Mr CEO's hidden wife

Chapter 202

Now Da Bai and Xiao Bai don't have to go to school. Yan Qin has become a full-time father. However, Yan Qin enjoys the process very much. These two lovely little guys haven't been with them since they were in Yang Xu's stomach until they were more than three years old. Now he wants him to stay with him without doing anything 24 hours a day

He would, too.

The two of them are at home, and Yan Qin's servants don't need them. They do everything about the children themselves.

"Daddy, Mommy says you have a bad stomach, don't you?" While talking, Xiaobai's little hand touched Yan Qin's stomach.

Dabai quickly corrected: "it's not the stomach, it's the stomach, it's here, it's here."

Dabai's hand touched the normal position of the stomach. Yan Qin was surprised: "Dabai is so powerful that he knows it's the stomach."

Dabai smiled proudly: "because godfather is a doctor, godfather told Dabai last time."

"Oh?" Yan Qin smiled. "Is our family interested in learning medicine?"

"A little, but da Bai doesn't want to be a doctor in the future."

"What will da Bai do when he grows up?" Of course, Yan Qin's idea was to ask him to inherit his family property, but Dabai said, "I want to be like my father. I want to be a soldier, I want to be a general!"


Yan Qin was really shocked. Whether it was childish or not, Yan Qin felt very happy.

It's really like him when he was a child. When he first entered the army, he decided to be a general. Finally, when he was only one step away from the general, Jiang Zhan asked him to retire.

However, the general's dream may not come true in his life.

"Daddy, you are so eccentric. Why do you only ask Da Bai instead of Xiao Bai?" Xiaobai is even a little jealous.

Yan Qin quickly held Xiaobai over and asked, "what does Xiaobai want to do when he grows up?"

Xiaobai said seriously, "well ~ ~ but Xiaobai hasn't thought about it yet."

"What vinegar do you eat? You don't have a dream." Big white despises it.

Xiaobai toots his mouth, glances over Dabai and says, "good women don't fight with men, ignore you, daddy, if you're not good here, Xiaobai will rub it for you."

"Dabai rubbed it for daddy, too."

After that, the two little guys began to rub it for Yan Qin. Yan Qin felt so warm whether it worked or not.

The two little guys rubbed for him for a long time. Yan Qin didn't get up from the sofa until Jiang guan'er and Zhong Yi came in.

"Aunt, uncle Zhong." Seeing the two of them, Bai happily welcomed them.

Yan Qin quickly corrected them: "don't call uncle Zhong, call uncle Zhong."

"Uncle?" They thought for a moment and then shouted, "uncle!"

"Big white and little white are so good." Zhong Yi fondly touched their little heads.

"Da Bai, Xiao Bai, go play with your aunt first. I have something to talk to your uncle."

"Brother, you don't like me so much? Let me take these two kids to play before I even speak? " Jiang Guan Er is really angry. She has never had a sense of existence outside Yan Qin.

"Don't fool around. There's business." Yan Qin still had a serious reminder on his face.

"I knew I shouldn't have come. I have to look after the children when I came." Jiang Guaner is so sad.

"Doesn't my aunt like playing with us?" Asked Xiaobai.

"Well, well, I'll take you upstairs to play." Jiang Guaner took them upstairs.

After seeing them go up, Zhong Yi said, "brother, old yuan five is coming to T city."

"Is he coming?" Yan Qin was really surprised. He was really quick, "when?"

"It should be here this afternoon. It seems that brother is right. The old thing can't sit still."

Yan Qin snorted coldly, shaking his head as if regretting him: "no one can save him if he doesn't spend his old age peacefully but has to dig his own grave."

Zhong Yi thought for a moment, then asked, "well, since we're going to fire sooner or later, should we start first and catch him by surprise?"

Of course, Yan Qin also wanted to have a good time, that is, the exchange of fire, but now, Yan Qin looked upstairs and thought, "I also want to, but I'm worried about Da Bai and Xiao Bai. I don't trust the two of them around me."

"Yes, they are too small." Zhong Yi thought for a while, thought of something, and then hurriedly said, "you can send them to the army. It's safe to send them there."

"I also thought about it, but now not only Da Bai and Xiao Bai, but also Yang Xu. I want to send them away and protect them first, but now Yang Xu has to stay here to file a lawsuit."

"That's true."

"Even if yuan Laowu has evil intentions, he only dares to play Yin with me. He doesn't dare to start, so don't worry first. Wait until Yang Xu wins the lawsuit and gets rid of Heyuan City. Everything will be easy. By the way, when will the court start?"

"Another half month."

"I can't wait so long." Yan Qin said decisively, "go and apply to the court again, and the court will open in the next few days."

Although it was a little difficult, Yan Qin said so. Zhong Yi only listened to him: "I see, big brother."

"What's going on in Heyuan City recently?"

"He's been safe recently. It's strange to say that. Brother, you took your sister-in-law and he recognized it like that?"

This sentence reminds Yan Qin, how is it possible?


At the moment, Heyuan City is really safe. After cooking, Yu Xinlei also groomed. Heyuan City took her to the table for dinner.

"Wow! A lot of delicious food! Husband, you are very kind to me! "

Seeing this table full of dishes, Yu xinleile blooms. It's really like what the doctor said. She is a three-year-old child with a simple mind.

"Are these all for me?" Yu Xinlei looked at him incredulously.

"Of course, you can eat more if you like." Heyuan City now talks like coaxing children.

"Wow, great, great! Then I'll eat, I'll eat. "


After that, Yu Xinlei ate like a hungry wolf who hasn't eaten for several days. She didn't eat at all.

"Eat slowly, and you'll have everything you want in the future."

"Really? Husband, you are really a good man. You are so kind to me. " Yu Xinlei said with satisfaction.

Heyuan City just reluctantly smiled and was very kind to her?

It's ironic. Think about it. He's never been good with me.

"Brother yuan, it's almost time for us to wait."

Qin Jiu seemed nervous when he heard that the fifth master yuan was coming. He was a cruel tyrant. Whether he would kill or not depended on his mood. People couldn't guess his idea at all.

Heyuan city looked at the time. It was really not early. He nodded and said to Xinlei, "Xinlei, I have something to do now. I have to go first. I'll come to see you when I'm free."

Hearing that the food here was full of, Yu Xinlei looked up at Heyuan City and reluctantly said, "are you leaving?"

Then she hurriedly ran over, hugged him and said, "I won't let you go. If you go, you'll run away with the bitch and won't come back. I don't want, don't!"

Yu Xinlei just hugged him. Heyuan City was really helpless. He pushed her away and said, "didn't you say you want to be obedient? If you are obedient, I will come back to see you later. If you are not obedient, I will send you to a mental hospital again. "

"No, no!" Yu Xinlei resisted, "I'm obedient, I'm obedient, I listen to my husband."

"Well, you just stay here and don't run out again, you know?"

"I see." Yu Xinlei nodded obediently.

Heyuan City nodded and then told the servants, "take good care of her. If there's anything wrong again, I won't spare you!"

"Yes, Lord he."

Heyuan City said to Yu Xinlei again: "be obedient, good..."

Yu Xinlei giggled and nodded desperately. Heyuan city went out, and Qin Jiu also went out. After walking out of the hall, Heyuan City told Qin Jiu: "don't tell Mr. Yuan about Yu Xinlei!"

"I see, brother."

Mr. Yuan will come. As his soldier, Heyuan City has to wait, but he hates this feeling. He has to look at people's faces.

Originally, Heyuan City wanted to take Qin Jiu to the airport to pick him up, but just after he left Yu Xinlei, he came and informed that Mr. Yuan had arrived and would soon go to the place where Heyuan City lived.

Heyuan City had to ask the driver to speed up and get there before Mr. Yuan arrived.

Heyuan City took his subordinates to meet him at the door. Soon, a row of black motorcade drove over and stopped neatly in front of his door.

There were three rolls Royces in front of and two rolls Royces in front of and behind. All of them were black suits, white shirts and beige ties, all of which were neat.

Heyuan city went to the middle car and opened the door for Mr. Yuan. Mr. Yuan got out of the car.

"Fifth master yuan." As soon as Mr. Yuan got off the bus, the people present all bowed their heads and called. The face of Mr. Yuan, who has passed his 60s, is full of traces of years, but his face is very smooth. He is in an antique black suit. Although he is not too big and thick, he is very tall. He still has a beard on his cheeks and emits a kind of ferocity all over his body. He can be frightened before he is near


"Fifth master." He Yuancheng said, "why didn't you tell Yuancheng in advance that the fifth master is coming to T city? I'll pick you up at the airport. You see, I'm really caught off guard now. Don't blame the fifth master. "

"No, I know you're busy. Besides, this is not our chassis after all. It's better to keep a low profile." Yuan Wuye spoke.

Heyuan City smiled and said, "it's just not for the time being. The fifth master wants it. Sooner or later, it's under the name of the fifth master."

"Hahaha, Yuancheng, I like you to coax the fifth master to be happy." With that, Mr. Yuan walked in, and Heyuan City followed him.

"Yuancheng is just telling the truth, not anything else. Here, only the fifth master wants to." He Yuancheng was sure, and Yuan Wuye smiled with satisfaction. It seemed that the confrontation with Yan Qin was going well.

When Mr. Yuan went in, the servants quickly made tea and poured water. Mr. Yuan looked around and asked, "why don't you see Mrs. he?" Naturally, Mrs. he refers to Yang Xu. He Yuancheng said half about his past and hid half. He didn't mention anything about his threat to Yang Xu and Yan Qin four years ago. Of course, yuan Wuye, who is a child and daughter, is not interested in listening. Seeing that Heyuan city didn't speak, Mr. Yuan smiled and asked, "isn't your wife robbed by Yan Qin? Don't you dare to ask for it? Yuancheng, when did you become so cowardly? That's not what you told me before you came. " Before he came, he assured Mr. Yuan that he would bring down Yan Qin. Of course, Mr. Yuan supported this kind of thing. He became the winner. If he lost, he threw Heyuan city out“ The fifth master was worried too much. Everything went very smoothly. I didn't hide from the fifth master that I was going to pick up Yang Xu this afternoon. " Mr. Yuan smiled with a seemingly sorry smile: "that's the wrong time for me to come."“ Yuancheng dare not say that. " Busy city“ In that case, you go. Don't worry about me. Bring Yang Xu here and I'll have a look. I'm also curious about what a woman looks like that can let Yan Qin throw everything away. " Hearing this, Heyuan City smiled coldly. The old fox also hated him for fear that the contradiction between him and Yan Qin would be weak“ I see. I'll pick her up and let you have a look. " This novel has been translated by and if you are reading this somewhere, they have stolen our translation.