Monster: Summon Godzilla at the Start

Chapter 39: I bother! What kind of thing to enter the Holy Land!

When this slightly old voice sounded, even Chen Jingtao, who had always been calm and gentle, couldn\'t help frowning.

Because before this old man appeared, he hadn\'t sensed the other\'s energy at all!

For the saint realm martial artist, this is no small matter.

The higher the martial art realm, the more sensitive the sense of Qi.

There are usually only three situations in which the opponent’s Qi machine cannot be sensed.

Or, the other party is too strong, and the strength between the two is not at the same level at all.

Otherwise, the opponent is too weak, and the breath is so weak that it can be ignored.

Or... the old man in front of him was extremely good at hiding his own breath, and he didn\'t notice it.

In any case, after this old man appeared, Chen Jingtao\'s heart had already risen with a sense of vigilance!

"Who are you?"

Li Tianying frowned and asked in a deep voice.

The old man who appeared in front of him was dressed in a linen Tang suit, his silver hair was meticulously combed, his waist was straight and full of energy, and he did not feel like an old and frail old man.

The old man glanced at him indifferently, raised his right hand directly, and slapped him in the air!


A clear applause immediately resounded in everyone\'s ears!

At the same time, Li Tianying\'s head was pulled to the side, a clearly visible palm print appeared on his face, and even a trace of blood oozes from the corner of his mouth!

All the people present were stunned at this scene!

This mysterious old man who did not know where he came from, raised his hand and slapped a Void Returning Realm warrior in a short time!

With this method, everyone present could not help but feel shocked!

This mysterious old man...what is it? !

After taking this slap, the old man said indifferently: "There is no respect and humbleness, and the name of the old, is you worthy to ask?"

Hearing this, Luo Xiu couldn\'t help but give the old guy a thumbs up.

What\'s so special... This is the originator of the pretending world!

"Grandpa! You\'re finally here! Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu...I thought you didn\'t want me..."

After the mysterious old man appeared, Nangongrou rushed forward without hesitation, and said grievously: "You don\'t love your baby granddaughter anymore! I have been kidnapped for so many days, and you don\'t know how to send someone to rescue me. I!"

"I am alone, being locked up on a desert island, alone, and suffering a lot..."

After speaking, Nangongrou wrinkled her red nose, looking like a poor kitten who was so wronged.

After hearing Nangongrou\'s "Grandpa", Li Tianying almost lost his jaw!

This mysterious old man who suddenly appeared was Nangong Rou\'s grandfather? !

He always thought that the girl in front of him was nothing more than a canary that Luo Xiu was keeping at home and that she was hiding in the golden house!

After all, Luo Xiu likes female sex, and the habit of sleeping a female celebrity a day is well known throughout Zhenhai City!

Who would have thought that this little girl\'s background could be so big!

For a while, an unknown premonition flashed through Li Tianying\'s heart...

"Don\'t cry, don\'t cry, grandpa is here."

Nan Gongjing looked at the red-eyed baby granddaughter in front of her, and her heart was about to melt, she couldn\'t help but sighed and said: "These days, I really have suffered you!"

"Don\'t worry, Grandpa will not let go of anything that makes you wronged!"

After saying this, Nan Gongjing\'s eyes suddenly sharpened, and he looked at Lin Tu who was lying aside, dying!

"Xiao Rou, is that the villain who kidnapped you?"


Nangong nodded softly.

"This kind of scum, even delusional to use you as a threat, come to negotiate with our Nangong family."

Nan Gongjing snorted coldly, and pointed his right index finger towards Lin Tu\'s direction, volleying away!


The gang wind formed by this finger, like a bullet, instantly penetrated Lin Tu\'s forehead!

The latter snorted, and leaned to the side as if he was out of breath and died!

Looking at the scene in front of him, all the martial artists present could not help but have a similar idea emerging in their hearts.

Just fingertip Gangfeng can kill people, is Nangong Rou\'s grandfather, is it also a martial artist who has entered the holy realm? !

When did the saint realm martial artist become such a common existence? !

"Next, it\'s your turn."

Afterwards, Nan Gongjing turned around, cast a murderous gaze on Li Tianying, and said faintly: "The Luo family kid is right. You are wrong. You shouldn\'t be so innocent. Block!"

"Nianzhe you can be regarded as a strong one, you can judge yourself!"

Nan Gongjing\'s words are extremely overbearing, and opening his mouth is to apologies for himself!

After being locked by Nan Gongjing\'s murderous intent, Li Tianying felt as if there was a big mountain pressing on his shoulders. With this pressure, he asked for mercy with great difficulty: "Old predecessor..."


"Let you judge yourself is to give you the last dignity!"

"If you dare to say one more word, the old man will send you on the road now!"

Nan Gongjing\'s eyes were cold, his tone was domineering and arrogant, with a trace of unquestionable majesty!

In fact, on weekdays, he can be regarded as an amiable old man!

But now... because of Nangongrou\'s affairs, Li Tianying was equivalent to just hitting his gun!

If Nan Gongjing is an old dragon, then his granddaughter Nan Gongrou is the inverse scale of his old dragon!

After being scolded by Nan Gongjing, Li Tianying\'s face was as gray as death, and his eyes were full of despair.

Chen Jingtao finally couldn\'t stand it anymore. He sighed slightly, took a few steps forward, stopped in front of Nan Gongjing, and said, "Old predecessor, this friend of mine is also a momentary faux pas. I wonder if you can raise your hand high. , Let him make a living?"

"For a moment? I think he is very happy to yell!"

Nan Gongjing opened a pair of old eyes and cursed without hesitation: "Is it too easy to talk to me? Everyone wants to bargain with me? Get out of here!"

"Say it again, I\'m going to kill this guy today! Whoever dares to stop, I will die!"

"If you are not convinced, you can come and have a try! I really think you will be invincible when you become a holy? I yeah! What kind of thing is entering the holy realm? A bunch of visionless hairy boys!"

Facing Chen Jingtao, Nan Gongjing slapped his head and covered his face with an angry rebuke, and everyone around him felt confused in his head!

My goodness... How dare this old fellow dare to point at the nose of the saint realm warrior and curse? !