Mr CEO's hidden wife

Chapter 008

Seeing Yan Qin come in, an Jinyan smiled faintly and said sarcastically, "it's three years since I left. Colonel Yan is really natural and unrestrained." Hearing that Yan Qin's face did not change, he walked slowly to the closet, took two bags of coffee and two exquisite water cups, made two cups of hot coffee, handed him one, sat down on the sofa and said faintly, "if you retire, you always have to find something to do." Hearing this, an Jinyan was slightly stunned. What he was looking for was not a small thing. He was shocked. How did he enter Yandi arms group after he went abroad, and how did he sit as president in only three years, and changed his name to Yan group, which was completely owned by himself. As a good brother, he didn't know anything. However, an Jinyan did not intend to ask. He went straight to the sofa opposite him and sat down. His legs overlapped. He was very casual. He joked about what happened this time: "after retiring for so long, someone is still looking for revenge. You are really hated." Yan Qin did not speak, but his eyes flashed“ How's Yang Xu? "“ The injury is not light. " After answering this sentence, Yan Qin felt that the coffee he had just drunk was so bitter. An Jinyan's eyes were dark and a very light breath: "she hasn't been well in the past three years. After leaving an's Hospital, she went to a small magazine as an editor. Her income is meager. She has to be angry every day, but even so, she doesn't want to come back." Yan Qin put down his coffee cup, opened his mouth and said loudly, "I'm not anymore. As a friend, I appreciate you taking care of my wife, but I'm back now. How she's doing is no longer your concern."“ See what color forgets friends! " An Jinyan scolded, "I hired Yang Xu's hatred and lost such a capable assistant. Isn't it because of you?" Yan Qin didn't respond. He just tasted coffee leisurely. Quan didn't hear it. An Jinyan heaved a sigh, digested his inner dissatisfaction, and asked, "how long are you going to stay this time?"“ I'm not going to leave temporarily. "“ It seems that it is true that the newspaper said you bought the largest entertainment city in T city. " Although an Jinyan had no doubt from the report, he was surprised to see Yan Qin's attitude. Yan Qin took another sip of coffee, slowly released his legs, stood up, went to the French window, looked out of the window with his back to him, and explained perfunctorily: "I'm tired of dealing with arms for so many years."“ Oh? " An Jinyan's face changed, but he heard a trace of interest. For such a far fetched reason, I'm afraid the drunken man's intention is not wine. At this time, Yang Xu, who was walking in the yard, didn't come into his sight. He watched her go to the Pavilion by the pond with the help of Tang Qin and sit down. He saw that her eyebrows were shallow, and a hint of metaphorical light flashed in her deep eyes. Then he turned back and said to an Jinyan, "Jinyan, I have something else to do. I won't leave you today. I'll change the sky and invite you to drink." An Jinyan's helpless mouth is slightly warped. Is he ordered to leave? Ignoring an Jinyan's words, Yan Qin walked out slowly, but when he came to the door, his footsteps stopped and asked him again“ She was just shocked. You'd better not appear in front of her. " After that, Yan Qin strode out. An Jinyan, who remained in the study, frowned and smiled bitterly. Don't appear in front of Yang Xu? Looks like he's the guest? This novel has been translated by and if you are reading this somewhere, they have stolen our translation.