Movie World Traveller

Chapter 166: : Mad plunder of army supplies

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As long as you give up your thoughts, the flood of thoughts will run towards the sea like a gate, and you will never stop it.

Jiang Hao said with a smile:

"His Excellency, if you want to leave, I have a way to send you back to Rome."

"I can guarantee that the U.S. military will never kill, and the surrendered soldiers will be treated well, including food, medical care and adequate rest."

"If you are not going to leave your soldiers, you and several generals can stay at the Hotel Olivia Palermo. Of course, if you like the natural beauty of the countryside, I can find a manor for you, food, wine , Cigar, then I will let Sakadu send some beautiful ~ waitresses, you can have a party in your spare time. "

General Flavio thought about it and said, "I still want to stay with my soldiers."

If he were a running general, he was afraid to return to Rome and he would be arrested or even executed immediately. In that case, he might as well stay here.

General Flavio continued, "As for the location, I think the country is good, I like the fresh air in the country. There is one more thing, my property needs to be secured."

"No problem at all, if it is convenient, I can send someone to transfer your property to the country estate tonight. Of course, the same is true of the property of other generals and officers. Leave it to me and I will save it for you." Hao said sincerely.

This is the end, and General Flavio did not hesitate. He stood up and said, "Bernano, wait here for a while now. I\'m going to a meeting."

"Good general, I wait for your good news." Jiang Hao said with a smile.

Several generals of the Legion lived here. Commander General Flavio convened a meeting. People soon came. General Flavio stated the current facts and asked if everyone had the confidence to resist the US military. Everyone was silent. Silent.

"Well, the next proposal is to surrender, who is against it?" General Flavio looked at the people below.

The crowd remained silent.

Silence is actually an attitude. General Flavio sighed. It seemed that the army\'s heart had long since dissipated. Although as the supreme commander, he was very reluctant to see the army in his hands like this, but this was the case. .

"Renato Bernano, the owner of the cigarette factory, you should all know him. He is here to be a lobbyist for the Americans. He wants us to surrender and promises a few conditions ..." General Flavio repeated the conditions promised by Jiang Hao.

Everyone heard, this condition is not bad.

Life is preserved, property is preserved, and you can enjoy the manor vacation and the beautiful waitress.

OK, it\'s such a pleasant decision.

That same evening, hundreds of Italian military trucks left Palermo and headed to the town where Jiang Hao lived. A dozen trucks entered the "Ms. Malina" manor. Sacado personally directed a group of mafia members. Remove the boxes from the cart and send them directly to the cellar in the yard.

These boxes have seals on them, which are the property of the Italian military officers. Each general has several large boxes, all of which are finance, gold and silver jewelry, art or banknotes. At any time, these people will not poor.

The most exaggerated is General Flavio, whose own box takes up a whole truck.

School-level officers, everyone also has such a box. As for the captain-level officers, there is no such treatment. They are not stored separately, but you can save money here.

Jiang Hao is also crazy. He started the savings business directly in the barracks. As long as he dared to save money, he dared to collect it and register the amount of money. These people could exchange for a voucher with his Chinese character "江浩 章", etc. In the future, they can come to him with this voucher and check their registration to get back their money.

As for the remaining trucks, they all entered the Sicilian cigarette factory in the town. Long ago, Jiang Hao established a second cigarette factory in this town. However, because of the war, the tobacco was unable to be smuggled over. After the stock runs out, production has been suspended for more than six months.

Military trucks entered the cigarette factory, and members of the mafia opened the warehouse door, and the trucks immediately went in to unload. Each of these trucks was filled with cargo. They were all military supplies, food, cans, diesel, iron, quilts, and steel wires. , Military boots, and even firearms and ammunition.

As long as it can be shipped, all are pulled.

Anyway, as long as one surrenders, these things will belong to the U.S. Army, not to get rid of it. Jiang Hao and several generals have said that these materials have been exchanged for money. Two of them are half of each person, that is, Jiang Hao occupies half. half. As for how they distribute profits, Jiang Hao doesn\'t care.

This is the last chance, so go crazy.

Hundreds of trucks were constantly running on the road between Palermo and the cigarette factory. It was pulled all night without stopping. The warehouse of the cigarette factory was full. The factory building of the cigarette factory was also full. Even the huge yard was piled up. Full of things.

In the end, thousands of military horses and dozens of military dogs were obtained. Jiang Hao was unable to speak up. He had to ask the generals for dozens of grooms and let them change into casual clothes. Just as they had never appeared in the army. , Stay here to raise horses.

These things ~ ~ But the value of a whole group army should be no less than hundreds of millions of liras, Jiang Hao thought to himself, when the US military received the captives, they found that all of them were smooth, no guns, no helmets. , No grenade, no bullets, no kettle, only one set of clothes all over.

There are no food, no quilts, no war horses, no war preparations in the barracks, no ..., there is nothing, except for the Italian soldiers holding two hands and waiting for big eyes. I don\'t know if they will How I feel.


Several generals and the mayor of Palermo were in the Italian command of Palermo.

Jiang Hao said with a smile:

"Well, generals, tomorrow morning at 11 am, I will bring the U.S. forces into the city on time. At that time, please also bring officers and soldiers to gather outside the city open space."

"Mayor Aonzo, please prepare for the event. Don\'t miss the flowers and fruits. We must show the enthusiasm of the Sicilians."

Everyone nodded.

Looking at the white sky outside the window, Jiang Hao got in the car and rushed to the US military barracks. He soon saw General Patton. Jiang Hao said, "General Patton, it\'s done. Today at 11 noon, General Flavio will Led his 48,500 soldiers to surrender outside Palermo. "

"Keep your promise by then, don\'t hurt them, and give them enough prisoner of war treatment."

"You can then enter the city, and you will see the flowers and fruits I said."

Barton looked at Jiang Hao in shock.

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