Mr CEO's hidden wife

Chapter 241

"Everything is very good. Now the baby is no longer in danger. He is still in the incubator. He has more than three kilograms. When he weighs more than four kilograms, he can be discharged from the hospital. Maybe the child is all right, so Tang Qin is in a good mood. Now he recovers very quickly."

"That's good."

An Jinyan smiled faintly, then patted him on the shoulder and said, "I don't need you to worry. Although you escaped this time, Jinglun can't relax one day if you don't catch it. Be careful."

"Yes." Yan Qin nodded. Of course he would be careful.

Another day passed, and Zhong Yi still had no news. Basically, he could draw a conclusion.

There is an old Chinese saying, it's called peace in the earth. Although Zhong Yi's body has not been found, there is basically no hope. Zhong Yi died unjustly and can't leave a monument to him.

Because the body was not found, Zhong Yi was buried in his usual clothes according to the custom left by the ancients.

Although it is an empty coffin, the funeral is still very grand. Everything is done according to the highest etiquette. Zhong Yi has been with him for so many years. Now he is gone, so he must leave in a beautiful way.

At the funeral, Jiang Guaner, his wife, stood behind Yan Qin to answer the ceremony. In four years, such a scene has appeared twice. Before Zhong Yi's death, no matter he was a lieutenant in the army, the vice president of Yan's group had a high status. In addition, he was the commander's son-in-law, and now there are people who came to Yan Qin's face. Therefore, this funeral is no less than the specifications of Jiang Zhan's funeral four years ago. The people who came to send Zhong Yi off are special

No more.

Of course, the most striking one is the fifth master yuan. The fifth master yuan is in front and Heyuan City is behind. They came to worship together.

Fifth master yuan?

Yan Qin almost forgot that yuan Wuye didn't come this time. Last time, yuan Wuye suddenly appeared on Beipo mountain and saved his life. He was really shocked. How could yuan Wuye go to Beipo mountain? How could you save him?

Although they have no hatred, they are also fighting openly and secretly. How could fifth master yuan save him?

After the worship of the fifth master yuan, the funeral was almost over. The fifth master yuan wanted to go with Heyuan City. Yan Qin hurriedly came forward and shouted, "the fifth master yuan, please stay."

After Yan Qin stopped himself, Mr. Yuan turned around and said to Heyuan City, "wait for me in the car first."

"Yan Shao, what can I do for you?"

"What can I do for you? Mr. Yuan should guess." Yan Qin said indifferently, "thank you for the last time. If you didn't help me, I'm afraid I would have been a ghost under Jinglun's gun."

Hearing this, Mr. Yuan just smiled perfunctorily and said, "it's just a little effort. Yan Shao doesn't have to worry."

"A little help?" Hearing these four words, Yan Qin really felt absurd. "The Beipo mountain was so remote and the battle was so dangerous. Mr. Yuan said it was a little help?"

"What do you want to say? At least I'm saving your life. I don't need your thanks. Do you still want to pay for my life? " The fifth master of Yuan smiled without revealing. He lit a cigarette, took it in his hand, took a deep breath, and then spit it out. The smoke filled him more and more, and he felt that the man was unfathomable.

Facing the statement of Mr. Yuan, Yan Qin smiled and said, "Mr. Yuan saved my life and I'll pay you back. Mr. Yuan is busy inside and outside. This business is not cost-effective." Mr. Yuan smiled and followed Yan Qin's words: "since it's not cost-effective, I won't do this business. I've always been casual. I'll do it when I'm happy. If I'm not happy, I don't need you to repay me. You don't have to worry about it, but remember, this is the first time I've helped you, and it's not easy

It's the last time. " After that, Mr. Yuan patted Yan Qin on the shoulder and said like a warning: "young people, don't be so impulsive, and don't judge who is good and who is bad too early. There are no absolute good people and no absolute bad people in the world. There are two sides to everything

, and a person's choice, positive and evil, is just a thought, huh? "

With Yuan Wu Ye's mysterious smile, he patted Yan Qin on the shoulder, then choked off the cigarette, turned away and looked at the figure of Yuan Wu Ye walking away. Yan Qin's eyes shrank.

Don't judge who is good and who is bad too early. There are no absolute good people and no absolute bad people in this world. Everything has two sides?

What did he mean by suddenly saying this to him?

Over the years, although he is not unfamiliar with the name of fifth master yuan, he has never dealt with him. They are all well water and do not invade the river. However, as the saying goes, when a colleague meets an enemy, he is similar to fifth master yuan.

It is well known that fifth master yuan has coveted the arms business for a long time, so Yan Qin, the arms boss, should be a thorn in his eye and a thorn in his flesh. He wanted to kill him last time. How can he help him now?

Suddenly, Yan Qin thought of another thing. Was it him who went to worship Lord Luo last time? Also, Jiang Zhan let him go once many years ago.

Why did you let him go?

Jiang Zhan's personality and temper Yan Qin is too clear. He always has a clear distinction between public and private. Many times, he can kill his relatives for the sake of national interests. There is such a clear opposition between good and evil. Why let him go?

At the thought of this, Yan Qin couldn't help feeling a headache. He really couldn't figure out what the old fox was thinking.

In this way, Jiang Zhan should know a lot. He must know how miserable the death of Lord Luo was at the beginning. He knows Jing Lun, yuan Wuye and many things he doesn't know.

But it's too late. Now Jiang Zhandu has died for four years, and everything he knows has been taken to his grave.

Yan Qin sighed and then returned to reality. Looking back, it was Zhong Yi's funeral. It was ridiculous. He never thought of this day

Today, Heyuan city came with Mr. Yuan. Mr. Yuan sent him away first. Heyuan City stood by the car and waited for him. Seeing that Mr. Yuan came, Heyuan City quickly opened the door for him. This time, Mr. Yuan didn't bring a driver, but Heyuan City drove without anyone else.

Mr. Yuan got into the car, and then Heyuan City started the car. Heyuan city looked at Mr. Yuan through the car mirror. Then when Mr. Yuan's eyes looked ahead, Heyuan City was busy and said goodbye, for fear that Mr. Yuan would see something.

"Say anything." How can he Yuancheng's mind escape the eyes of the fifth master yuan?

Heyuan City took a breath and asked, "fifth master, I've been holding some words in my heart. I know I'm not happy to ask you."

"You have to ask me before you know if I will be happy." Mr. Yuan said something serious.

So Heyuan City boldly asked, "fifth master, what's your relationship with Yan Qin?"

"What did you ask?" Sure enough, when Heyuan City asked this question, yuan Wuye's face changed and became very scary, as if he wanted to eat people. Heyuan City knew that he would play with fire if he asked again, but now his situation was like walking on thin ice. He Yuan City simply threw himself out and said directly: "I'll tell you the truth, fifth master, before you and Yan Qin didn't say that water and fire can't be tolerated, but it's almost the same. One mountain can't tolerate two tigers. Everyone wants to be alone

Quan, no one disagrees with anyone, but since I told you about Yan Qin's life experience, you have suddenly changed. You used to want Yan Qin's life, but now you don't have that idea at all, and you saved him this time. Yuancheng really can't think of it. "

"If you can't figure it out, don't think about it." He Yuancheng didn't expect that yuan Wuye didn't explain. He had such an attitude, which completely interrupted what he wanted to say later.

Heyuan City was really angry, but Mr. Yuan couldn't help it if he didn't say.

"Heyuan City, I told you long ago that you and Yan Qin have a grudge. It's your business. If you have the ability, kill him yourself. I'll raise you to another level immediately. If you don't have the ability, shut up and don't get me into trouble. Don't expect anyone to wipe your fart!"

Mr. Yuan said it decisively and resolutely. Heyuan City grabbed the steering wheel and held on to it again. The old fox was so merciless.

"I see, fifth master." Heyuan City was not convinced, but there was no way. People had to bow their heads under the eaves.

"Where's Yu Xinlei?" The fifth master of Yuan asked inadvertently.

Yu Xinlei?

When it comes to her, Heyuan city feels weak. He thinks Yu Xinlei is really crazy. He actually feels guilty about her. He even thinks that he will hurt her well in the future and will never let her be wronged again.


He never dreamed that Yu Xinlei, who had a simple mind before, turned him around this time. He thought that Yu Xinlei would be angry in Heyuan City now.

"She was lost and couldn't find it after looking for several days, so she didn't look for it again."

"She went to Jinglun. Of course you can't find it."

As soon as Mr. Yuan's words came out, Heyuan City was completely stunned. The old fox had not been in T City, but he knew everything.

Heyuan city didn't speak. In front of Mr. Yuan, he made more and more mistakes.

"That woman is really powerful. She has been acting crazy for four years and has great patience. No wonder even you and I have cheated."

Mr. Yuan lit another cigarette. He was also very angry here. At the beginning, he really doubted whether Xinlei was really crazy or fake crazy. He tested it with a doctor and cheated the doctor.

Heyuan city didn't speak. When he said this, he was suffocating to death.

"Yuancheng, you did a good job." Mr. Yuan suddenly praised Heyuan City. Heyuan City was a little stunned. What do you mean?

"I hate people who bite the hand that feeds you. Don't forget who took you in when you were down and who let you live now. I don't care who Yu Xinlei goes to. If you have a different heart..."

"Fifth master, you worry too much, Yuancheng dare not." Heyuan City was really in a cold sweat just now. He was so careful that he didn't expect that Mr. Yuan knew even that Jing Lun had been looking for him“ You helped me, and I will never forget it! " Heyuan City was busy talking, but his heart was in a panic

This novel has been translated by and if you are reading this somewhere, they have stolen our translation.