Mr CEO's hidden wife

Chapter 231

This is a very dark room. In addition to an iron door and a high iron window, there are four cold walls. The space is very narrow, which is only more than ten square meters. Yang Xu and Jiang Guaner were locked here after they were kidnapped.

The ground was cold. After waking up, I felt that the beaten neck was still aching. Yang Xu moved his body, his body was about to fall apart, and his head was still confused.

She slowly opened her eyes and looked at everything strange here. The light was very dark and she could hardly see anything clearly. Yang Xu began to wake up slowly. At the thought of Yu Xinlei and the scene, Yang Xu immediately woke up and sat up in fear.

In the dim light, Yang Xu saw that Jiang Guan was still lying on the ground and was unconscious. Yang Xu quickly went over and gently shook her body, lay down in her ear and shouted: "Guan, Jiang Guan, wake up, wake up..."

Yang Xu called Jiang Guaner for a while before Jiang Guaner's body moved.

"Jiang Guaner, wake up." Looking at her like this, Yang Xu increased her voice and shouted to her. This time Jiang Guaner was awake. She opened her eyes, looked at Yang Xu in front of her, and looked at everything dark here. Jiang Guaner's eyes were full of consternation: "where is this? Why are we here? "

"We were kidnapped and brought here. I don't know where this is." Yang Xu felt sorry for Jiang Guaner for this,

"Kidnapping?" Hearing this word, Jiang Guaner was really shocked. It's also true. What's not kidnapping in that scene?

"Yu Xinlei? Is it her? " Now Jiang Guaner is completely hoodwinked. She still feels a headache and her brain is empty.

"She pretended to be crazy. I don't know who kidnapped us. What's certain is that these people are Yan Qin's enemies. They kidnapped us just to coerce him. Or, more accurately, it's just me who they want to catch. You're implicated by me."

"What do you say now? It's useless to be involved or not? Can you get me out of here now? " Jiang Guaner is really depressed now. She knows what a sudden disaster is.

Yang Xu didn't speak any more. He just sat down on the cold floor, thinking in his mind and blaming himself.

She never thought that Yu Xinlei pretended to be crazy. Suddenly she felt stupid and felt that the world was too terrible.

"I really don't want to scold you now. False compassion and false kindness. Do I really think I'm the virgin? You said you had a disagreement with Yu Xinlei. Now you have nothing to do, why do you take the initiative to provoke her? " Now Jiang Guan is so angry that she can't wait to beat Yang Xu.

Yes, it doesn't need to be said by Jiang Guaner. Yang Xu knows that she took the initiative to find Yu Xinlei this time. It's really regretful to die.

"What now? Are you really going to die here? I don't want to die yet. I'm still so young. Am I going to die here? " At the thought of this, Jiang Guaner couldn't help crying.

In this case, there are no other thoughts in my mind except death, and how many people are not afraid of death?

Jiang Guan is very afraid. She just wants to live now. She doesn't want anything, just doesn't want to die.

Jiang Guan was crying. Why didn't Yang Xu want to cry?

This kind of thing has happened to her twice. When Zuo Xuan kidnapped her seven years ago, she was like death. At that time, she didn't seem to have much fear of death, but felt it was a relief. Now?

She is not only afraid of death, but also afraid that Yan Qin will come and die, as well as Da Bai and Xiao Bai. What can they do if something happens to both of them? They are so young.

Thinking of this, Yang Xu felt very painful. She looked around. It was dark, not even an iron window. The rusty iron door was closed, and the whole environment was with a frightening smell.

And who kidnapped them? Who is the boss behind Yu Xinlei?

Did he want to trade their lives for Yan Qin's?

At the thought of this, Yang Xu felt infinite fear. Where is Yan Qin now? Would it be crazy to know she was missing? Indeed, Yang Xu and Jiang guan'er have been missing for 24 hours now. Yan Qin and Zhong Yi have almost made a carpet search in T city. The intersection and the police are all out. Yan Qin is really dying of anxiety. Now Yang Xu has just given Tang Qin blood transfusion, and his body is so weak. How can he suffer

Get this toss?

"Daddy, why doesn't Mommy come back? I want mommy, I want mommy! " Unable to find Yang Xu for such a long time, Xiaobai cried out in a hurry.

"Well, Xiaobai, why are you crying? Mommy can't be okay. Daddy is so powerful. Daddy said he wouldn't let mommy be okay, right, daddy? "

Now Yan Qin is really upset. When he sees Xiaobai crying, his heart is more and more upset. At the same time, he is more guilty and remorse.

"Well, Da Bai and Xiao Bai, you take a nap first. I promise, your mommy will be back when you wake up."


"Of course it's true. Daddy won't lie to you."

"OK, let's go to bed right away. When we wake up, we can see Mommy." Yan Qin asked the servant to take Da Bai and Xiao Bai to bed. After they went upstairs, he was left alone in the whole hall. He was empty. He could hear endless echoes every time he gasped. He was a little weak. His elbows supported on the windowsill of the corridor, hung his head tightly, and his hands inserted into his hair. He needs to calm down. At this time, they must calm down. Jinglun took Yang Xu and they will contact him. Now they don't contact him because they want to torture him mentally, so they can't fall into their trap. Jinglun's goal is him. He won't hurt Yang Xu before fighting with him. So he must have conditions. As long as he has conditions, Yang Xu and Jiang Guaner will be saved. Even if he wants his life this time, he will not hesitate, as long as they are all right“ Brother, I found clues and suspected vehicles. There are three vehicles in total. Now the traffic police are trying their best to get the direction of these three vehicles. " At this time, Zhong Yi Ran in. He didn't sleep all night. The police and traffic police in the whole city went out. Finally, he had a harvest“ Zhong Yi, let the police and traffic police withdraw. " Finally, with a clue, Zhong Yi was still excited. Yan Qin said this, which puzzled Zhong Yi. It was like being poured cold water on his head“ Why? I finally got a clue. "“ Now we are actually trying to scare the snake by mobilizing the masses. All the kidnappers' taboos are to call the police. Now people are in their hands. We must not take any risks. If they are really forced to hurry, they can do anything. " Hearing Yan Qin say this, Zhong Yi also thinks it makes sense, but he is in a hurry“ But what if you don't track it? Then don't check? Just give up? No, even if I don't need the police, I'll find something myself. " When Zhong Yi finished, he was about to run out. Yan Qin stopped him with a sharp voice: "Zhong Yi, I know you are worried, but now is not the time to be emotional! You may find it, but if you find it, it will change the next second. We will always be passive. "“ What do you say? Now that their lives and deaths are unknown, shall we just sit here and wait without doing anything? " Zhong Yi is in a bad mood“ You're worried, I'm more worried than you, but the more this time, the more you need to calm down. It's not waiting to die, let alone ignore them, absolutely not! Don't waste your strength and energy. Wait, they will contact me before tonight, they will! " They have been missing for more than 24 hours. This time is enough. Yan Qin dares to conclude that someone will contact him tonight. He will! Hearing Yan Qin say so, Zhong Yi stopped talking. His body completely softened and his hands tightly supported the windowsill. He clenched his fist and hit it hard, saying, "if those animals dare to hurt them, I'll break them into pieces!" Zhong Yi hates it very much. He is the least ashamed of this inferior means. It's shameful, shameful, shameful to kidnap women to threaten! Is it not Yan Qin's idea that finally comes to mind now? He was going crazy. Really, he would have collapsed if he hadn't been controlled by a little reason in his heart. Now Yang Xu and Yan Qin seem to have telepathy. At the moment, Yan Qin can feel her anxiety. She also wants to cheer up. However, I don't know what's the matter this time. Xu Shigang lost blood to Tang Qin and was locked up in this wet place. In addition, she hasn't eaten or drank for more than 30 hours. At this time, she feels so uncomfortable, weak, dizzy and disgusting, Special vomiting“ Hello, Yang Xu, why don't you talk? " This place is very humid. In addition, without food and drink, Jiang Guan has little strength. It may be that at night, the airtight and opaque little black room is getting darker and darker. She can't see her fingers. She hasn't heard anything about Yang Xu for a long time. Jiang Guan hurriedly asked, she is also afraid, and her voice trembles with weakness. "Hey, are you still alive?" Alive? Alive? Now Yang Xu feels that living is better than dying. It's so uncomfortable. Life is better than death. Yang Xu wanted to answer, but he didn't have much strength. Just about to open his mouth, a sense of nausea came up, and then he covered his chest and vomited out. Because he didn't eat, there was nothing in his stomach and vomited all sour water. After vomiting, Yang Xu felt uncomfortable. He felt that his whole body was light and floating. Even his eyelids were heavy, and he had to faint at any time“ Hello, Yang Xu, what's the matter with you? " This novel has been translated by and if you are reading this somewhere, they have stopped our translation