Mr CEO's hidden wife

Chapter 013

"Finished washing?" Yan Qin slowly turned around. Maybe the light was too warm. Hell, his cold face was more soft“ Um. " Yang Xu just nodded, then summoned up the courage to mention it again, "can we talk now?"“ Yes. " His answer was very straightforward, which surprised Yang Xu. It was just an accident for only one second. He immediately added, "except for divorce, I said I didn't agree."“ Apart from divorce, I don't think we have anything to talk about. " Before Yan Qin's voice fell completely, Yang Xu strongly refuted. Yes, do they still have a common language to talk about“ I have made it very clear what I should say. You can mention any conditions you have. Whether it is fair to me or not, I will agree, as long as you agree to divorce. " Yang Xu said it firmly, and the atmosphere dropped to the freezing point. She knew the weight of these words to a high man. Or it will annoy him, or it will backfire, but Yang Xu can't think so much. Of course, since she said it, she will bear all the consequences. She didn't seem to be surprised by what she heard. He walked leisurely to the bar and took out two wine glasses. The transparent liquid was pleated in the crystal cup, and a faint smell of wine overflowed. He looked at her, and his voice was intoxicating: "can you drink?" Yan Qin was stunned by the topic. After a few seconds, she corrected him with some annoyance: "I'm talking to you about divorce." Yan Qin ignored this. Instead, he took the wine cup and drank it. The color of the wine stained his lips and was slightly intoxicated. Then he poured another cup. The goblet shook slightly in his hand and said with a little deep meaning: "wine is choking and spicy. It is really not a good thing for people who can't drink, but if you taste it, you will be infatuated with it, Become inseparable from it. " Then he handed her another goblet and asked, "do you want to try, huh?" The meaning of the drunkard is not wine. Yang Xu understands his meaning now. It's just, what a ridiculous idea. Do you want her to slowly find advantages in a demon“ I can't drink and don't want to touch it. I only know that drinking too much will be fatal. " Since he wants to talk like that, she will talk like that with him. Hearing this, Yan Qin smiled, put down his glass and walked towards her. At the moment, the light in the room swayed and suddenly became thicker. The tall figure slowly shrouded her small body. Yang Xu smelled the faint smell of alcohol. Yang Xu unconsciously stepped back a few steps, and her legs touched the bedside. She felt a sense of crisis. She felt afraid in the face of this uncertain man“ What do you want? " Yang Xu trembled in his tone. Yan Qin smiled vaguely, and his lips covered the corners of her mouth. The sound in his ears made Yang Xu feel goose bumps: "if you don't want to drink like this, try it another way..." then he bowed his head and kissed it completely. Before she could react, she could not move under the control of the sudden kiss. Yan Qin's jaw forced Yang Xu's small head to heave. It was a crisp "gudu" and pushed the residual alcohol into her mouth. Suddenly, the alcohol went all the way from her throat to her stomach, This novel has been translated by and if you are reading this somewhere, they have stolen our translation