Mr CEO's hidden wife

Chapter 005

Yang Xu still pinned his head and didn't look at him, but some surprised her. He looked cold and cold, his eyes were like the deep sea, but he was just a faint tone: "he has lost his temper for three years." Then Yan Qin motioned to the maid to stop wiping, and said, "bring another bowl to the young grandmother."“ Yes. " The maid was ordered to bow down. After the maid left, Yang Xu looked at Yan Qin. Obviously, she was close, but she felt so far away. She couldn't see through the man. Everything he did had a purpose, but she could never guess what the purpose was“ Yan Qin, are you doing this to me now because you have an uneasy conscience, or are you afraid that I will expose your shady activities? " Hearing this question, Yan Qin smiled: "is it stupid if I want to block your mouth in this way?" Yang Xu was speechless. Indeed, if he wanted to block a person's mouth, he would only use one way. The maid brought in another bowl of porridge. Yan Qin took it and fed it to her mouth“ You are too weak now. Eat something first. " Yang Xu bit her lips. She knew that she couldn't beat the man. If she was uncomfortable, it was her own fault, and it was hypocritical to refuse again“ Be obedient. " Yan Qin accentuated his tone“ I can do it myself. You go out. I don't want to see you. " Yang Xu said coldly, and then stopped looking at him. Yan Qin locked his eyes deeply and said, "OK, have a good rest." Then he snapped at the maid and said, "take good care of your little grandmother." After telling Yan Qin to go out, he confirmed that after he left, Yan Qin finally dropped his voice in his throat and his body was completely soft. For her, this man is no different from Zuo Xuan. He is even more like a devil than Zuo Xuan. He is also the one who hurt her all his life... Yan Qin standing outside the door watched her drink the bowl of porridge and turned downstairs. Zhong Yi, who has been waiting for his life, welcomed him and strode out with him. In the closed room, four or five men in black stood, and Zuo Xuan knelt on the ground, his hands tied by iron chains, and he was beaten with blood, leaving only half his life“ Bang. " When the door opened and Yan Qin came in, the men in black were busy and respectfully shouted, "master Yan." Seeing Yan Qin coming in, Zuo Xuan, who was on the verge of death, became irritable and scolded with all his strength: "Yan Qin, you mean bastard, full of shit and justice. In the end, you didn't use this kind of means. You kind of let me go. We......" before he finished, Yan Qin kicked him up in the abdomen. His strength made his whole body fly far back, Yan Qin's angry and cold voice had sounded on his head: "people like you don't deserve to talk about morality and justice with me!" Zuo Xuan vomited out a big mouthful of blood. At this moment, there seemed to be only one breath left. He gasped wildly and couldn't say a word. Yan Qin approached, and a huge shadow shrouded Zuo Xuan's body. His tone was very light, but there was a power of human love: "you should think of this end at the moment you decided to kidnap my old woman. I didn't want to kill you, but you wanted to die yourself!" After that, Yan Qin took back his eyes and didn't look at him again. He walked to the door. His voice was as cold as death: "clean up, don't dirty my place." This novel has been translated by and if you are reading this somewhere, they have stolen our translation.