Mr CEO's hidden wife

Chapter 052

After Tang Qin left, Yang Xu was left alone. I thought it would be heavy for a long time to mention those unbearable past events today, but it was not as bad as expected.

After looking at the time, Yang Xu slept in bed without eating. Yang Xu didn't know how long he slept. He was awakened by the ringing of his mobile phone.

She slowly opened her eyes. The faint light of the mobile phone screen lit up in the dark room. She fumbled to get the mobile phone. The two big words - husband were displayed on the big screen.

Yang Xu looked at the time again. It was already more than ten o'clock in the evening. He had just arrived?

Yang Xu answered the phone: "hello."

The voice inevitably showed a sleepy tone. Yan Qin asked, "are you asleep?"

"Yes." Yang Xu nodded and asked, "are you here?"

"Yes, I just got off the plane, so I'll tell you that I'm safe. I didn't expect to disturb you. Go to sleep." Xu is the first time to listen to his voice on the phone. His voice is so gentle“ Oh, good. " Yang Xu didn't know whether it was because he was disturbed in his sleep and didn't have a clear mind, or because he mentioned what happened three years ago today. He was in a little mood towards him. His attitude was a little lighter than when Yan Qin was at home today. "You should also pay attention to rest. Don't be too tired. You still have a lot on you

Injury. "


"There's nothing else. That's it. Good night."

"Yang Xu." When hearing that Yang Xu was going to hang up the phone, Yan Qin couldn't help calling her. Yang Xu asked, "what's the matter, what else?"

"Nothing." Yan Qin wanted to say something, but he stopped talking. He just said faintly and gently, "good night."

After hanging up the phone, Yang Xu was awake and couldn't sleep. His brain was like a movie. Some of it had passed, but strangely, it was all about her and Yan Qin.

It seems that Yang Xu spent a lot of money on the decoration of the new magazine, but she didn't go to the office the next day.

Yan Qin, who is far away from home, is very busy. Because of the time difference, they don't talk much. They are basically busy.

However, Yang Xu had a very leisurely life. Jiang Guaner didn't know what to do. In short, she didn't bother her again these two days.

In fact, Yan Qin's promise that he would be back in two days before he left also came to naught, but listening to his voice from the phone really didn't want to be a patient's voice.

Special forces are special forces.

That day, Yang Xu went to work as usual. As soon as he entered the magazine, he saw those female colleagues gathered together to talk about what they were talking about. When they saw Yang Xu coming in, they all shouted, "deputy editor Yang."

"What are you talking about, so lively?"

Listening to her question, colleagues looked at each other. They also happened. Recently, Yang Xu seems to be a lot more cheerful and no longer silent as before.

When she asked, a colleague came forward and said, "it's big news. A diamond ring called the heart of the South China Sea designed by Mr. Roman, the top designer in the jewelry industry, was sold at an auction for 300 million."

When she spoke, her expression was so exaggerated. Yang Xu smiled and said, "you really deserve to be a magazine. You cover a wide range."“ It's not that we cover a wide range, but that we are curious. Aren't you curious? I bought a diamond ring at such a high price. The diamond ring must be given to a woman. Which woman is so lucky? If it was me, someone would buy a diamond ring for me and propose to me, I

Marry him even if you die. "

"You, you'd better forget it. If I were a man, I'd have to think about buying you a fake diamond ring for 300 yuan."

"Go, you go away!"

This made everyone laugh, and Yang Xu couldn't help laughing.

After laughing, she said to everyone, "well, put it away. It's time to work."

After that, she walked into the office. She was in a good mood today. Sure enough, once people were in a good mood, they felt everything was good, and their work efficiency was also very high at the end of the day.

After returning to longfengyuan for dinner, Yang Xu lay lazily in bed. Today is 15. The moon is particularly round and bright.

The window is full of flowers and neon lights. It should be with the stars in the sky. It's really a beautiful night. Such a nightclub reminds people of many beautiful things and makes people sigh a lot of things, but it always feels a little less when there is only one person.

Thinking that the mobile phone rang, Yan Qin called.

Yang Xu answered the phone. Before he opened his mouth, he just heard Yan Qin say, "come out."

Come out?

what do you mean?

With these two words, Yan Qin hung up. Yang Xu was a little confused. What does this mean? Is he back this time?

Yang Xu was obedient and ran to the yard, but there was nothing. When he got out of the yard, he looked at the quiet on both sides of the road. He couldn't be quiet anymore, not even a car shadow.

What does Yan Qin mean? Playing with her?

Why did you suddenly ask her to come out? Yang Xu felt so angry that she turned around to go out and call Yan Qin. At least she had to scold him, but suddenly she thought of a sound above her head. She looked up and a helicopter landed slowly towards the yard. Yang Xu was shocked. What shocked her even more was that Yan Qin was driving the helicopter. The helicopter landed slowly. Yan Qin, sitting in the cockpit, said to Yang Xu, "come up." Yang Xu was stunned. Is he back? He showed up in front of her like this? Seeing her stunned, Yan Qin said, "come on." Yang Xu woke up and looked at himself. He was wearing pajamas and slippers, and his hair was still messy. Realizing this, Yan Qin smiled and said, "it doesn't matter. Come up quickly." Yang Xu got on the helicopter without hesitation. After she got on, the door of the helicopter closed and the helicopter rose slowly again. Yang xuhuo is the first time to take a helicopter after so many years. He is excited like a child“ Wow, it's so exciting. It's my first time to take a helicopter. It feels so cool. " Seeing Yang Xu so happy, Yan Qin was naturally happy: "this is a military helicopter, but ordinary people can't sit."“ Huh? " Yang Xu was stunned and hurriedly asked, "won't you have retired?"“ Doesn't Mrs. Yan know that I have an arms group abroad? "“ Oh... "Yang Xu answered foolishly, and then hurriedly asked," when did you come back? Where are you taking me? I can't see anyone dressed like this. "“ Don't worry, it won't embarrass you. Just follow me. " Maybe the moon tonight is too good, the moonlight is too beautiful, the reflection of this man is too charming, and his voice is gentle and intoxicating. I felt that he flew out a long way in a helicopter. Yang Xu enjoyed the process. After reaching his destination, Yang Xu was shocked and completely stupid. This novel has been translated by and if you are reading this somewhere, they have stolen our translation.