Movie World Traveller

Chapter 1889: : The light of the richest man

The product launch conference is not long, it only ends in one hour, but this is just the beginning. Jiang Hao\'s research on the news of a controllable cold nuclear fusion reactor has caused great shock all over the world.

Everyone knows the meaning of controlling nuclear fusion, which is a technology that can completely change the future of the earth.

Many countries contacted the Chinese government, and some people contacted Haoran Technology directly, hoping to spend a lot of money to buy shares and share this technology.

"Sorry, Haoran Group is not short of funds and has no idea of ​​introducing partners for the time being."

Haoran Company simply rejected these people\'s requests.

The Haoran Group’s research on controllable nuclear fusion naturally arouses concerns in some countries. The X Palace spokesperson said that if a company or a country masters the technology of controllable nuclear fusion, it will form a technological monopoly, which will develop the development of other countries in the world. It is very unfavorable. A certain company or a certain country should disclose this technology, and all countries should study and develop together to benefit all mankind.

Then they united with other countries to put pressure on the country and the Haoran Group, trying to obtain controllable nuclear fusion technology through coercive means.

Jiang Hao sneered at this.

Now that he has become a fairy, he does not pay attention to these threats at all, let alone your aircraft, artillery and special forces, even if you send Superman to it, it won’t work.

This is actually the reason why Jiang Hao has only come up with this technology now. Others are good, but controllable nuclear fusion technology is definitely a technology that can determine and change the world pattern. It is completely predictable to cause confrontation.

A few months later, the Nobel Prize Jury of the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences announced the latest Nobel nomination list for the latest year. Among them, Jiang Hao\'s name was on the list. Jiang Hao was nominated for the Nobel Prize in Physics.

Many reporters flocked to Haoran Technology, and finally Jiang Hao agreed to accept an interview with a national-style media.

The reporter was a little excited when he saw Jiang Hao, holding up the microphone and said: "Hello Mr. Jiang Hao, first of all congratulations to you for being nominated for the Nobel Prize in Physics. If you win, you will become the third Chinese national to win the Nobel Prize. Are you excited to be the first winner of the Physics Prize?"

Jiang Hao smiled softly, "I am still very happy for the Nobel nomination, at least this is an endorsement of the cold nuclear fusion reactor."

"I just received the notification that I won the ‘National Highest Science and Technology Outstanding Contribution Award’. In fact, this makes me even more happy, knowing that this is our country’s highest award."

try{mad1(\'gad2\');}catch(ex){}   The reporter continued to ask: "I think many people care about whether the technology of controlled cold nuclear fusion reactor is mature and how long will it be put into practical application?"

"The controllable cold nuclear fusion reactor technology has fully reached the practical application standards, and at least it is much cleaner and safer than the current nuclear power plants and nuclear engines."

"Haoran has received a national order. In the future, we will build a large number of controllable cold nuclear fusion reactors to replace the existing thermal power stations. By then, we will reduce the consumption of coal, crude oil, and natural gas, while reducing a large amount of carbon dioxide emissions.

"At the same time, we have also received contracts from dozens of countries, preparing to build a controlled cold nuclear fusion reactor in their country to provide more convenient power energy."

The reporter continued to ask: “For a country’s proposal that controllable cold nuclear fusion reactor technology is suspected of technology monopoly, the technology should be disclosed to serve all mankind. What do you say about this.”

"Hmm~~ Their statement is shameless!"

Jiang Hao replied very simply.

There is nothing to explain. This is a shameless statement. You mastered the most advanced technology in the world at that time. Why didn\'t he keep it public?

The reporter smiled, "A well-known environmental protection lady raised objections to the construction of a large number of controllable cold nuclear fusion reactors. She stated in public that the reactors will produce a lot of nuclear waste and cause huge pollution to the world. What do you say about this? "

This certain environmental protection lady Jiang Hao knows.

She is a clown.

first found an excuse for environmental protection to skip class, but later had to pretend to be, but in the end he believed it.

Hype, self-righteous, but ignorant women being used by others

Jiang Hao smiled, "Doesn’t other power generation methods produce pollution? Nuclear fusion is obviously the one with the least impact. In fact, Haoran Group is conducting further research on nuclear waste. I believe that with the development of science and technology, these nuclear wastes may become baby."

Yulong Manor.

Prince Archie of Dubai visited Jiang Hao. The two walked on the grassland and chatted while walking. Prince Archie’s purpose here is very simple. He hopes to introduce a controllable cold nuclear fusion reactor as soon as possible.

Jiang Hao can speak Arabic, and the two can communicate very smoothly. Prince Archie also praised Jiang Hao\'s Arabic.

try{mad1(\'gad2\');}catch(ex){}  "Our country’s electricity is partly gas-fired power generation, part solar power generation, and partly purchased from other countries’ power grids. As the city develops, our electricity It\'s far from enough."

"Cities are developing and populations are increasing. We used a lot of groundwater before. Expert water has already caused great damage to the So we are gradually increasing the use of seawater desalination, but this will require more electricity. "

“Originally, it was planned to invest in the construction of several large thermal power plants again by 2030, but we saw your company’s\'controllable cold nuclear fusion reactor\' and felt that this was our gospel. I believe that as long as a few power supply towers are built , Can meet all the needs of Dubai now."

"Our country is very urgent now. I hope Mr. Jiang can arrange construction for our country in advance."

To put it bluntly, this guy wanted to jump in the line, so he ran to Jiang Hao to beg for mercy. As for how much cheaper it was, he didn\'t mention it at all, and he was even willing to spend high prices in advance.

Middle Eastern tyrant?

"I will consider it seriously, after all, we had a very pleasant cooperation before." Jiang Hao replied with a smile.

When some countries boycotted the virtual world, these Middle Eastern countries were not obedient. They happily introduced equipment and allowed virtual equipment to enter their market as soon as possible, so the two sides have a basis for cooperation.


There was a loud neigh of horse in the distance.

Ta Ta Ta~ Ta Ta Ta~!

In the distance, two handsome horses ran wildly with their hoofs, chasing me on the track, and no one would fall behind. The raised hoofs lifted up the smoke and dust, and flashed past Jiang Hao and Prince Aqi.

"What a beautiful horse, so fast!"

Prince Aqi couldn’t help but praised, "Mr. Jiang, is this the horse you raised?"

"Yes, the black mane is called the small red date. It is my mount. It is an Akhaljie golden horse. We call it a sweaty BMW here."