Mr CEO's hidden wife

Chapter 196

In the study:

Yan Qin stood in front of the French window. He lit a cigarette. His eyes were deep and his face was dignified. His inner anger still didn't disappear. Now he wanted to break Heyuan City into pieces, but he had to bear it and couldn't kill it. This feeling is really angry!

Of course, an Jinyan understands Yan Qin's current thoughts, but there is no way. This situation is really bad for Yan Qin.

"I know you are oppressed, but Heyuan City has made a preemptive attack. Now we are completely passive." An Jinyan said slowly. After saying that, he felt very oppressed. "Heyuan City is really cruel. It should be made public to suppress you with the power of public opinion."

"He doesn't deserve to fight me!" Yan Qin said angrily and disdainfully. He strangled the cigarette in his hand and threw it to the ground. The only spark left in the cigarette butt on the ground soon disappeared. An Jinyan looked at the cigarette butt for a while, then took his eyes back, looked at Yan Qin and snorted. After a while, he said again: "of course he can't fight you just because he knows he can't fight you. He used such a move, he yuan

The man of Heyuan City is really smart, and you can see today's scene. All his men are armed with guns. At first glance, they are not good people. If no one supports him behind Heyuan City, he absolutely dare not provoke you openly. "

An Jinyan analyzed it rationally. Yan Qin had to admit that what an Jinyan said was true. An ordinary businessman can't carry a gun with him. What kind of underworld did he join?

Also, four years ago, he encountered Yang Xu's "betrayal". At that time, he had nothing and was extremely vicious. Under such circumstances, people are easy to go astray“ The press conference held in Heyuan City today has caused such a sensation. Things will continue to ferment tomorrow and will certainly be pushed to a climax by public opinion. The more this is the case, the more you can't be impulsive. Now everyone is aiming at you. You say what's wrong, so you're right

Don't explain anything. "

"I didn't want to explain." Yan Qin said decisively that he never cared about other people's eyes, let alone what others would think of him.

An Jinyan has known Yan Qin since childhood. How could he not understand his temper and character?

"It's one thing that you don't care, and the impact on you is another thing. After all, you're not alone now."

All things in the world are clear to the onlookers. Now Yan Qin is trapped in it. Naturally, there is no reason for an Jinyan“ Just don't show up in the media these days. In terms of public relations, I'll think of a way. If it really ferments to the point where your reputation can't be restored, I'll also hold a press conference to tell all the things of that year. Although it's been seven years, the general manager of the soldiers you took in that year will not be able to recover

There are others, let them testify... "No! Absolutely not! " Before an Jinyan finished his words, Yan Qin interrupted and said firmly, "it was my fault in those years. I don't need anyone to stand up for me. No matter I was reluctant to do this at the beginning, your original intention was to save me. I can't destroy it because I want to wash myself

The man who saved me. Also, as soon as the incident happened, my godfather said that it was a military secret, and I had been retired for so long. Even if someone knew the truth, he couldn't come forward. Let's back 10000 steps. What if the army came forward? At that time, godfather was the commander, and those people were my subordinates, don't you think

How persuasive is it? It's just pulling troops into the water. Maybe it will involve Godfather. That's absolutely not allowed by me! The army is a sacred place. I can't stain the whole army because I made a mistake alone. If I have to explain one day, I was drugged to see Yang Xu

Later, I couldn't control it. I married Yang Xu to cover up this matter. It has nothing to do with anyone else, and no one in the Army knows about it. " Speaking of this, Yan Qin looked at an Jinyan. He was very grateful. He raised his hand, patted him on the shoulder and said, "Jinyan, I know you are good for me, but this matter is big. The methods you just said really don't work. If you insist on doing so, I have to cut off our relationship with you for so many years

Brotherhood. " Yan Qin is a man of strong principles. An Jinyan knows that he also knows that Yan Qin will be very sensitive when it comes to the army, but it happened in the army. He also thinks that the non soldiers in the Jiang war should do what they did, but military orders are like mountains. He has to obey. That person is him

Godfather, now if we really let the troops come forward and mention Jiang Zhan, it is inevitable. He died four years ago, and the dead were great. Yan Qin naturally did not allow anyone to comment on Jiang Zhan.

Maybe Yan Qin is stubborn, maybe one track minded, maybe he doesn't understand flexibility, but this is his faith, and an Jinyan can only respect it“ OK。” An Jinyan had to promise. Although he wasn't very willing, he couldn't help it. "It seems that it's impossible for you to push out the responsibility. Then don't say anything. There's no need to explain anything, but Yan Qin, you should understand that now is the Internet age, and any event can be transmitted at the first time

Broadcast all over the world, public opinion can really destroy a person. As Heyuan City said, maybe you won't go to jail, but you will be ruined. "

lose all standing and reputation? When talking about these four words, an Jinyan's heart trembled, while Yan Qin smiled pointlessly: "we don't want to be satisfactory, but to have a clear conscience. External affairs and the name behind us are all left to others. We don't need to care so much. The top priority now is to divorce heyuancheng and Yang Xu. As long as they divorce, our family of four can be together, As long as our family can be together, everything else is not important. " Listening to Yan Qin's thinking, an Jinyan was still very impressed. He hurriedly said, "yes, what you said is not wrong. Now the top priority is to find a way to divorce Heyuan City and Yang Xu. Leave it to me. I'll go to a lawyer tomorrow. In addition, although you don't care, the necessary public means should still be used. Otherwise, it's suffocating if you're scolded and die." Hearing what an Jinyan said, Yan Qin hurriedly said, "Jin Yan, I know you want to help me and feel guilty seven years ago, but I really don't need it this time. I'll solve it myself. Now Tang Qin is still taking care of her. Just take care of her. You don't have to worry about it."“ As far as your current impulse is concerned, if I don't care if you have to kill him, I will kill him tomorrow if you don't kill him today. Don't worry, I know what I should do and won't touch your bottom line. I respect your decision, and you can't change my decision. " At this time, how can an Jinyan stay out of it? Yan Qin was very grateful for this, but the brothers didn't need to say much words of thanks“ In addition, Yang Xu can't live here anymore. You two must avoid suspicion as she is now. Otherwise, it will be disadvantageous to bring a lawsuit if he Yuan City catches the handle of illegal cohabitation. " Yan Qin knows that no matter how much he is not afraid of others' eyes, it is really inappropriate for Yang Xu to live together before they get divorced“ I know that. " An Jinyan nodded, and then said, "just as you know, Tang Qin's situation is stable. He can be discharged tomorrow. Let Yang Xu live with me first."“ It's really inconvenient to disturb Tang Qin now. I'll find a safe place for Yang Xu. "“ I'll be safe there. Don't argue any more. That's it. I'll go to the hospital. Tang Qin is also at home alone. It's just that Yang Xu can go with her and kill two birds with one stone. " An Jinyan said firmly, and Yan Qin didn't say anything more. He nodded: "OK, let Yang Xu come to you first to stay for a few days. Soon, I'll let Heyuan City divorce her." Yan Qin was sure to say so. An Jinyan replied: "well, Yan Qin, I still say that in this extraordinary period. Now you must not be impulsive, or you will be trapped by Heyuan City." Yan Qin squinted angrily. He didn't speak. An Jinyan looked at the time. It was already very late“ It's getting late. We should go back. Take good care of Da Bai and Xiao Bai tonight. " An Jinyan said. It's really late now. Yan Qin and an Jinyan entered the study and went in for a long time. Yang Xu and Tang Qin waiting in the living room just waited patiently. When they saw them coming down from upstairs, they stood up from the sofa and looked at them. An Jinyan went downstairs to help Tang Qin, looked at Yang Xu and said to her, "Yang Xu, Yan Qin and I have discussed it. It's really inappropriate for you to live in my house these two days. If you live alone now, we don't trust you." Of course Yang Xu knew that it was impossible for her to live with Yan Qin again now. She nodded and looked at Yan Qin. Yan Qin came forward, stretched out his hands, touched her face and said, "believe me, I will let you come back here as Mrs. Yan in a few days. I will wronged you first in these days." How can Yang Xu feel wronged? She was just afraid, just worried“ I don't have a good grievance, but you must not be impulsive. You still have me and Da Bai and Xiao Bai. I don't want you to go to jail. I don't want you to go to jail. "“ No, I have discretion. " This was Yan Qin's promise to Yang Xu. His kiss fell on her forehead“ All right, sheep, let's go. " Tang Qin said. Yang Xu looks at Da Bai and Xiao Bai again. These two little guys have been living here in Yan Qin these days. They were reunited yesterday and now they have to separate“ Da Bai, Xiao Bai, Mommy is leaving. You remember to listen to Daddy. " Yang Xu was reluctant to give up and told Da Bai and Xiao Bai. This novel has been translated by and if you are reading this somewhere, they have stolen our translation.