"Of course I know, but... Yes, there's really no other way to go now, but killing Mr. Yuan, is that right?

"Brother, let's have a look again. Don't be impulsive. After all, it's not easy to kill Mr. Yuan. Mr. Yuan is so suspicious and alert."

"Of course I know. I won't take risks without full confidence." Speaking of this, Heyuan city looked at Qin Jiu and reminded him, "Qin Jiu, if you don't want to die, control your mouth. If you say something I told you just now, your head will move immediately."

"I know, brother."

"Mr. He, Miss Yu woke up. She said she wanted to see you." At this time, a servant came and said to Heyuan City.


Heyuan City motioned to Qin Jiu to step back. Then he went to Yu Xinlei's room and asked, "you're looking for me."

"Yes." Yu Xinlei nodded. "I really thought of what Mr. Yuan asked me to think."

"What?" Heyuan City asked.

Zhong Yi's affair has nothing to do with Yu Xinlei, but if Mr. Yuan asks her to think, she must know the result. She can't help herself now.

"I know that Zhong Yi didn't die. He was locked up in a small black room by Jing Lun, and was sentenced."

"What are you talking about?" Surprised, Heyuan City hurriedly asked, "you said Zhong Yi wasn't dead?"

"Yes, he was locked up by Jinglun. I don't understand why Jinglun didn't kill him. Anyway, he wasn't dead when I left there."

Hearing this, Heyuan city fell into meditation. Zhong Yi didn't die. Did Jinglun not let him die? Zhong Yi is Yan Qin's best assistant. Jing Lun has no reason not to let him die. Why? And Jinglun sent Yu Xinlei to him again?

what do you mean? Does Jing Lun want Yu Xinlei to bring out the news that Zhong Yi is not dead? What would his intention be?

This novel has been translated by and if you are reading this somewhere, they have stolen our translation.