Mr CEO's hidden wife

Chapter 191

"Sorry, the number you dialed is turned off..."

It's more than one o'clock in the afternoon. Yang Xu hasn't come back since he came out in the morning. The phone is turned off, and it's strange that he can't get through to the driver. It's also turned off.

At the moment, Da Bai and Xiao Bai have gone to kindergarten. Only he and the servant are at home. Yang Xu and the driver. It's not surprising that one of their mobile phones is dead. But it's strange that they shut down at the same time. What's the matter?

Yan Qin hurriedly called the court again. How dare the staff who answered the phone talk more?

Just pretended to be a fool and said, "Miss Yang handed in the information and left long ago."

They didn't dare to say a word more. After hanging up the phone, Yan Qin thought more and more wrong. Looking at the time, it was almost two o'clock. Yan Qin really couldn't lie down.

But it's useless for him to drive around alone. After getting out of bed, he called Zhong Yi first and said, "Zhong Yi, Yang Xu went to the court this morning and hasn't come back yet. I'm a little worried about his cell phone."

Upon hearing this, Zhong Yi hurriedly said, "did your sister-in-law go to the court and not come back? OK, I'll go out and look for it right away. Don't go out if you're not in good health. I'll call you back when I find it. "

"OK." Yan Qin gave a faint reply.

After Zhong Yi put down his mobile phone, he thought for a moment. He couldn't go out and look for it. Otherwise, he was also a headless fly. He picked up his mobile phone and called the traffic police team. He would still go to get the monitoring and find it faster.

After this call, Zhong Yi put down his mobile phone and hurried out. As soon as he went out, he just met Jiang Guaner. Zhong Yi was really surprised to see Jiang Guaner in the company.

"Smile, why did you come?"

"Is there a rule that I can't come to this company?"

"Of course not. I'm just surprised."

Jiang Guan's mouth shriveled and said, "I have nothing to do today. It's very boring. Why don't you accompany me to have afternoon tea?"

afternoon tea?

Zhong Yi smiled with regret and said, "I have something urgent to go out now. I can't drink afternoon tea with you. Otherwise, I'll invite you another day?"

Hearing what Zhong Yi said, Jiang Guaner was not happy immediately. She said with a mouthful: "Zhong Yi, this is the first time I take the initiative to go out with you, so you refuse me?"

Zhong Yi quickly explained: "no, I'm really in a hurry. Well, smile, I'm really in a hurry. I'll explain to you when I come back. Don't be angry. I'll go first and call you as soon as I'm finished."

With that, Zhong Yi hurried out. What Yan Qin told him is naturally the most important. Jiang Guan is really angry to see him run away.

"It will be late when you come back, Zhong Yi, you bastard!" Jiang Guan angrily scolded, but no matter how scolded, Zhong Yi had run away and couldn't hear it. Although Zhong Yi's ability to handle affairs was very reassuring, Yan Qin was worried about Yang Xu after all. He put on his clothes and went downstairs. Seeing him coming down, the servant aunt was very nervous and hurried forward and said, "President Yan, how did you get out of bed? Miss Yang has explained that you can't go down

Bed, stay in bed for at least a week. "

"I'm fine. I'm going out now. When Yang Xu comes back, ask her to call me."

Then Yan Qin changed his shoes and opened the door to go out. The servant quickly grabbed him and said, "are you going out? How can this be? You've just had an operation. You can't go out for a few days. "

"Nothing." Yan Qin said faintly that he couldn't persuade anyone. Seeing him go out, the servant aunt was really worried, but she couldn't help Yan Qin. Zhong Yi first went to see the monitor. The driver took Yang Xu to the door of the court, and then Yang Xu went in. Yang Xu came out in less than half an hour, but came back later. Then he saw that a stranger on the monitor got on Yang Xu's car. He didn't know what he said to the driver,

Then the car went out of the monitoring range.

Then Yang Xu ran out of the court in panic, and then

"Stop!" Seeing the man behind him, Zhong Yi quickly stopped, and the picture was frozen. Zhong Yi looked at the face and saw a stunned: "Heyuan City?"

It's really Heyuan City. It's definitely him. Zhong Yi was shocked. What's the situation? Yang Xu was kidnapped?

Zhong Yi was surprised when he realized that he was here, and then hurriedly took out his mobile phone to call Yan Qin, but he hung up again just after dialing. If Yan Qin knew this, he would be crazy. He is still in poor health. If he knew now, he must be unable to lie down.

Zhong Yi put down the phone and said to the staff, "continue to put it back."

By now, Yan Qin had run out by himself. He wanted to call Zhong Yi, but if he had any news, Zhong Yi would contact him immediately, so it was useless to call Zhong Yi. He decided to go to the court and ask for it himself. Unexpectedly, when passing a large square, a hostess appeared on a huge screen on the square and said slowly: "next is the press conference held by Mr. He Yuancheng. He Yuancheng, President of Hetian group, who once occupied various headlines four years ago

Everyone must remember that Mr. He, who has left t city for four years, has anything to tell you? Let's look forward to it. "

Heyuan City?

Yan Qin was shocked when he heard these three words. Did he come back“ Hello, I'm Heyuan City. Today's press conference is mainly to tell you a story, a real story that happened to me, and the scandals I had to bear four years ago. Now I think I can't be silent anymore, and I don't want to be in front of evil forces

You can bow your head again. "

Now there is a TV in Yang Xu's room. Heyuan City specially opened it for her. Yang Xu was really shocked when he saw it here. Press conference?

What's he doing? What's the sudden press conference for?

What story? What evil forces?

What the hell is he trying to say?

Seeing this, Yang Xu was so flustered that he hurried to run out to stop him, but Qin Jiu stopped him. He looked serious and warned: "my eldest brother said, you can't leave here now."

Qin Jiu looked like a well-trained good hand. How could she escape from him?

She looked nervously at the TV and saw Heyuan City face the countless media people as a victim.

"This story will be very long, unimaginable and involves many hidden secrets, but I can guarantee that what I say today is the truth. This story will start seven years ago."

Seven years ago?

At the moment, Tang Qin, who was lying in the ward to raise her fetus, was eating fruit and watching TV. When she saw Heyuan City coming out, she was also shocked. At the right time, an Jinyan came in. She hurriedly shouted, "Jinyan, Jinyan, come and see. Come and see, Heyuan City, this is Heyuan City!"

"Heyuan City?" Hearing the name, an Jinyan was also startled. He hurried over to see it. Sure enough, the person on TV was Heyuan City“ Seven years ago, I had a fiancee named Yang Xu. We fell in love when we were in college. After graduation, she became a doctor and was a little famous in the industry. However, I entered a global top 500 enterprise. Later, I became a sales manager, which was also a small achievement. After a few years, I ended up

We planned to get married after the long-distance love run in, but just before we got married, my fiancee was selected by the military medical rescue team to go to the military region for support, and then when she arrived in the army, something changed our life... "

"What is it?" The reporters asked.

Hearing this, Yang Xu, Tang Qin and an Jinyan's hearts are about to jump out. What's Heyuan City doing? Is he crazy? What's he going to say?

But Yan Qin was damn calm. After seven years, he carried the debt for seven years. If he was destined to make it public one day, he could not escape that day.

"It's a terrible thing, that is, my fiancee Yang Xu was raped by head Yan Qinyan, who was a senior colonel at that time."

As soon as the words came out, the whole audience was in an uproar, and the whole atmosphere exploded. Hearing this, Yang Xu felt that his heart could not bear it. What was Heyuan City doing? This is a desperate attempt to openly declare war on Yan Qin. Do you want to suppress Yan Qin in this way?

"Is Heyuan crazy? What is he talking about? How can he announce such a thing to the world? " Tang Qin was also stunned. Doesn't that mean destroying Yan Qin?

Tang Qin was stunned, and an Jinyan was even more surprised at the same time.

"How could Heyuan City know what happened seven years ago? Aren't we the only ones who know about it? " An Jinyan was very confused.

Tang Qin was silly to be asked by an Jinyan. How could he know? Didn't she tell him four years ago?

At the moment, Tang Qin was kind and empty. She bowed her head and made a big mistake and said, "it's me... I... I told him."

As soon as Tang Qin told an Jinyan of Heyuan City, he was silly and even more angry: "how did you tell him? You... "

An Jinyan was so angry that he immediately jumped up: "you... How can you tell him this? You're crazy. It was agreed at that time. No one can say anything about it. "

"I... I didn't expect Heyuan City to say everywhere. I... I just saw that he misunderstood Yang Xu, so I..."

"You killed Yan Qin this time, you know?"

"I......" Tang Qin cried anxiously. She was really kind and didn't think so much.

"Rape?" Hearing this, the reporters also dropped their glasses and asked questions about Heyuan City one after another.

"Mr. He said that senior colonel Yan Qin raped your fiancee seven years ago?"

"How is that possible? Colonel Yan has always been regarded as a hero and made great achievements in the army. How could he do such a thing as a soldier at that time? "“ Yes, and Yan Qin has never had any lace scandal. He has always been a high, cold and positive image. How can it be? "

This novel has been translated by and if you are reading this somewhere, they have stolen our translation.