Mr CEO's hidden wife

Chapter 026

Despite Yang Xu's resistance, Yan Qin kept holding her into the bedroom, put her on the bed, and then attacked her. The two fell in together. He fastened the back of her head with one hand and clamped her waist with the other. The Adam's apple slid for a while, suppressing a kind of hoarseness: "Mrs. Yan, you are really fragrant." She said this last time, but this time his tone is really complex, ambiguous, gloomy, tender, mysterious, wolf and possessed. In this way, he should be particularly intoxicating, but now in Yang Xu's opinion, he is no different from a hooligan“ Yan Qin, what do you want to do? "“ Of course, help Mrs. Yan get into the state as soon as possible. " Yan Qin said something obscure. Hearing this, Yang Xu was inspired. Yes, Yan Qin is just a normal man. Now they are husband and wife. It seems that he can't do too much to her, and even if she tries her best to resist, it won't have any effect“ Yan Qin, before I knew you, I always thought soldiers were sacred, but after I knew you, it completely overturned my idea. "“ What do you think soldiers should look like? " Hearing this, Yan Qin couldn't help laughing, "do you think soldiers are not human? Soldiers don't have seven emotions and six desires? Soldiers have no needs? "“ As for not being forced like you, not doing dirty and shameful things! " Yang Xu was annoyed“ Things in bed are dirty, but isn't it normal between husband and wife? " This time Yan Qin was very straightforward. Indeed, the bed between husband and wife is very normal“ Yan Qin, you will only make me hate you more. "“ It doesn't matter. There are many people who hate me in the world. You're not the only one. " Then he hooked her body again and wanted to make her itch and hurt. Only at this step, the woman at this time should sing softly, could not help but sink infinitely. Unfortunately, Yang Xu was too indifferent. Instead of giving him any response he wanted, he closed his eyes and twisted his head“ Little girl, don't you really want to? " Yang Xu still held his head and didn't look. He didn't respond. At the moment, his body became more and more hot, but she became more and more calm. In front of this woman, Yan Qin felt frustrated and crazy again and again! So Yan Qin was a little impatient. He didn't believe that he could die in the war, but he couldn't conquer the little woman! As soon as the black eyes with great deterrence coagulated, her big hands tightly hooped her slender waist. The woman's soft skin was just like silk, smooth and cool, very comfortable. She didn't struggle. Her body lay under him like a wood, but... Just... There was a temptation of abstinence that could not be stopped by reason. Yang Xu closed her eyes and didn't look at his evil face, but the feeling of being itched by him became more and more true. The man was finally a evil, and Yang Xu seemed to be really not an opponent. Try to restrain, restrain, clearly know that it is just a hypocritical joy, clearly know that he is deliberately intensifying her, but finally she fell, because she is a person after all, not a wood without perception. His kisses grew deeper and deeper, and every place he kissed seemed to have a bright red bouquet in full bloom. His hand skilfully bypassed her body, gently picked her up and moved to her back. At this moment, Yang Xu's eyebrows whispered, and then he couldn't help bending an arc. The whole body seemed to become convulsed. Yan Qin was very satisfied with the corner of his mouth. Her body was hot under his palm. Suddenly, he stopped, quickly arranged her clothes, looked down at her, and the smile on the corner of his mouth was like a successful irony. She was flustered and her cheeks were burning. She opened her eyes and looked at him in amazement. This novel has been translated by and if you are reading this somewhere, they have stolen our translation.