Mr CEO's hidden wife

Chapter 015

It's raining all the time. At night, it's like splashing ink. The thick can't be melted. The rain outside the window made the cold inside the window. After Yang Xu finished that sentence, the whole room was strangely quiet, so quiet that Yan Qin's breathing sound was clear in her ears. Without the slightest fluctuation and instability, he is still used to being calm and calm. In other words, when he is in disorder, he is a ghost. It doesn't matter to him whether she hates him or loves him. At the moment, Yang Xu was calm and lay motionless under him. It doesn't matter what he wants to do next. Anyway, her body was his as early as that night three years ago. What's the use of sticking to it now? Moreover, as he said, this is a very normal interest between husband and wife. Even if she resists, it is useless. Yang Xu plans to break the jar, but Yan qindun's body hasn't moved for a long time, and the atmosphere drops to the freezing point until... Until Yan Qin's mobile phone ringing breaks the dead atmosphere. His mobile phone is placed on the bedside table, which can be seen clearly from Yang Xu's point of view. Two words are displayed on the huge screen - smile. It's a completely strange name to Yang Xu. It can also be said that she knows nothing about him. However, she is not interested in knowing it. Yan Qin's body moved. He reached for his cell phone and hung up. When the cell phone stopped ringing, his voice sounded again: "go to bed early. Women who sleep too late are easy to get old." Then he left her and stood up. At this moment, Yang Xu felt that his body was relaxed. It was like a big stone pressed on his chest was removed. Yang Xu didn't move. He listened to him go out of the room and bring the door. Then he came downstairs, farther and farther away, smaller and smaller... Yang Xu closed his eyes and couldn't shed tears at the moment. This night, Yang Xu was not sure whether he had really fallen asleep. Finally, dawn broke. The early morning sun shone in through the thin curtain like cicada wings. She slowly opened her eyes. The smell of alcohol still seemed to remain in the air, which was very pungent to her. Yang Xu got up quickly, put on his clothes and left the room, closing the smell in the door. As usual, the man had long disappeared, but the servants were busy“ Grandma, breakfast is ready for you. In addition, President Yan has arranged a car and driver for you. If you want to go out, you can order the driver at any time. " Hearing this, Yang Xu looked at the yard through the French window. There was a Martha with a strong sense of existence parked in the yard. I think this is the car prepared for her. She didn't come back last night“ OK, I see. " Yang Xu did not refuse. After breakfast, Yang Xu got on the Martha. The driver started the car and drove in the direction of Xingyu magazine. However, it's really unworthy to take this luxury car to work in a small magazine, but Yang Xu can't care so much. After arriving at Xingyu magazine, Yang Xu sent the driver to leave first and walked to the door. She sighed. Yesterday's work was only half completed. Maybe the female tiger will go crazy again today. Although I feel a little uneasy, I can't see it on my face. I seem to walk in calmly. I didn't expect to hear the strange and familiar name as soon as I went in... This novel has been translated by and if you are reading this somewhere, they have stolen our translation