Mr CEO's hidden wife

Chapter 235

The black cloth on Zhong Yi's eyes was removed, and a strong light stabbed Zhong Yi's eyes. Zhong Yi's eyes narrowed subconsciously, and then slowly opened. He was in a big yard. There were many people in the yard. Around him were more than a dozen guns pointing at himself, and the terrible face was not far away.

"Zhong Yi?" Jinglun looked at him up and down and frowned unhappily, "what do you mean? Yan Qin dare not come? Sent a substitute for the dead? "

"My eldest brother disdains to fight you!" Zhong Yi said firmly, "stop talking nonsense. Where are Guan ER and Yang Xu? I want to see them first! "

"What I said is that I will play this game of life for life when Yan Qin comes. What are you? Do you think your life will be more valuable than Yan Qin's? "

"Trade me for both of them, and take me hostage." Zhong Yi said calmly.

Hearing this, Jing Lun was very angry and threw the smoke heavily on the ground. Seeing his move, his men with guns approached Zhong Yi again“ Are you a hostage? " Jing Lun spoke with contempt. "I thought how kind Lord Luo's son was. As a result, I was so disappointed. After so many years, I changed my name and hid under Jiang Zhan's umbrella. Now I dare not even save my wife and sister, Luo

Did you see it in the sky? Your son really doesn't follow you, but he's a coward! "

"Shut up! Don't insult my brother like this! " Zhong Yi was angry. "If you have the ability, take my life first, but I must see Guan ER and Yang Xu first!"“ Zhong Yi, do you think you still have the right to negotiate terms with me in this situation? " After listening to Zhong Yi's words, Jing Lun couldn't help but feel ridiculous and unscrupulous, because his men have determined that Zhong Yi came alone. Since he came alone, he is now like a lamb slaughtered by others

, I don't have the ability to resist at all.

"If we can't talk, we'll kill the fish and break the net!" After the words, Zhong Yi tore open his clothes, and then the whole audience was shocked. The gunmen who pointed guns at him also retreated one after another, because Zhong Yi's body was full of bombs. This is a new type of very small but highly lethal bomb.

Zhong Yi was tied to his body. He was wrapped in several layers of clothes. He had an excellent disguise. He didn't find it during the body search just now.

Seeing that his upper body was full of bombs, Jing Lun was also surprised and glared at the two people who had just searched Zhong Yi. The two people who were scared immediately finished peeing their pants.

"Boss, we really searched carefully just now. We really didn't..."

Jinglun was unhappy when he heard this. His subordinates immediately dragged the two people down.

Jinglun frowned slightly, looked at Zhong Yi and said, "Zhong Yi, how stupid it is to die for others?"

"Stop talking nonsense and let them out, or I'll light the bomb now. If I dare to come today, I don't intend to go back alive. It's worth pulling you up and I die!"

When the words fell, Zhong Yi lit the lighter. At this moment, everyone present was nervous.

Now he absolutely dares, and he is a soldier. No one can guarantee that he will subdue him and take the bomb off him.

Most importantly, there is no need to take the risk.

"Come on, bring those two women up to me!" Jinglun gives an order, but Zhong Yi's heart panics when he hears this sentence. He is really afraid to see what harm Jiang Guaner and Yang Xu have suffered.

Sure enough, Zhong Yi's worry was not superfluous. When he saw Yang Xu and Jiang Guaner with his own eyes, he could hardly believe his eyes, because they had been tortured and changed.

Yang Xu has a dusty head and face. There is no blood color on her face. Jiang Guaner makes Zhong Yi look distressed. She was beaten yesterday. There are blood stains everywhere on her body and her exposed skin. It's frightening to be beaten. It's unbearable to see Zhong Yi.

"Smile!" Zhong Yi couldn't help shouting. Seeing Jiang Guaner now, Zhong Yi couldn't help it, but he just took a step forward, and those guns were intertwined in front of him.

Yang Xu and Jiang Guaner were also controlled one after another. Seeing this, Zhong Yi was really angry and asked Jinglun angrily. He wanted to go over and peel Jinglun's skin immediately: "Jinglun, you bastard, what's your ability to deal with women!"

Looking at Zhong Yi's angry appearance, Jing Lun seemed to succeed in smiling. What he wanted was this effect. The corners of his mouth stirred up and said slowly in a devil like tone: "if you want to blame, blame your big brother."

In this regard, Zhong Yi gritted his teeth and his hatred continued.

At the moment, they are surprised to see Zhong Yi, Yang Xu and Jiang Guaner. They all think the person coming will be Yan Qin. Unexpectedly

"Zhong Yi, why are you here?" Seeing Zhong Yi and seeing that his upper body was full of bombs at the moment, Jiang Guan was really scared to death and hurriedly shouted to him, "what are you doing here? Are you trying to die? You hurry, hurry! "

Now I can't help feeling excited when I see Zhong Yijiang's smile. The most natural feeling is tension, fear, extreme fear, fear that he will die.

In the face of Jiang Guaner's fear and tension, Zhong Yi smiled happily: "you're tied up. How can I not come? And my sister-in-law. "

After Jiang Guaner finished, Zhong Yi looked at Yang Xu and said, "don't worry, brother is fine. As long as you go down the mountain safely, brother will soon clear up these animals!"

"Zhong Yi..."

Why can't Yang Xu see that he came to die for Yan Qin? Yang Xu is really distressed and painful to him.

"Zhong Yi, are you stupid? What are you doing here? " Jiang Guan cried loudly.

"Let them go and I'll be your hostage." Zhong Yi said to Jing Lun loudly. Seeing that Jing Lun didn't respond, Zhong Yi raised the decibel, "I want you to let them go. Do you hear me?"

Zhong Yi gave Yan Qin enough medicine. Yan Qin slept for a long time and was finally called up by the servant. Yan Qin woke up with a faint head, but when he thought of Zhong Yi, his mind suddenly became clear.

"Zhong Yi, Zhong Yi!" Yan Qin shouted loudly. Look at the time. It's almost noon now.


How could he believe Zhong Yi? How could he not see Zhong Yi's mind?


Yan Qin hurriedly ran out, and his people had arrived. According to Yan Qin's plan, he had to go by himself and let Zhong Yi ambush them. Now it's completely turned over.

Yan Qin's people, together with the support of the police, were many, but Yan Qin asked for reduction, and more people would be troublesome.

"Brother, I checked brother Zhong's car records and finally stopped at the foot of Beipo mountain."

Beipo mountain?

Yan Qin knew that place. It was easy to defend but difficult to attack. Jing Lun really knew how to choose a place.

"Mr. Luo, director Lu has instructions, but you need our full cooperation."

"OK." Yan Qin nodded. At the moment, Yan Qin really wanted to rush to a duel with Jing Lun regardless of everything, but his last reason told him not to do so.

He did this to harm not only himself, but also Yang Xu and Jiang Guaner, and more importantly, Zhong Yi, who died for him.

When he got his current position, Yan Qin hurried over with people. When he arrived, he first ambushed at the foot of the mountain.

"Elder brother, elder brother Zhong has been in for so long, and we are so far apart. It can be said that our eyes are black. What should we do now?"

What should I do?

Look at this situation, they haven't started yet, and Yang Xu and they don't know whether they live or die inside. They don't know what's going on inside.

"First take out a team to go around the back mountain and climb up at the fastest speed to explore the situation inside. The rest are on standby here. There are hostages inside. Don't act rashly."

This situation naturally requires someone to find a way to get in, and a few people are busy in the back mountain.

Yan Qin really doesn't want to take this step. Casualties are inevitable, but now Zhong Yi... He can't ignore it, let alone watch Zhong Yi die for him.

At the moment, the situation inside is bad. Zhong Yi asks Jinglun to release Yang Xu and Jiang Guaner immediately, but Jinglun is hesitating.

Seeing this, Zhong Yi approached the lighted lighter to the bomb and said, "if you don't let people go, I'll light it now. These bombs are powerful enough to die with you. Do you want to try?"

"Here they are, dare you order? If you order them, they will die! "

"You don't want to let people go. In the end, they still have to die. It's better to die together!" When Zhong Yi said this, he asked for the key points. Seeing this, Jinglun shouted, "wait!"

Looking at Zhong Yi's key points, Jing Lun said, "Zhong Yi, you have seed, let people go!"

Hearing that he was about to release Yang Xu and Jiang Guaner, Zhong Yi was relieved. Their bodies were released. Jiang Guaner cried to Zhong Yi, "Zhong Yi, Zhong Yi!"

"Smile, you take your sister-in-law and go!" Zhong Yi shouted to them.

"Zhong Yi, you..."

Jiang guan'er shouted Zhong Yi again. Zhong Yi's energy was a little scattered. He moved very fast. One person came forward and kicked out the lighter in his hand.

Now Zhong Yi has a bomb on his body. Jing Lun is also afraid that he will light it. He quickly took the gun and the shooting method is very accurate.

"Poof..." a loud gunshot rang out. Blood was like splashing water, dyed clothes and pierced people's eyes.

The cold bullet rubbed his arm, and the blood went down his arm drop by drop, and then line by line.

"Take him down! Unload the bomb from him! " At Jinglun's command, dozens of people attacked Zhong Yi in an instant.

"Zhong Yi!" Seeing this situation, Jiang Guaner is about to collapse“ Leave me alone, you go! " Today, Zhong Yi risked his life to save Yang Xu and Jiang guan'er. If he can't guarantee their return alive today, he will sacrifice in vain

This novel has been translated by and if you are reading this somewhere, they have stolen our translation.