Mr CEO's hidden wife

Chapter 215

"Yuancheng dare not. It definitely doesn't mean that." Heyuancheng hurriedly admitted his mistake. If he annoyed Mr. Yuan, there would be only one consequence. This man never blinked. Mr. Yuan withdrew his fierce eyes, but his tone was still strong enough to kill: "Heyuan City, what grudges do you have with Yan Qin? It's a personal matter between you. Although I do lose my head and fight and kill all day, I'm just a businessman. I will do what's good for me, but I won't do what's bad. Yan Qin's power can't be underestimated, Without 100% confidence, I will never rush to make enemies for myself. If you can kill Yan Qin and let him free up the arms business for me, I will directly let you sit in the second place, but if you lose

That's your personal business. No one can pay for your life. Listen clearly? "

This time, what Mr. Yuan said was very clear, but it made Heyuan City sneer. Mr. Yuan never said it before, but the implied meaning was to use him to get rid of Yan Qin. Now, what do you mean by saying that he didn't want to move Yan Qin?

Heyuan City was really angry, but there was no way. Who let him depend on others?

"I see, fifth master." Heyuan City had to bow its head.

"If you understand, pick up your ex-wife tomorrow. If necessary, I'll arrange it for you."

Isn't that clear enough?

"Thank you, fifth master."

After Mr. Yuan turned and left, he Yuancheng clenched his fist. This Mr. Yuan turned his face faster than the book. He didn't take his life as his life. Now he has to use Xinlei to contain him, damn it! damn!

But there was no way. Mr. Yuan said that he could only do it. He couldn't help himself. The next day, Mr. Yuan personally sent a car and Heyuan city went to the courtyard where Yu Xinlei lived.

"Husband, you're here. Have you come to see me again?" Seeing that Heyuan city came in, Yu Xinlei was very excited and ran towards him. Today, she wore two braids, one left and one right. She looked at Heyuan City beautifully with her braids. "Husband, do you think I'm so beautiful? Isn't it beautiful? "

"Beautiful, especially beautiful." Heyuan City smiled reluctantly.

Yu Xinlei took his hand again, took him and walked inside: "husband, you go with me, and I pinch a lot of villains. Go and see if I pinch well..."

Yu Xinlei said excitedly, pulling Heyuan City to go inside, but Heyuan City grabbed her and said, "Xinlei, let's see it another day. Now shall I take you home and leave this place?"“ Go home? " Reading these two words, Yu Xinlei loosened Heyuan City's hand, and then grabbed her head with both hands and scratched her braids. Her braids were completely messy, "where is home? Where did it come from? Why can't I remember? Why can't I remember? Why can't I remember


She looked like she was going to scratch her scalp. Seeing that Heyuan City was busy stopping her, she pulled her hands over and controlled them, saying, "you don't have to think. I can take you back now. I'll take you home, and then you can see your husband every day. Is Gao happy?"

"Really?" Yu Xinlei immediately grinned, "can I really see my husband every day? Can you play with me every day? "

"Of course." Heyuan City answered positively. Yu Xinlei immediately clapped her hands and shouted: "it's great to see her husband every day. Let's go now, let's go now, let's go home now, let's go home now."

Yu Xinlei naturally doesn't know any conspiracy. At the moment, she is excited like a child who has got a toy, but she won't know that "home" is actually a tiger's den.

Heyuan City took her to the car. Yu Xinlei was very excited all the way and hummed songs from time to time. Seeing her so happy, Heyuan City felt a little uncomfortable.

"Husband, is this our home? Wow, it's so big and beautiful. My husband is great. My husband is great. " When the car drove into the yard, Yu Xinlei couldn't help sighing when she saw here.

"Get out of the car." Heyuan city got off the bus with Yu Xinlei. As soon as he got off the bus, Mr. Yuan came out. Seeing him coming out, Yu Xinlei was afraid and hid behind Heyuan City with a look of fear on his face.

Seeing this, Mr. Yuan smiled and asked, "I'm so terrible?"

"Who is this old man? Why in our house? Husband, don't him, don't him, let him go, let him go. " Yu Xinlei whispered behind Heyuan City.

Hearing this, heyuancheng quickly explained to Mr. Yuan for Yu Xinlei: "don't be angry, Mr. Yuan. She has mental problems. It's all nonsense."

"I'm not so angry with a madman." Mr. Yuan said to Heyuan City, "come on, let her come out and I'll have a look."

As a last resort, Heyuan City pulled Yu Xinlei out from behind and said, "Xinlei, raise your head. This is the fifth master, the boss of your husband, not a bad man."

"What is a boss? Was it good? I've only eaten sushi. " Yu Xinlei looked at Heyuan City and asked.

After hearing this, Mr. Yuan couldn't help laughing: "this crazy girl is interesting and looks good. It's a pity to be crazy."

Yu Xinlei looks really good. She is definitely a great beauty. It's a pity to be like this now.

"Well, Yuancheng, go and arrange for her. The expert I specially found in this field is already here."“ I see, fifth master. " The fifth master yuan was really suspicious. He Yuancheng said something, and then took Yu Xinlei in. He took Yu Xinlei in. The first thing was naturally to accept the doctor's examination. Mr. Yuan was still waiting for a reply. After the doctor saw Yu Xinlei, he replied to Mr. Yuan“ There's no problem. It's not like pretending. " This is the doctor's conclusion. Hearing this conclusion, Mr. Yuan was a little relieved and nodded“ Fifth master. " Heyuan city came down from upstairs. Mr. Yuan asked, "why don't you accompany her?"“ Sleep. "“ Sleep well, and sleep can make you quiet for a while. "“ Yes. "“ Yuancheng, I have something urgent abroad. I need to leave here for a few days first. You will be fully responsible for everything here. "“ Are you leaving? " Heyuan City was surprised when he heard this sentence, but he didn't know whether it was really something that yuan Wuye suddenly wanted to leave or just wanted to leave him here to test him, but no matter which kind, he was always happy to leave. It was best for yuan Wuye to leave here“ Yes, if you have something to do temporarily, I'll leave it to you. There's another sentence. You can let go, but don't make trouble for me, or no one can protect you. " Heyuan City is a very ambitious man. Of course, the fifth master yuan knows“ You can rest assured, fifth master, I will never cause you any trouble. " Natural Heyuan city also knows that this trouble refers to Yan Qin. Since Mr. Yuan came to T City, Zhong Yi paid special attention to all his whereabouts. Naturally, Zhong Yi knew about him almost the first time he left“ You said yuan Laowu left t city? " Yan Qin was also surprised to hear the news“ Yes, just left. " Zhong Yi replied slowly, "I really don't know what medicine this old thing sells in the gourd? Brother, do you think he's cheating? Deliberately created the illusion that we were going to leave, let us relax our vigilance, and then want to fight us? " Zhong Yi has to be so suspicious. After all, fifth master yuan is too deep in the city. He is a crafty fox. Yan Qin thought for a moment, then shook his head: "unlike yuan Laowu, I still know some of his style. He won't do anything he's not sure of, and he doesn't dare to rush to me in T city."“ What the hell does he want? Last time we took my sister-in-law away, he must have a grudge and can't swallow it. "“ If you don't want to die, you have to swallow if you don't want to swallow. You don't have to spend time trying to figure out his mind. If you can't guess, we'll do it as long as we see that he's wrong. If he doesn't move, we don't need to find this trouble. " This is Yan Qin's attitude. He doesn't involve his own interests, doesn't ask for trouble, and is absolutely not afraid of things when he comes“ I see, big brother. " Zhong Yi replied, and then hurriedly said, "Heyuan City is very strange recently. There has been no movement since the court session."“ He is now under the control of others. Yuan Laowu has nothing to do. What can he do? " Also, if you are controlled by others, you can't be so free“ I have my own discretion in their affairs, and you don't have to stare too closely. It's bad if they notice anything. " Yan Qin gave an instruction, and Zhong Yi nodded, "I see, brother." Having said this, Yan Qin looked up at Zhong Yi, thought of some private affairs, and asked“ Zhong Yi, how are you doing with Guan recently? "“ Very good. Guan er's temper has converged a lot recently. Everything is fine. " In fact, when he finally asked Jiang Guaner from his mouth, there were absolutely few words that were credible. Yan Qin asked the next question very directly: "have you been married for so long?" Roommate? Hearing this, Zhong Yi suddenly committed an embarrassing cancer. He was shocked. Why could Yan Qin ask this sentence so naturally? Seeing that Zhong Yi is embarrassed and embarrassed, Yan Qin really wants to laugh. People in their thirties are shy to hear this question? Not at first sight. Yan Qin smiled, got up, looked at Zhong Yi and said, "Zhong Yi, what are you thinking after you've been married for so long? You are now legally married. " Hearing this, Zhong Yi also knew that there were no problems that could not be solved in bed between husband and wife, but... Yan Qin smiled again and said, "well, it's not difficult for you. It's just to serve snacks yourself. I know that girl too well. She won't take the initiative if you don't take the initiative to the people she doesn't love. Don't always try to accommodate her and spoil her temper."“ I see, brother, I will. " Zhong Yi hurriedly answered. This novel has been translated by and if you are reading this somewhere, they have stolen our translation.