Mr CEO's hidden wife

Chapter 040

Tang Qin waited for her at the corner of the corridor. Seeing her coming, Tang Qin greeted her and gave her a thumbs up: "elder martial sister, you can't refuse."

Facing Tang Qin's ridicule, Yang Xu couldn't laugh. He directly asked, "where's Yan Qin?"

"Don't mention it. I've called him all morning. Turn it off." Just now Jiang Guaner made a terrible noise. Tang Qin had to call Yan Qin, but he couldn't find anyone. After that, Tang Qin was stunned and said, "no, your husband asked me. Just now he didn't return his husband's kiss in the ward."

"He left early this morning, and I didn't see him." Yang Xu said slowly, but the dark color on his face did not decrease at all.

"Hey, what's the matter with you? It looks so spiritless. I was quite dignified in the ward just now. "

Yang Xu knew that Tang Qin was deliberately saying this to make her happy, but now Yang Xu was really not in the mood, so he was disappointed and said, "sugar, I'm sorry, I'm really not in the mood now."

Seeing Yang Xu so depressed, Tang Qin also put away his jokes and asked seriously, "what's the matter? Have you quarreled with colonel Yan? "

Quarrel? Was that a quarrel last night?

She didn't know. She only knew that she was severely tortured by Yan Qin last night. She hasn't slowed down yet. Just now she was stabbed by Jiang Guaner's words, which immediately opened the scar hidden in the deepest part of her heart.

Seeing that Yang Xu stopped talking, Tang Qin frowned, stretched out his hand and put his arm on her shoulder, shook her body slightly and said, "well, sheep, you can worry about being unhappy any day. Don't be in a bad mood today."


Why? Is today any special day?

Seeing Yang Xu's confused appearance, Tang Qin was stunned, hit her and said, "you smelly girl, won't you forget what day it is today? Today is your birthday. "

"Today is my birthday?" Yang Xu was really surprised. Recently, there was no concept of date. Tang Qin said that she calculated. Today is really her birthday. She doesn't remember at all.

Seeing Yang Xu like this, Tang Qin was really helpless and couldn't help saying, "how do you live these days? Why can't you even remember your birthday? I was still thinking about it yesterday. I gave you a surprise today. As a result, Jiang Guaner tossed and couldn't find the North early this morning. "


Today is her birthday?

Yang Xu was stunned again. When he thought of this day, a lot of things appeared in his mind and a lot of the past.

"Hey, are you listening to me?" Tang Qin was angry at her absent-minded appearance.

"I'm listening." Yang Xu recovered, smiled reluctantly at Tang Qin and said, "thank you, Tangtang, since you still remember it for me."

"That's necessary. Who makes me your best friend?" Tang Qin smiled and boasted, then hugged Yang Xu's body and said, "I'll treat you to a big meal tonight. Tell me what you want to eat, and I'll give it to you.

Yang Xu was very grateful for Tang Qin's enthusiasm, but she was really not in the mood, so she could only be disappointed again and said, "Tangtang, I'm really not in the mood, I..."

"Once a year, a bad mood on my birthday will have no luck for a year. You must cheer me up!" Tang Qin reached out and pinched her cheek. "You have to go whatever you say tonight, otherwise I'll break up with you!"

Tang Qin was so enthusiastic and kind. Yang Xu couldn't justify his refusal, so he had to nod his head: "well, but you decide where to go. I can go anywhere."

"Well, listen to me."


The night is falling. Tonight's night seems particularly beautiful. The stars in the sky are competing for the stream, and the neon lights in the world are shining, high and low. It is extremely magnificent. The lights everywhere are like the Milky way and stars. They are integrated up and down, touching each other and looking down.

Such a nightclub makes people think and yearn. It's really a beautiful night, but Yang Xu's mood is more and more in contrast because of the beautiful scenery.

In a luxurious international guild hall in T City, where Tang Qin invited guests, the private room was luxurious and noble, and the whole decoration was luxurious and frightening. Yang Xu was really shocked when he came here and said: "Tangtang, don't you have to spend so much? Just the two of us. "

"What's the matter? It's just a meal. Don't worry. I can afford Dr. Tang." Tang Qin said a big grin, then motioned the waiter to give Yang Xu the menu and let her order.

"I'm not saying you can't afford it. I don't think it's necessary." Yang Xu closes the menu the waiter handed her.

Tang Qin frowned and said, "Oh, don't be such a disappointment. I wanted to prepare a birthday present for you, but I've been so busy recently that I haven't had time to prepare it for you. We've been good friends for so many years. I'll treat you to dinner for your birthday. What's the matter? All right, all right, stop the ink, stop the ink, and order quickly. I'm hungry. "

Yang Xu couldn't be hypocritical any more. He just listened to Tang Qin and began to order.

"Oh, by the way, did you tell Senior Colonel Yan?" After the waiter left after ordering, Tang Qin suddenly thought of this problem.

"Don't tell him." Tang Qin's mouth shriveled and didn't speak again. When the meal was served quickly, Tang Qin said excitedly, "eat quickly." Looking at this expensive meal, Yang Xu was stunned. He looked up and said to Tang Qin, "I want to drink some wine." Tang qinleng heard this. Yang XuKe has never been a drinker. Today, he took the initiative to drink some wine“ OK, drink. Today you are the birthday star. Everything depends on you, waiter! " She doesn't want to drink today, although she doesn't want to drink today. However, Tang Qin had some regrets after asking for wine, because Yang Xu didn't eat much at all, so he just drank. Yang Xu never drank. It's conceivable that he had a small amount of wine, and soon his blush climbed onto her face. Seeing that the situation was bad, Tang Qin hurriedly pressed her glass and said, "Yang Xu, don't drink. You're a little drunk."“ It's not better to be drunk. You can't think of anything when you're drunk. " Yang Xu said foolishly. Tang qinleng quickly put down his chopsticks, looked at Yang Xu and asked, "what's the matter with you?"“ I miss him. " Yang Xu said these words, reflecting her flushed face, her eyes were also red, and tears were about to burst out, "suddenly I miss him so much..." he? Tang Qin was completely stunned. Who? Heyuan City? Why do you suddenly think of him? Why do good people suddenly have this mood? This novel has been translated by and if you are reading this somewhere, they have stolen our translation.