Mr CEO's hidden wife

Chapter 222

"What did you find?" Hearing what Zhong Yi said, Yan Qin asked hurriedly.

"Brother, the car you suspect has a problem. I checked the driving record of the car, but I accidentally found that it not only appeared at the door of the company, but also stopped at the door of the community where brother lives now. This can't be a coincidence."

He also stopped at the door of his community?

Sure enough

With these words, Zhong Yi took out several photos and handed them to Yan Qin, explaining: "this is the restored human image, which is very unclear, but the technicians said it was the best effect." Yan Qin took the photos. From the photos, you can clearly see the car. There are two people on the car, one is the driver and the other is sitting in the rear seat. The driver's face can be seen clearly. He is a young boy, but the people sitting in the back can't see clearly. You can see him

Wearing a pair of sunglasses, the line of sight was dark, and the pair of sunglasses couldn't see his face clearly.

Yan Qin looked very carefully, but it was very vague. He couldn't figure out how old he was.

"And brother, I checked. The owner of the registered car is Zhou Ke. He has no background. It is estimated that he is just a substitute. If so, it will prove that there is definitely a problem with the car."

He also knew that Yan Qin's eyes were still focused on the man wearing sunglasses in the back seat. His facial features were very vague and could not see anything, but Yan Qin could not think of anyone. He was very strange.

"Elder brother, will they be the enemies of Luoting before he died?"

"Nine times out of ten."

"But director Luo has been dead for so many years. Besides, even if there is a deep blood feud, it is also the gratitude and resentment of the previous generation..."

"If it's all your idea, where's the saying of cutting the roots? These people are crazy and can do anything. "

"So what? We know they're in the dark. We suffer a lot and can't be prevented. After all, director Luo has been dead for more than 20 years. Where can we check? We don't even know who they are. It's very passive. "

Yan Qin fully agrees with Zhong Yi's words. No matter how powerful he is, he doesn't know who his opponent is. It's really a loss. Moreover, his father has died for more than 20 years. At that time, he was only eight years old. It can be said that he knew nothing about his father.

If it's just him, he won't worry. The key is Yang Xu's blood relationship with the children. If something happens to them, Yan Qinsheng might as well die“ So, Zhong Yi, you go to the Provincial Public Security Bureau for me, explain the situation to them, and say I want to get my father's case handling records and see what they say. " Yan Qin should have done it, but Yang Xu had just finished drawing blood, and Tang Qin was still like this. Yang Xu couldn't leave, and Yan Qin naturally

I can't leave.

"OK, I'll try, but I feel mysterious. After all, the discipline of the provincial public security department is too strict. I'm afraid I won't go through the back door."

"Try and do your best, or there's no other way."

Indeed, there was no other way to learn about his father's life.

"Well, don't worry, brother. Tang Qin's side, you also ask your sister-in-law not to worry too much. Auspicious people have their own nature."

Yan Qin nodded, then patted Zhong Yi on the shoulder and said, "Zhong Yi, it's going to be hard for you this time. The marriage leave that has been promised to you has not been fulfilled."

Speaking of this, Yan Qin is really sorry for Zhong Yi. He has been living and dying with him for so many years.

"Brother, don't say that. Besides, even if I have time to smile, I won't go on an excessive honeymoon with me. It's better to be busy. Well, brother, take care of your sister-in-law here. I'll be busy."

"Yes." Yan Qin nodded and watched Zhong Yi run out in a hurry.

When he returned to the ward, Tang Qin had fallen asleep. Yang Xu sat by the hospital bed and gently pressed his head. It seemed that he was uncomfortable. Yan Qin hurried forward and asked, "what's the matter?"

Yang Xu slightly tooted his mouth and said, "it's all right. It's just dizzy. It's spinning."

"You've just been pumped so much blood. It's like this. Let you lie down in bed and rest. You just don't listen." Seeing her like this, Yan Qin was both distressed and angry.

"No matter what I do, I'm much better than Tang Qin. Now dean an can't take care of me alone. Naturally, I have to help. Besides, it's inconvenient for women to take care of their children after they have just given birth." Yang Xu said slowly.

"You can't stand still now. Who else do you want to care for? Don't worry. This is Jinyan's hospital. Tang Qin won't lack anyone to care for." Yan Qin is telling the truth.

Yang Xu smiled faintly, and then hurriedly asked, "where's big white and little white?"

"I just went to see it and didn't wake up. They almost didn't sleep in the middle of the night last night. They can probably sleep until the afternoon."

"Then let them sleep well."

"Then I'll help you back and you have a good rest."

"No, Dean an gave me the candy. He hasn't come back yet. How can I go?"

Yan Qin was also helpless and had to wait here with Yang Xu. An Jinyan's action was very fast. When he came in, he took a lot of things for Tang Qin.

"Shh, Tangtang is asleep." As soon as an Jinyan came in, Yang Xu hurriedly reminded him.

Seeing Tang Qin asleep, an Jinyan slowed down and gently put the food on the table.

"Well, Yang Xu, go back and have a rest. Thanks to you last night." Now I don't know how grateful I am to see Yang Xu an Jinyan.

"You're welcome to come with me. Take good care of her here. Let's go back first."

"Yes." An Jinyan smiled faintly at Yang Xu.

Out of the ward, Yan Qin directly picked up Yang Xu. Yang Xu hurriedly said, "I'm not so empty. There are many people here. Please put me down."

"What's the point of holding your wife? You are a patient now. " Yan Qin just didn't let go, and then asked, "do you want to go home or go to the lounge first?"

"Go back to the lounge first. Now Tang Qin's mood is still unstable. Besides, the baby hasn't been out of danger. I'll see later. Tang Qin also needs people now."

Listening to Yang Xu, Wan Yanqin was really helpless and sighed, "you are the life to worry about."

After listening to this, Yang Xu smiled, then stretched out his hands and hugged Yan Qin's neck and said, "it's not only worried about life, but also happy life. Otherwise, how could I find such a good husband?"

"Well, I love that." Yan Qin said it without modesty.

Tang Qin gave birth prematurely, and an Jinyan was worried about Tang Qin. Tang Qin slept for a long time, and an Jinyan stayed by the bed.

Twenty four hours have passed since Tang Qin gave birth to the child. In these twenty-four hours, an Jinyan didn't close his eyes.

"Baby... Child... My child, don't take off my child..."

"Tang Qin? Tang Qin? " Seeing Tang Qin's body twitching uneasily, an Jinyan was startled and hurriedly shouted her name.

An Jinyan's voice made Tang Qin wake up from the nightmare. She opened her eyes and looked at an Jinyan. She gasped heavily. After waking up, Tang Qin asked: "Jinyan, our child? Where are our children? "

"Our baby is still in the incubator. I asked. At present, the situation is still optimistic." An Jinyan is busy saying so.

"I'm going to see him. I'm going to see him. Jin Yan, you take me, you take me!"

Now Tang Qin's physical condition is to stay in bed, but now the child's life is still hanging on the line. How can she rest safely?

"OK, OK, I'll take you now." An Jinyan carefully helped her out of bed. After getting out of bed, he directly picked her up.

An Jinyan took her outside the incubator. Through the glass window, they could see the baby, a small thing.

When she saw this little thing, Tang Qin's eyes were wet. She held the glass window with her hands and looked inside. Her voice trembled: "is this our child?"

At the moment of seeing the child, everyone couldn't help but wet an Jinyan's eyes. He came forward and hugged Tang Qin's weak body and said, "yes, this is the child you gave birth to, our child."

Tang Qin looked at him like this, and his tears kept flowing: "he's so small. He's not as big as your palm."

Yes, a premature baby is only more than two kilograms.

"Jin Yan, do you think our baby can survive? In case... "

"If not, he will survive. He knows that his mother doesn't even want his life for him. How can he not survive?"

Tang Qin smiled and wept: "yes, he can."

An Jinyan also smiled and nodded, while Yang Xu was dizzy as soon as he returned to the lounge. Yan Qin hurriedly said, "otherwise I'll let the doctor come and have a look?"

"I'm a doctor." Yang Xu immediately replied, "it's all right. It's all right after losing blood. Take more rest and eat something good to make it up."

"Well, I'll prepare something for you. What would you like to eat?"

"I want to eat everything my husband does." Yang Xu is very poor.

"I find that you are more and more talkative when you stand with your mouth." Yan Qin pinched her nose as he said, "well, you rest here and I'll make it for you."

"Hard work, my husband."

Just now, Da Bai and Xiao Bai wake up. Yan Qin is afraid that the two little guys will make Yang Xu rest, so he takes the two little guys out of the hospital.

After they left, the man who was watching in the opposite building put away the telescope and reported to the man sitting on the sofa: "boss, Yan Qin is really careful. There are bodyguards next to the hospital. It's hard to start. Did we scare the snake?"

"That's how it's fun. It doesn't matter. I have plenty of time to grind with him. I'll see if Lord Luo's son really has three heads and six arms..." after that, he strangled the smoke in his hand, spit out the thick smoke from his mouth, and then opened his mouth: "besides, I still have a trump card in my hand that's useless..."

This novel has been translated by and if you are reading this somewhere, they have stolen our translation.