Mr CEO's hidden wife

Chapter 151

This is a children's room. The decoration is very warm. In front of it is an upper and lower bed, big white sleeping above and small white sleeping below.

The brothers and sisters are very loving, especially Dabai. They totally want to pet Xiaobai into a princess. They are not old, but they talk and do things like adults, and they show a domineering little President fan'er from time to time. Really, they often make Yang Xu shake his head, which is very like Yan Qin.

And Xiaobai? There are more facial features with Yan Qin, but his character is with him. He is indifferent. Sometimes in the face of Da Bai's protection, people just say coldly: "no, I can do it myself."

When he heard this, Da Bai was a little depressed and solemnly reminded Xiao Bai: "you are young, I am your brother, of course I want to protect you."

And Xiaobai said, "you are not big. We are the same age. You are three years old and I am three years old."

Big white was about to vomit blood and die, so he had to open the bullying mode: "I said yes, boys should protect girls. I've decided. Don't say it again."

Yang Xu couldn't help laughing every time she heard the dialogue between them. Really, these are her two little angels. Since they had them, Yang Xu felt happy in everything he did. When they approached the room, the two little guys also slept soundly. It is reasonable to say that both boys slept indecently, but they reversed. Dabai is definitely a cleanliness mania. Even sleeping is with some obsessive-compulsive disorder. The small bed must be clean, while Xiaobai's small bed is completely clean

It's a disaster scene.

"Da Bai, Xiao Bai, get up, or you'll miss the plane."

Hearing Yang Xu's words, the two little guys moved up and down lazily. Dabai took the lead to stand up, stretched his waist and said, "Mommy, can we see the godmother today?"

"Of course." While saying that Yang Xu took Xiaobai out of the bed and wanted to dress her, Xiaobai rubbed her eyes and said to Yang Xu, "Mommy, I'll do it myself, I'll do it myself."

"OK, Xiaobai dresses herself. Xiaobai is great."

"I haven't seen my godmother for a long time. Bai misses her so much." At the thought of meeting Tang Qin, attending Tang Qin's wedding and being a flower girl for her, the little guy was very excited.

Haven't seen Tang Qin for a long time?

It should be said that he only met Tang Qin once. Tang Qin flew over to see them two years ago and bought them a lot of delicious food. He spent the rest of his time chatting through video, but these two little guys had a very good relationship with Tang Qin.

"Xiaobai also wants to be his mother." Xiaobai also hurriedly said a sentence. Looking at Yang Xu staring at his big eyes, he asked curiously, "is godmother going to be a bride? Is it a beautiful wedding dress on TV, like a princess? "

"Yes." Yang Xu replied with a smile, "in the future, Xiaobai in our family will look more like a princess when wearing a wedding dress."

"If anyone marries Xiaobai in the future, he must pass me first. If he is not good enough, he can't marry my sister." Dabai immediately said so.

"Don't worry. The princess wants to marry the prince. You're just a knight. The knight can only protect the princess. Others have no say."

"I am a king, not a knight."

"Well... The king is the princess's father..."

"Yes, do you want to Cry Daddy?"

The little white who responded immediately tooted his mouth and said directly to big white, "Yan Yichen, you are a bad guy. I hate it!"

The child's careless words made Yang Xu fall into an emotion.


Since they began to be sensible, she never dared to mention the word "Daddy" to them, but now the children are smart after all. Even if she doesn't say that the children secretly know what's going on with Daddy.

It's just that they continue to pretend to be stupid without asking her. She doesn't know how to tell her children, plus her current identity

On second thought, she couldn't help thinking, will he go to the wedding of Tang Qin and an Jinyan?

Thinking of this, her heart, which had been calm for many years, was flustered again, and then she felt ridiculous. What if she went? When we meet again, her identity is just his ex-wife, so embarrassing.

I remember that when she gave birth to her child, she accidentally saw an interview with Jiang Guan Er on TV. Jiang Guan Er smiled happily and said she was married. After seeing the report, Yang Xu went to the Internet to check it.

It is said on the Internet that Jiang Guaner married into a rich family, and her husband is her brother.

She will never forget that moment. Even though she had expected the result, she still collapsed after seeing it. She locked herself in her bedroom and cried all day regardless of her children.

After that, she did not dare to read any news about Jiang Guaner, but in the past four years of her comeback, it can be said that the development has been smooth, and now it is at the height of the sun. Many news is not something she can't see if she wants to escape.

But no matter how high Jiang Guaner's exposure rate is, the man seems to have evaporated from the world. He has never appeared in the media or heard from him, just like they haven't heard from him in the three years after they just got married.

How many nights she couldn't sleep. She was thinking about whether the news in the entertainment industry was true or false. They certainly didn't get married, but after thinking about it, she wanted to slap herself in the face.

Why so selfish? Only if she is allowed to divorce and keep talking with Heyuan City, will he not be allowed to start a new life?

It should be said that as long as he is happy now.

"Mommy? Mommy? "

She told her two children to put on their clothes, and they were both too old.

"Mommy, what are you thinking?" Xiaobai stared at her big eyes, flashing.

Yang Xu disguised a smile and said, "nothing. Well, my two big babies, let's go."

She got up and held hands with Dabai. Dabai held Xiaobai again. She wanted to hold one hand, but Dabai always liked to hold Xiaobai. That's it.

The driver took them to the airport, accompanied by several servants and bodyguards, who specially took care of and protected Da Xiaobai.

Xu is the shadow of Heyuan City has not dispersed. She will take her bodyguards as long as she takes her children out these years, for fear that the children will make a mistake.

After getting on the plane, the two little guys were very excited. This was the first time to take them away.

"I'm so happy to see godmother soon."

Dabai said happily.

"Mommy, godmother is a princess. Is Godfather a prince? Is Godfather handsome? " Xiaobai looks at Yang Xu and asks.

godfather? An Jinyan?

Yang Xu thinks it's funny to say so. He goes around and turns around. An Jinyan has become the godfather of her child. In this life, she really has fate with an Jinyan.

However, in the years since she left t City, the two often contacted Tang Qin, but they never intersected with an Jinyan.

From Yan Qin's point of view, an Jinyan must also blame her. Moreover, four years ago, she ran away in a hurry and stood an Jinyan up at work.

"Your godfather is handsome and handsome." Yang Xu said with a smile.

"Is that big white handsome or godfather handsome?" Asked Dabai.

"I think my brother is handsome." Before Yang Xu answered, Xiao Bai said something first.

Now Dabai was a little smelly and said, "Yan Xiaobai, you are finally smart."

"Xiaobai has always been smarter than you."


Big white was angry again.

Yang Xu smiled and said, "well, you are not allowed to quarrel. It's still early to land. You can sleep first."

The two little guys nodded, lying on her left and right, and closed their eyes. Yang Xu hurriedly covered her clothes. Whenever the child fell asleep in her arms, she would feel very happy.

After watching the two children sleep, Yang Xu carefully hugged the two little guys, and then closed his eyes and went to sleep.

But the hell is Yan Qin's shadow when he closes his eyes.

"Yang Xu, you cruel woman, wanted to run after giving birth to my child. Give the child back to me and give the child back to me!"

In the dream, Yan Qin was very angry. He scolded her angrily, and then he wanted to take the child from her. Jiang Guaner was scolding her all the time.

"Yang Xu, you liar, didn't you say you couldn't have a baby? Why have children again? Don't try to seduce my brother in this way. The child must be the illegitimate son of you and a wild man. It must not be my brother's, it must not be! "

She was startled and woke up from the nightmare. Her reaction also disturbed the two little guys in her arms.

"What's the matter, Mommy?"

"Nothing." Yang Xu said hurriedly.

At this time, the servant sitting in the back reminded, "madam, it's coming."

"OK." Yang Xu calmed down.

But suddenly she regretted that she really shouldn't have promised to come to their wedding. What if Yan Qin and Jiang Guaner also came?

But Tang Qin is her best friend and hasn't seen her for so many years. She must go to her wedding.

In that case, don't think about anything. If you come, be at ease. Some things should be faced.

Thinking that the plane had landed, Yang Xu calmed down, took Dabai's hand and said, "let's go, Dabai and Xiaobai, we're here."

"Can I see godmother soon?"

"Of course!" Yang Xu looked at the time and said, "if there is no accident, your godmother should be waiting for us now."

"Oh, great!"

Just as they walked to the airport, they saw Tang Qin waving to them excitedly: "Yang Xu, baby, here!"

In the four years since Yang Xu left, other people have changed a lot. She doesn't know. Take Tang Qin for example. She has changed a lot. Ann's hospital has been opened in many places. Her value as a gold medal doctor has also risen, and she often appears on some health programs on TV.

Of course, these are small changes. The biggest change is that she caught up with an Jinyan as she wished. Now she is his bride to be. Another point is that Tang Qin seems to become more and more beautiful and feminine.

This novel has been translated by and if you are reading this somewhere, they have stolen our translation.