Mr CEO's hidden wife

Chapter 225

This time, in order to check the case handling materials of Lord Luo, Zhong Yi spent a lot of effort and alerted the current director Lu, who also gave him a favor.

But Zhong Yi also said that there were rules that Yan Qin could only go in alone, so Zhong Yi had to wait outside. The archivist took Yan Qin to the archives room and carefully reminded him: "Mr. Luo, director Lu said that you were the descendant of the former director Luo, and now you really need to make an exception to let you in. According to the regulations, this is absolutely not allowed. You have to make serious mistakes. You can do it

Don't tell others and don't stay too long. All the materials here are not allowed to be photographed, copied, damaged or taken away. "

"I know. Thank you. I'll be there soon." Yan Qin naturally understood what a confidential file it was. Not to mention that few outsiders, even those inside the police station, were qualified to come here. He naturally understood how many exceptions and bad rules it was. Naturally, he was very grateful.

"That's good. These are all the cases handled by director Luo. President Luo, you must hurry up." The administrator took all the case files handled by Lord Luo to Yan Qin. After reminding him again, he withdrew from the archives and closed the door.

Holding these files, Yan Qin felt heavy and could not hold them in his palm. Yan Qin sat down and looked at them carefully and quickly. From small to large, this was the first time he felt so close to his father. He looked at these cases carefully, and Yan Qin was frightened when he saw them. Before Luo Yuanxun was not the director of the provincial public security department, he worked as the director of the counter-terrorism department. His job was to deal with terrorists, and each case risked his life and became more and more dangerous

The more Yan Qin looked at it, the more he felt heavy and uncomfortable.

Yan Qin finished all the cases with the fastest speed. Each case is very dangerous. One of them shocked the whole country. It has been nearly 30 years. It smashed a huge terrorist criminal group that shocked the world. The industry calls this terrorist organization poison thorn!

This organization has committed crimes in many countries and has become an important case pursued by criminal police in many countries. The crimes of this criminal organization led by Jing Rong were countless and heinous. At that time, his name almost became a humiliation to the world police.

In order to pursue this organization, Lord Luo also spent several years, and finally found the foothold of that organization after thousands of hardships. The war was recorded in the archives for two days and one night. As a result, Jing Rong was caught on the spot. Nearly 100 other terrorists died and injured, and the police also suffered heavy casualties. Later, with Jing Rong being shot, the case was finally solved. Also because this case made Luo Yuanxun famous, he not only won the honor of one of the most brave police officers in the world

Award, and at the age of 32, he was exceptionally promoted to the director of the provincial public security department.

After reading it, Yan Qin sighed. It turned out that he knew so little about his biological father. It turned out that his father was not just a great hero he knew.

For Yan Qin, although he didn't become a general in his life, he also made great achievements in war, but what are his achievements compared with his father?

Yan Qin could feel his father's strong breath here, as if his father's soul was still there. He wanted to stay a little longer, but he couldn't break the rules of the provincial public security department, which his father wouldn't allow.

Yan Qin put all the materials back in place, then turned and walked out of the archives.

After reading those files, Yan Qin couldn't say what he was feeling. What he had to be sure was that he was more and more proud of having such a father.

After reading it, although I learned a lot about his father's case, it seems that there is no big clear clue about the mysterious figure this time.

Luo Yuanxun has handled too many major cases, and there are too many enemies. The biggest case is Jing Rong's, but the file says it has been wiped out, and there are four words on Luo Yuanxun's death. He died on duty and nothing else.

"Mr. Luo, director Lu is waiting for you in the office. This way, please." As soon as Yan Qin came out of the archives, he was stopped by director Lu's secretary.

The Secretary led him to the office of the current director, director Lu.

"Mr. Yan, nice to meet you." As soon as Yan Qin entered, director Lu got up and stretched out his hand to Yan Qin. Yan Qin also politely stretched out his hand and held his hand.

"Director Lu, I really trouble you this time."

I've seen director Lu on other occasions before. It's not strange.

"Mr. Yan, please sit down." After shaking hands, director Lu motioned for him to sit on the sofa.

Yan Qin sat down. Director Lu's secretary was busy making tea and pouring water.

"Should I change my name to president Luo now? Speaking of it, we really have fate. We have seen you many times. It's unexpected that you should be the son of director Luo. " Director Lu said.

Yan Qin just responded with a natural smile.

"Have you got anything after reading it?" Director Lu asked hurriedly.

"Yes." Yan Qin's answer was very simple.

"Have you been in trouble recently?"

"It's no trouble. It may also be a prank. Director Lu doesn't have to worry."

"That's good. If there's really any trouble, try to talk to me. If it's really because director Luo made you threatened, our provincial public security department is also duty bound."

Director Lu said that Yan Qin was very grateful. Yan Qin hurriedly said, "thank you, director Lu, but now I'm not sure if it's an enemy seeking revenge. After all, it's not easy to check anything after so many years."

"It's true. Although I will often hear the deeds of director Luo, I'm sorry I haven't been lucky to meet director Luo himself. I know nothing about him except the files, and I can't help you."

"Director Lu, it's very kind of you to make an exception to let me enter the archives. I'm very grateful. I don't dare to bother too much." Yan Qin was very modest and polite.

With a faint smile, director Lu suddenly thought of something and said, "Oh, by the way, I suddenly think of a man, old Xue. He is your father's master. He is now in his eighties. If there is anyone in the world who knows about your father, only old Xue."

Upon hearing this, Yan Qin's eyes brightened and hurriedly asked, "do you know where the old Xue is now?" Director Lu helped Yan Qin a lot this time. Because the police station organizes an activity to comfort retired veteran cadres every year, he knows where this old Xue lives now. He is recuperating in the cadre sanatorium. After receiving the news, Yan Qin came out of the public security department and got on the car and told Zhong Yi

"Go to the cadre sanatorium," he said

After hearing this, Zhong Yi quickly starts the car. Yan Qin takes out his mobile phone and calls Yang Xu. He is really worried that Jiang Guan should take care of Yang Xu and Yan Qin.

When the phone rang, Yang Xu and Jiang Guaner had just left the yard for a walk.

"Hello, Yan Qin."“ Yang Xu, didn't that girl make you angry? " Because Yang Xu and Jiang guan'er are walking now. Jiang guan'er listened clearly to what Yan Qin said on the phone. She grabbed the phone and complained, "brother, is that what I am in your heart? You don't have to belittle me if you protect your wife


Yan Qin didn't expect Jiang Guaner to answer the phone. When she said so, Yan Qin didn't know what to say.

"OK, I'll take a walk with your wife. Don't call again. Don't worry, I can't eat your wife."

With that, Jiang Guan Er hung up the phone for Yan Qin. Yan Qin was really in a good mood after being hung up——

"Elder brother, don't worry. Smile. Although she is unruly and willful, she is not bad." Zhong Yi also said something hurriedly.

Yan Qin regretted that he shouldn't have called at all.

Put down the phone, Jiang Guan also felt angry: "my brother was damaged by you. He used to hurt me so much. Now, he's afraid of me bullying you. Who bullies who?"

Yang Xu couldn't help laughing and said, "anyway, I didn't bully you. Your brother knows."

Jiang Guan really hates it. She just doesn't speak. She just takes a walk with Yang Xu.

After a while, there was a commotion outside the hospital. Yang Xu and Jiang Guan looked at each other, and then hurried over.

"Where did the madman come from? Go away, go away, go away! "

Several bodyguards shouted and scolded, buzzing around.

"What's going on?" Yang Xu hurriedly came forward and asked.

The bodyguards hurriedly dispersed and respectfully replied to Yang Xu: "young grandma, I don't know where a madman came from. We'll drive her away right away."


Yang Xu looked at the ground. She was curling up on the ground with her head in her arms. She was shivering. She kept shouting, "don't hit me, don't hit me..."

"Yu Xinlei?" It's Yu Xinlei and Yang Xu. She's really surprised. She hasn't seen her since she disappeared from the mental hospital last time.

When she first disappeared, Yang Xu was still very worried, but later she filed a lawsuit and remarried. She forgot Yu Xinlei.

If I hadn't seen her now, Yang Xu really couldn't remember.

"Yu Xinlei? Why are you here? Get up. " Yang Xu helps Yu Xinlei up. Now Yu Xinlei is disheartened, her hair is messy and her clothes are dirty.

"Is she Yu Xinlei?" Before, Jiang Guaner and Yu Xinlei had no intersection, but they also knew this person and that she was a big lady. When they stood and saw her like this, they couldn't recognize it, "the ex-wife of Heyuan City? It can't be true? How could she be like this? "

Seeing Yu Xinlei Jiang Guan now, she was really frightened. She felt incredible and couldn't believe it. How could the old lady who was high above become like this? Is she crazy“ Yu Xinlei, why are you here? " Yang Xu was really surprised. "Where did you go after you disappeared?"

This novel has been translated by and if you are reading this somewhere, they have stolen our translation.