Mohist Tang

Chapter 47

"I\'m back!" Ziyi jumped out of the carriage without waiting for the carriage to stop. She couldn\'t be happy.

Merton was not in such a good mood. He pressed down his nausea and stepped on the ground of Mojia village, which was a little more comfortable.

The carriages of this era have no shock absorption, no tires, and the official road is uneven and bumpy.

"This carriage is really bumpy?" fuber also helped himself down slowly. As for tie an, he was heartless and had nothing to do.

"The young master is back!" Li Yi, who got the news, rushed over at the first time.

"Uncle Li!"

After getting off the ground, Merton no longer wanted to be in the carriage, but did it. Accompanied by Li Yi, he walked slowly to the villa!

When he returned to Mojia village again, Merton found that Mojia village had changed greatly. The whole Mojia village had become a construction site and was busy everywhere.

"We\'re going to build more houses this year. After all, there are too many young people in the village who are engaged to marry. It\'s funny that they don\'t live in a new house when they can get married!" Li Yi said, pointing to a large construction site.

After the first month, the weather is getting warmer and warmer. It\'s a good time to start building houses. Merton came close and looked at it. Good guy, he laid the foundation of ten houses at one time!

"Hmm!" Merton nodded. "Giving priority to the engaged villagers is the key to solving the single problem. At the same time, we should also take care of some villagers with dangerous houses in the village."

Li Yi nodded: "don\'t worry, young master! I\'m watching these things."

Merton forwarded it a little, found that the Mohist village was progressing smoothly, and returned to the Mohist house.

After sitting down a little, Merton talked about the recruitment of steamed stuffed bun shop!

"Recruit?" Li Yi was shocked when he heard that the young master had opened another steamed stuffed bun shop in just ten days.

"Not one, but three more are about to open!" Ziyi added.

"But soon spring ploughing will be coming, and the strong boys in the village will be ploughing. There is also the construction of fish Wharf in shibie lake. Lao Zhang tou has been expanding his manpower, and the escort team in the village is also recruiting people." Li Yi frowned and said that Mojia village is still dominated by agriculture. Spring ploughing needs a lot of manpower, and Mojia village is under construction, There is also a shortage of manpower.

"No one?" Morton frowned.

"Now there are only women left in the village, old and weak!" Li Yi said.

"Women can do it too! Women are better at steamed stuffed bun shops," Morton said with a bright eye.

"Young master! That\'s not good!" Li Yi hurriedly stopped. "There\'s no woman who shows up. That\'s not to be criticized!"

Fuber nodded in agreement. He also thought Merton\'s proposal was too bold!

"We are Mohists. Why should we learn the rules of Confucianism?" Merton retorted.

"I\'m afraid the women in the village don\'t agree. Not necessarily anyone wants to!" Li Yi frowned. Now it\'s the same in the whole Tang Dynasty. Unless it\'s a widow, not many women appear in public and provoke criticism.

"It\'s easy to solve this problem. Go and tell the women in the village that they are in the back kitchen. No one usually goes to the steamed stuffed bun shop, and there are three national princes and young masters. No one dares to make trouble, and the salary is no less than that of men." Merton promised.

"The salary is no less than men?" Li Yi couldn\'t believe it.

"Don\'t worry, brother Li. You don\'t know how good the steamed stuffed bun shop is now, and there are three stores about to open, which is a great source of wealth in Mojia village!" Fubo patted Li Yi and agreed with him with a smile, so that these women\'s worries will be eliminated.

With Fubo\'s guarantee, Li Yi believed that the steamed stuffed bun shop had great prospects and could make use of the women in Mojia village, which simply added more than half of the labor force out of thin air.

"If there is so much money, someone should be willing to go." Li Yi nodded.

Merton nodded. It was his idea to recruit female workers. More and more people from Mojia village work in Chang\'an city. For a long time, the left behind in Mojia village are women and children. There will be trouble for a long time, and they can take their family members with them. If they work at the same time, the family will soon become rich. This is a matter of killing two birds with one stone.

"That\'s great! Now the biggest source of wealth of Mojia village is the live fish business, and the secret recipe of live fish will be announced soon, so we have lost the most important source of wealth. Now the young master has opened a steamed stuffed bun shop, which can be regarded as a solution to his urgent need. Fubo said with a sigh of relief.

He is now in charge of the finance of Mojia village, and the expenses of 5000 people are on him, which can be described as a heavy pressure.

"Don\'t worry, Fubo, even if you lose your secret skills of live fish, the live fish business in Mojia village will not fail. At most, it will be impacted." Merton comforted.

"Don\'t worry, brother Fu! The artificial fish culture in shibie lake is very smooth, and there will be a lot of profits at that time. Moreover, it is planned to reclaim 500 mu of land this year. At that time, as long as God doesn\'t have a natural disaster again, the crisis of Mojia village will be over!" Li Yi promised.

Fubo was relieved. Compared with last year\'s situation, Mojia village is now the richest time in recent 20 years. There is nearly a year\'s grain storage in the village and various industries outside. Mojia village has gradually come to terms with the appearance of poverty.

Merton really underestimated the power of wages. When Li Yi announced that Chang\'an steamed stuffed bun shop recruited women workers, and the wages were no less than that of men in Mojia village, the women in Mojia village immediately caused a sensation!

"I\'m going!" Guo Xiaomei was the first to sign up! Li Xin often runs in Mojia village and Chang\'an city. She thought she had said that Chang\'an city is prosperous. She has long yearned for it. Moreover, Li Xin often runs on both sides and is not afraid to meet.

With the first to take the lead, other women also responded one after another. Some are family members of the fish shop, some are in urgent need of money at home, and some are yearning for life in Chang\'an city.

After a while, 200 people signed up!

"Please don\'t worry, put it on record here, give priority to young and capable people, and don\'t lose heart for the rest. There are still many opportunities in the future."

In the end, Li Yi added screening conditions and still couldn\'t stop his enthusiasm for registration.

"Young master! There are fifty more people!" said Li Yi with a sad face. Even if the unqualified ones have been screened out, there are still many suitable candidates.

Merton waved his big hand and said, "if you are all admitted, you should train talents. In the future, the food business will continue to expand. There will be no candidates at that time!"

Merton\'s food plan is not just a kind of steamed stuffed bun. In the future, he will add food one by one. At that time, it will form a beautiful Mohist city. At that time, more manpower is needed. It is uncertain that the female workers in Mohist village are not enough!