Mr CEO's hidden wife

Chapter 017

T City International Airport: the breeze is blowing and the sun is warm. The crowded and noisy International Airport is getting more and more crowded on this day. The airport is crowded inside and outside. The boarding gate for several hours has become paralyzed, blocking the whole airport. As the flight approached, their mood became more and more uncontrollable. Tens of thousands of people looked at the pick-up port at the same time, with the same name in their mouth, and began to come out“ Guan er... Guan er... "When Jiang Guan Er, dressed in purple and wearing brown sunglasses, appeared from the pick-up port, the scene suddenly got out of control. The cheers and screams were deafening. He pushed involuntarily towards the pick-up port. A row of public security shouted back and desperately controlled the scene. In the face of the enthusiasm of domestic fans, Jiang Guaner just wiped a faint smile from the corners of her mouth, nodded and said thank you to the fans who kept shouting love to her, always support her, and desperately stuffed gifts into her hands. Outside the airport, a Maybach was parked on the roadside. Zhong Yi, sitting in the cab, looked at the time. Nearly half an hour has passed since the flight arrived, but she hasn't come out yet. However, it's easy to explain if you look at the pick-up fans of the sea of people inside and outside the airport“ Miss Jiang is really becoming more and more popular. I didn't expect that she has been developing abroad in the past two years and there are so many supporters at home. " Zhong Yi's eyes flashed a hint of metaphorical light, and he couldn't help sighing. For this, Yan Qin sitting in the back seat just smiled happily. The girl is really getting more and more popular. Now she is in the middle of the song world“ Brother, Miss Jiang is out. " Zhong Yi said something exciting. Yan Qin looked out the window of the car and saw that the fanatical fans were stopped by the efforts of public security. After getting rid of Jiang Guaner's command to the assistant, he couldn't wait to run towards the car“ My lovely Hani, I miss you! " As soon as Jiang Guan got on the bus, she rushed over and hugged Yan Qin before she could sit still. Her hot lips fell on his side face“ Don't fool around. " Yan Qin frowned slightly and pushed her away. The elders generally scolded: "don't you see brother Zhong?" Seeing that Zhong Yi was there, Jiang Guan straightened up, smiled politely at Zhong Yi and shouted, "Hello, brother Zhong." After greeting, without waiting for Zhong Yi to respond, her attention returned to Yan Qin and asked, "haven't you missed me for so long?" For her reaction, Yan Qin shook his head and sighed helplessly. Zhong Yigang was about to speak to her, but she didn't give her a chance at all. The girl was still not big or small, but he was already used to it“ Is there any? " Seeing that Yan Qin didn't reply, Jiang Guan became more and more coquettish“ Yes, of course. " Yan Qin smiled helplessly“ It's almost the same. It's not in vain. I miss you so much every day. " Jiang Guan Er just showed a proud smile. Then she held her mouth slightly and touched her stomach. Some complained, "I'm so hungry after a day's trouble. Go to dinner with me first?"“ Come on, Zhong Yi. " Yan Qin gave an order, and then Zhong Yi started the car. After the car started, Yan Qin looked at her and asked, "what do you want to eat?"“ Whatever, you can find a place, as long as you eat with me. " Jiang Guaner smiles sweetly on her small face. Zhong Yi, who drives through the car mirror, takes a panoramic view of her small expression. Looking back, a shadow is sprinkled on her eyes... This novel has been translated by and if you are reading this somewhere, they have stolen our translation