Mohist Tang

Chapter 95

Compared with the embarrassment of entering the palace for the first time, Merton who entered the palace for the second time seemed much more normal. After all, he walked in.

Through the rosefinch gate, Merton was received by the bodyguard inside and outside, and probed from head to foot by something similar to the later detector.

Merton\'s disdain is a magnet. If you carry it, I have some ways to get through it.

Of course, Merton can only think about this idea in his mind. If he says it, the degree of search may be more severe.

Merton put on his shoes and tidy up his clothes. These abnormal bodyguards won\'t let go of any suspicious enemy.

Pound looked at Merton\'s embarrassment with a smile. This guy was absolutely intentional and didn\'t remind himself before he came.

"Well, this is the first time you enter the Imperial City," said pound.

Merton reluctantly nodded. Even such a sophisticated detection system in future generations will be drilled. Moreover, relying on a magnet, manual detection has always been an essential step. You know, this is an era when imperial power is as powerful as heaven.

Merton followed pound to walk in the imperial city. During this period, he also encountered several interrogations, but it was not as severe as the first time. Some bodyguards saw pound leading Merton and released him after a few interrogations.

Soon Merton was led to a big hall.

"Chongwen hall!"

Merton looked at the three big characters in front of the hall and suddenly realized that this was the place where the prince went to school.

"Grandpa Pang! I don\'t know where your majesty is? Boy, I\'m OK to go and see you!" Merton asked cautiously,

"Mo xianbo will wait here first. After his majesty leaves the court, he will come to check the studies of the princes. At that time, Mo xianbo will naturally see his majesty." pound said.

Merton breathed a sigh of relief. It turned out that Li Shimin was checking the prince\'s studies. He picked up the grass, hugged the rabbit and took himself with him.

I thought I was amorous. I thought Li Shimin specially summoned himself in his busy schedule!

"Hoo!" Merton slowly breathed a sigh of relief and comforted himself: "he is not so important. Li Shimin will not specifically target himself. At most, he will take himself as a negative teaching material and give the princes a practical lesson."

The more he comforted himself, the more confused he became. In particular, pound led Merton to the hall of Chongwen hall and hurried away, leaving only Merton and the guards of Chongwen hall staring at each other.

"I don\'t know your name, brother! Is Morton polite?"

Merton flattered the bodyguard, but he didn\'t get any response.

Morton touched his nose awkwardly and said, "with the loyal character of big brother, the future will be unlimited!"

Interesting! There is still silence.

The whole scene was immediately embarrassed. Merton decadent gave up the idea of climbing the relationship and began to worry about his upcoming fate. It seems that he didn\'t do anything special!

I don\'t know how long later, a whisper interrupted Merton\'s thinking about life.

"See? He\'s the big devil." a little Zhengtai\'s voice came from behind the stone lion in Chongwen hall.

"Really? What do I think of him? He\'s not so terrible! Even the big brother is not strong!" a cute voice said weakly, which people couldn\'t help loving.

"Yuzi, don\'t be deceived by his outside. After you go to school, you will know how terrible the great demon king is. You want to know when the water in the pool will be full when one outlet pipe will discharge water and the other drain pipe will discharge water?" Zhengtai\'s voice was full of grief and anger.

"Brother Jiu, isn\'t that a waste of water? Why don\'t you turn off the drain pipe?" said Meng Meng\'s voice.

"I don\'t know. That problem was created by the demon king." Zhengtai angrily accused him.

Morton smelled the words and moved. Brother nine, Yuzi and two children were outside the Chongwen hall, but the bodyguard turned a blind eye. That\'s only one possibility.

They are the ninth Prince of King Li Zhi of Jin and Princess Li Mingda of Jinyang. They thought they had a small voice and hid well behind the stone lion. No one found them.

Merton smiled bitterly. The biggest devil in his heart was Li Er, but he didn\'t think he had become the devil in others\' hearts. Li Zhi was obviously Merton\'s victim of countless primary school students\' math problems.

"It\'s not a gentleman\'s style to speak ill of others behind others!" Merton deliberately teased two people with a straight face.

"Ah! Brother nine, what if the demon king finds us?" Princess Jinyang\'s voice was a little urgent.

"Don\'t be afraid, son. Brother nine will protect you!" Li Zhi stood up and said.

"What did I say?" a seven year old lady jumped out from behind the stone lion, her face full of sadness and anger. Behind him, a four or five-year-old girl, wearing a goose yellow robe, her baby fat face was all nervous, and her small hands tightly grasped the corners of Li Zhi\'s clothes.

"See your Highness the king of Jin, Princess Jinyang!"

Before that, he had ignored Merton\'s bodyguard and bowed.

Merton looked at the bodyguard who had been silent before with disdainful eyes. The bodyguard also smiled bitterly. These two hid behind. Of course, they didn\'t have to salute, but now that they have come out, they can\'t turn a blind eye!

With the bodyguard, Princess Jinyang was not so nervous. Looking at Merton, she said, "who are you? Why bully brother nine!"

"Merton in Mojia village has seen his highness King Jin and Princess Jinyang!" Merton just despised the bodyguard and despised himself by the way. Who makes them Royal!

"Brother nine is cheating again. Why is Merton the great devil? I heard that Merton is fun and there are many strange things. Last time Xiao Jin was about to die, my mother saved Xiao Jin with Merton\'s method!" Princess Jinyang looked at Merton curiously. Xiao Jin is a koi. Once she put Xiao Jin in a water basin, As a result, Xiao Jin soon lost oxygen and turned his stomach. It was the empress Chang sun who personally taught Princess Jinyang to blow into the water, which allowed Xiao Jin to survive.

Princess Jinyang was overjoyed to see Xiao Jin saved by herself. Empress changsun specially explained the principle to Princess Jinyang, and explained Mozi\'s trustworthiness for thousands of years, catfish effect and Merton\'s invention of live fish as a story to Princess Jinyang, so Princess Jinyang was very profound to Merton, He never thought that the great devil in the mouth of brother nine was the great hero Merton in his heart.

"Don\'t be deceived by him, Naoko. You don\'t know how terrible Merton\'s math problem is!" Li Zhi was very anxious. He didn\'t expect that his strongest ally had been plotted so quickly.

"Really? How do I think arithmetic is very simple!" Merton teased Zhengtai Li Zhi.

"Let me ask you! Do you know how much twelve times nine plus twenty-one equals?" Li Zhi shouted.

"One hundred and twenty-nine!" Merton opened his mouth.

Merton suddenly chuckled. It turned out that Li Zhi\'s was a hybrid operation.

"Fifteen times seven plus twenty brackets and then divided by five!" Li Zhi said the most terrible question in his heart.

"Twenty five!"

Merton suddenly found that he seemed to have been fooled. After hearing Merton\'s answer, Lizhi suddenly picked up the paper from his backpack behind him and nodded with satisfaction.

Merton immediately felt that his IQ was declining. He was cheated by a seven-year-old to do his homework.