Monster: Summon Godzilla at the Start

Chapter 49: I kill Luo Xiu, no tea time!

It\'s absolutely amazing!

Luo Xiu didn\'t expect that the Yu Jie at the level of disaster in front of him, like Chen Jingtao, was a martial artist in the Holy Realm!

Chu Nihong\'s move should not only be like what she said, but just to feel Godzilla\'s strength.

If Luo Xiu didn\'t guess wrong, Chu Nihong should be taking this opportunity to show him how profound the emperor\'s organization is!

For this mysterious organization... Luo Xiu is really more and more interested now!

After Chu Nihong left, the emperor\'s organization also delivered the four bodies of the alien beasts in the Void Returning Realm via a transport plane in accordance with the previous agreement.

However, it seemed that it was the corpse of the Thunder Devouring Heavenly Wolf that had nourished Brother\'s appetite. After seeing the corpses in front of him, there was a bit of disdain in his eyes!

Even Luo Xiu felt that Brother President was a little bloated.

You know, just a few days ago, this guy was happily eating lizards and marine fish on the desert island!

In comparison, the King Kong pretty boy is not so picky.

This guy flew directly up, tore off the **** thigh of one of the strange beasts, and chewed it in his mouth, and even occasionally heard the sound of bone cracking!

I have to say that King Kong’s mouth is really good!

Seeing King Kong devouring like this, Godzilla no longer carried the shelf anymore, and also began to bow his head and ate!

Although the things in front of me are incomparable with the corpses of strange beasts entering the holy realm, they are also flesh and blood energy at any rate!

"Ding! Godzilla successfully swallowed the white mist element ground sheep, flesh energy +1784, energy points +130!"

"Ding! Thunder Flame King Kong successfully swallowed Red Flame Ice Dark Tapir, flesh energy +1568, energy points +199!"

"Ding! Godzilla successfully swallowed..."

"Ding! Thunder Flame King Kong successfully swallowed..."

The system\'s prompt sound kept ringing in Luo Xiu\'s ears.

At the end of the meal, Luo Xiu even released the skeleton reptiles so that they could eat some of the remaining flesh and blood.

For the skeleton reptile, the flesh and blood of the Void Returning Realm alien beast, even if it is just the residue, can be regarded as a great tonic!

This group of skeleton reptiles, jumping up and down, like a little puppies, gobbled up the flesh and blood residue on the corpse in front of them with excitement!

After eating, Luo Xiu could clearly feel that the size of these skeleton reptiles had obviously grown in a circle, which should be regarded as evolution in a certain sense!

It\'s just that the blood of the skeleton reptile is too inferior.

Even if it evolves to the extreme, it is not much stronger after all.

What Luo Xiu needs to do now is to feed Godzilla to maturity as soon as possible!

In this way, whether it is seeking revenge on Luo Chen, or facing Jidora who is about to wake up, he can have enough confidence!


Zhenhai City, Shengjiang Garden, villa area.

A woman with a nice figure, just like a kitten, nestled beside an old man.

Obviously, the two of them have just finished their ulterior affair, and even on the face of this woman, there is still a hint of blush that has not faded away!

Although this old man has an old face, there are no wrinkles on his face, and his skin is as tight as hard iron.

Obviously, this is a warrior, and he is definitely strong!

If not, it is impossible to be old and not declining at all!

"Elder Wu, you must help Chen\'er! Since he came back that time, he has been frightened all day long, and his whole person\'s spirit is about to go abnormal!"

"I, Su Manqiu, are just such a son, if he has something short and long..."

The woman was eager to cry, with a pitiful look.

The old man put his arm around her smooth shoulders, smiled lightly and said, "Don\'t worry, Luo Chen is your son of Su Manqiu, and that is also my disciple of Wu Qianjue!"

"If anyone dares to move him, I will never agree!"

The woman and the old man lying on the bed are Luo Chen\'s mother Su Manqiu, and his master, Wu Qianjue!

However, no one could imagine that Luo Chen\'s mother maintained such a relationship with Wu Qianjue!

After Wu Qianjue gave his promise, Su Manqiu finally felt a little relieved.

Then, on her beautiful face, a look of incomparable resentment emerged: "That Luo Xiu is really not a thing! When Luo Chen worked hard for the family business, he was outside!"

"And now that he wants to kill Chen\'er and take away the Luo family\'s property, he is really a poisonous snake!"

I have to say that Su Manqiu\'s ability to reverse black and white is truly a must.

With just a few words of effort, all the dirty water was poured on Luo Xiu\'s head!

"Okay, needless to say, I treat Luo Chen as if I were my own parent and child."

Wu Qianjue said indifferently: "He has something wrong, I won\'t leave it alone."

"What\'s more, I am now holy!"

A few days ago, Wu Qianjue was in retreat.

And now he has successfully broken through the shackles and reached the realm of sanctification!

After the breakthrough of the realm, Wu Qianjue\'s state of mind has also undergone unprecedented changes!

Be holy, that is, invincible!

After that, Wu Qianjue continued to speak: "However, that kid is considered lucky. He actually fell in love with the Nangong family. Even Chen Jingtao was defeated. This really didn\'t happen to me."

"Then...what should I do?"

Su Manqiu looked worried.

Wu Qianjue sneered: "There is nothing to worry about. That kid is just forging a good relationship with Nangong\'s family. One shot for him is already the limit. After the kindness is paid off, he may not care about it. Life and death of the kid!"

"And, even if they want to manage, what can they do?"

"If I really want to kill Luo Xiu, I won\'t even need tea time!"

"I don\'t believe it, no matter how their Nangong family covers the sky with their hands, can it be impossible to rush from Yanjing to Zhenhai within this short tea time?"

Wu Qianjue\'s tone was very arrogant, as if he didn\'t put Nangong\'s family in his eyes at all!

Even, in his eyes, Luo Xiu... is already a dying person!

"Okay, Beauty, don\'t think about it anymore. Once Luo Xiu died, your son Luo Chen was the undisputed Lord of the Luo family. At that time, this big Zhenhai city will be completely owned by your mother and your son. The site is now."

Wu Qianjue stroked Su Manqiu\'s hair lightly, lowered his voice and said, "I have done this for you. I don\'t know, how are you going to return me?"

"I hate it... Don\'t worry... I will definitely serve you well..."

Su Manqiu snorted, his voice soft to the bone, and slowly lowered his head...