Mr CEO's hidden wife

Chapter 176

"Jiang Guaner!" Hearing these words, Zhong Yi was annoyed and said loudly, "wake up and talk nonsense here!"

Jiang Guan, who heard this, laughed sadly at herself. Because of the drunkenness, that kind of smile made people look more uncomfortable“ I said I'm awake. Why? Don't you want to marry me? Why? Because Yan Qin is your boss? Shit! He's a fart. Jiang Guan wants to look like, have a figure, have a figure, want money, have a position and a position. Why should I turn around a divorced man? Gu Nai

I'll never serve him again! We get married, we get married now! Come on, let's get the license, get the license right away... "

With that, Jiang Guaner forced Zhong Yi to go, but Zhong Yi was standing there. How can Jiang Guaner hold him?

Zhong Yi stood there without saying a word. After several times she couldn't move, she got rid of his hand. Then she hit him on the chest with a heavy fist and scolded: "Zhong Yi, I'm going to marry you. Do you hear me? Why are you so counselled? I don't dare to say that I like you in my heart. Now I take the initiative to marry you. You dare not. You counsellor, you coward. Well, I think no one wants Jiang Guaner, don't you? I tell you, the people who chase me in the entertainment industry

There are many people. As long as I nod, what man can't find? I'll find it now, I'll find it now! " Jiang Guan was about to move forward when she was unsteady. Suddenly, Zhong Yi grabbed her wrist and pulled her into his arms with a little force. He didn't give Jiang Guan time to react. His mouth had been blocked with his lips. Zhong Yi held her tightly in his arms. He didn't know what it was

Where the impulse comes from is to hold her tightly and kiss her hard. At present, Jiang Guaner's brain is completely confused. After being paralyzed by alcohol, her brain is also numb. She completely forgets who she is and where she is by Zhong Yi's kiss. She just lets Zhong Yi hold and kiss like this. She feels that she has no strength all over her body, except in her brain

Chaos or chaos. Then, it was so disappointing that her eyes were dark. Then Jiang Guaner felt that she had slept for a long, long sleep. When she woke up, her head still hurt badly. Her eyelids were thick like a kilogram stone. She tried to open them for a long time. The dazzling sun shone in and her eyes were conditioned

I closed it for a while, then opened it slowly and looked at everything around me.

After scanning around, she determined that this was her home. How did she come back?

I just remember that she drank a lot last night, met Zhong Yi, and then

Just thinking, Zhong Yi came in with a bowl of soup. Seeing Jiang Guan awake, he hurriedly asked, "are you awake? You drank too much last night. "

Yes, she did drink too much last night. People say it's easier to get drunk when she's in a bad mood. She really realized it.

"Thank you." Jiang Guan is a little embarrassed. She hangs her head and mumbles to Zhong Yi. She vaguely remembers what happened last night. Thank Zhong Yi for saving her and sending her back.

"A little effort." Zhong Yi gave a faint answer, and then asked, "how do you feel now? Are you more comfortable? "


"Don't drink so much wine in the future. It will hurt your body. Well, I'll see if you're okay. I should go to work, too. I'm already late." With that, Zhong Yi was about to go out.

"Zhong Yi." Jiang Guan hurriedly stopped him.

Zhong Yi stopped and Jiang Guan said, "what I said to you last night..."

"Don't worry, I didn't take it seriously..." Zhong Yi didn't say much about the rest. He just hoped that she was really drunk last night, and then the kiss could be completely forgotten“ But I'm serious. " Jiang Guaner said it seriously, "I remember what I said last night. I'm not kidding. Let's get married. Don't talk about feelings with me first. If I want to marry you, I'll ask you if you want to marry me? I won't ask again. If you don't agree, I'll ask you later

I'll never tell you again. "― On the first day when Xiaobai left, Yang Xu had nothing to do, that is, he had a busy day talking with Peter. He had a serious and in-depth investigation on Peter of Hetian group. To Yang Xu's surprise, Peter thought it had investment value and could be acquired for good development. Yang Xu didn't know much about it

It's OK, even if it's OK, but Peter's remark made Yang Xu motivated“ Now Hetian group is almost bankrupt. Now we won't lose money in terms of price. Moreover, I have carefully investigated it. Hetian group covers a large area, has a good location and all hardware facilities are perfect. We have changed it into hotels, clubs and clubs

Yes. "

Since Peter says so, Yang Xu naturally believes that Peter is a talent hired by him with a lot of money. He usually looks cynical, but he definitely has two brushes.

"OK, write me a feasibility report of the project these days. Estimate the pros and cons and various budgets. If there is no problem, you can talk to the specific person in charge."

"Another big project." Peter frowned. "I haven't had enough sleep these days. I doubt if I will lose my life."

Yang Xu smiled and said, "I'll give you a few more days this time. Take your time."

“OK。” Peter smiled with satisfaction. "I want to know why I chose you when so many people hired me?"


"Because you are the most human, those bosses want to crush me with money. Of course, I like money." Peter was very funny and said so. Yang Xu smiled again and said, "it's hard, but time can be relaxed, and quality can't save me."

"Don't worry about me."

“OK。” Yang Xu got up and watched Peter go out.

Is it feasible to acquire Hetian group? Is this a good thing or a bad thing? It should be a good thing.

Now Hetian group has fallen into the hands of traitors. If it is really destroyed, she is also sorry. Although she talks about personal interests in the mall, she is not so great, but also for her own interests, it is better in her hands than in the hands of those who encourage her.

After talking to Peter, Yang Xu drove home by himself. When he got home, Yang Xu habitually shouted: "big white, little white, Mommy is back."

At this time, the servant hurried out and reminded: "madam, didn't the little master and miss be sent to Mr. Yan?"

Hearing this, Yang Xu was lost. Yes, didn't he go to Yan Qin's house?

"I forgot." Yang Xu said faintly, and then said to the servants, "from tomorrow on, it's just a simple hygiene. I don't need to be here all day. I don't need to take care of myself. My salary is paid."

"Thank you, madam." Who doesn't do such good things?

"Madam, I have prepared dinner for you. Please eat quickly."“ OK. " Yang Xu answered lazily, but it was really uncomfortable to sit down at the table alone. Her life has not been quiet since she gave birth to the two children. It was hot and noisy. Suddenly she calmed down, and suddenly the two children were not with her

She was so sad and wanted to cry.

Yang Xu didn't take a few bites. Then he turned and went upstairs. He took out his mobile phone and called Yan Qin.

"Hello." When Yan Qin answered the phone, Yang Xu asked, "how about Da Bai and Xiao Bai? Are they not used to it? Do you eat on time? "

Although Yan Qin is their biological father, she has nothing to worry about, but she is afraid that the two little guys can't adapt to the sudden change of environment.

Hearing her uneasy question, Yan Qin said to Da Bai and Xiao Bai, "Da Bai and Xiao Bai, come here, Mommy call."

Hearing that it was Yang Xu's phone, the two little guys ran over and Yan Qin gave them his cell phone.

"Mommy!" After taking the mobile phone, the two little guys scrambled to shout. Hearing their voice, Yang Xu felt very happy: "Da Bai, Xiao Bai, are you obedient? Do you miss Mommy? "

"Yes." Dabai said first, "we can listen to Daddy."

"Well, and daddy is great. He makes us delicious food and plays with us."

Yang Xu's heart calmed down when Da Bai and Xiao Bai said this. She secretly breathed out and said, "that's good. If you want to be mommy, you must call Mommy. Mommy will pick you up in a few days. You must be obedient, okay?"

"OK." Dabai and Xiaobai agreed. Then Yan Qin took his cell phone and said to Yang Xu, "you don't have to worry. You can call at any time if you want to have children."

"Well, how much trouble you have." Yang Xu hung up without talking to Yan Qin.

But at the moment, the mobile phone hung up, but their hearts could not be calm. Obviously, they already had two children, but they could not be together in a family of four.

Thinking of this, Yan Qin squatted down and looked at Da Bai and Xiao Bai and asked, "Da Bai and Xiao Bai, daddy wants to ask you a few questions, OK?"

"Daddy makes so many delicious food for Xiaobai. Of course, you can ask Xiaobai questions."

Yan Qin liked to rub Xiaobai's small face, smiled, and then asked, "is the man with your mommy good to you? Are you good to her? "

Many times Yan Qin reminded himself that no matter how Yang Xu was doing, he would not ask again, but inexplicably at the moment he wanted to know, just as he said to Yang Xu during the divorce, he must be happier than him after the divorce, otherwise he would regret his withdrawal.

But in the face of this problem, little Bai Meng said, "the man with my mommy? Which one? "

Seeing the two children so dazed, Yan Qin said more bluntly, "that is, the man living with your mommy is Heyuan City. Daddy asked him. Is he good to you?"

Hearing this, the two children's minds were still blank. They shook their heads and said, "there's no uncle. Dad, do you remember wrong? We don't know each other. We've been mommy and us since childhood. "

Hearing Xiaobai's words, Yan Qin hurriedly asked Dabai: "what about Dabai? Don't you remember? "

Dabai shook his head and said, "I don't remember. Anyway, there is no one now."“ What's the matter, daddy? Who's that uncle? " Xiaobai asked curiously.

This novel has been translated by and if you are reading this somewhere, they have stolen our translation.