Mr CEO's hidden wife

Chapter 010

After saying this, Yan Qin didn't give Yang Xu a chance to speak. He said in a deep voice to the servant standing outside the door, "take good care of the young grandma. If the young grandma makes a mistake, I'll ask you."“ Yes, Mr. Yan. " The servants who heard the answer hurriedly“ If you want to get better early, you should pay more attention. You are a doctor and should know better than me. " Finally, Yan Qin said to Yang Xu, "you'd better get better next time you see you." Then he turned and walked out of the bedroom, and then came his voice downstairs. After the sound of his leather shoes disappeared, Yang Xu chewed and scolded him, but his body was getting weaker and weaker. Yan Qin left the room and went straight out of the villa. His subordinates quickly opened the door for him. He stepped on the bus and Zhong Yi sat in the cab. As soon as he got on the bus, Yan Qin asked, "how are the procedures for the acquisition of Jinye international?"“ It's going well. It's all done. Brother, would you like to have a look? "“ No. " Zhong Yi has followed him for many years and has always been his deputy in the army. When he retired, Zhong Yi resolutely gave up his rank of captain, left the army to follow him, and was loyal to him. Yan Qin was assured of his work“ Let's go. There's still a meeting in the afternoon. I've been busy lately. " Hearing this, Zhong Yi took another look at the villa, didn't dare to say anything more, started the car and drove out quickly. As Yan Qin said, he was really busy in the next few days. He didn't go back to Longfeng garden for several days. Yang Xu also saw the news that he bought Jinye international from TV reports. I think he doesn't intend to leave this time. In this regard, Yang Xu doesn't know whether it's a good thing or a bad thing. He covers the sky in T city and can't escape his shadow in everything he does, but he's not here and can't get divorced. She's also a living widow. Between her and Yan Qin, it seems that she is passive in everything. She is passively occupied, passively married, passively kept alive for three years with the unknown identity of Mrs. Yan, so now she must take the initiative! After these days of recuperation, Yang Xu's body did not say that it was completely recovered. It was good. When she woke up that day, Yang Xu spent a light makeup to cover her slightly haggard face. Yan Qin ordered people to prepare a lot of clothes for her. She chose the simplest black-and-white suit. The waist length hair curled up, adding a bit of competence to the clear and lovely face, but the eyes that should have been tender like water showed a refreshing coldness. After dressing up, Yang Xu went downstairs with a data bag“ Good morning, young grandma. " The servant who was preparing breakfast called her respectfully when he saw her coming down. Yang Xu just gave a faint answer, and then handed the information bag in his hand to a servant: "when Yan Qin comes back, help me give this to him." Seeing that she was going out, the servant hurried forward and asked carefully, "young grandma, are you going out? Breakfast is ready for you. "“ I won't eat. " Yang Xu said faintly and continued to walk outside the door. The servant also stepped up and blocked her way. It was very difficult: "young grandma, Yan always explained that you can't leave here without his order."“ Am I his prisoner? " Hearing this, Yang Xu was angry, and the servant was too frightened to speak. Yang Xu looked at the information bag again and said, "if you give this to him, he will naturally understand and won't embarrass you." Then Yang Xu strode out. Longfeng garden is located in the richest villa area of T city. There are countless luxury cars in and out, but it's not easy to take a taxi. Yang Xu walked a long way to get a taxi“ Xingyu magazine, thank you. " After getting on the bus, Yang Xu told the taxi master the location. This novel has been translated by and if you are reading this somewhere, they have stolen our translation.