Mob Devil's Guide To Surviving DxD

Chapter 13 - Extra side chapter: Mad Love.

A boy lies asleep on a bed in a certain room.

A beautiful appearance that is scorned by men and envied by women, a long blue hair as dark as the night sky.

His name is Linnaeus Chandraneel. He is not a human but a devil.

His parents house is in the underworld ... The so-called hell, but now he lives in the human world and goes to school here.

"Hmm ... morning already?"

Lin, whose consciousness awakens with with the sunlight shining through the window, slowly opens his eyes and tries to get up, but instantly becomes stiff at what he sees and hardens with his eyes open in surprise.

In front of Lin was a girl's face.

She is as beautiful as Rias but with black hair.

Her name is Sona Sitri. He is the same devil as Lin and is Lin's childhood friend and Rias's best friend. and currently, Lins temporary roommate while Rias is currently in the Underworld.

Sona smiles when she sees Lin awaken.

"Good morning, Lin. A very pleasant morning~★~"

In spite of her attempt at humor, Lin was surprised, at the loss of words.

He might have been screaming if it was midnight.


"Huh? ... Eh, good morning, sona .... and what are you doing?"

Lin, stunned, regained his composure and returned a greeting while asking what she was doing.

"What? ... just waking you up and.. Fufufu."


He was worried how he would get up with face so close to him, but when he heard her answer, Lin decided not to hear anything.

As she stands on the floor, away from Lin, she says with her glasses in her hand.

"Well, get dressed up for breakfast, or will let me help you get changed?"

"No, I can change my clothes alone"

Sona says whilst her cheeks are dyed red, but Lin, who felt he was treated as a child, refuses with a little humiliation.

"I'm sorry"


Sona, who looks a little depressed, did not answer Lin's question and walked straight into the kitchen. I'm going to get ready for breakfast.

(Recently sona is acting somewhat strange .... No, if you think about, there were signs in the past.)

While changing to his school uniform, Lin reminisces back to when they were children.

Rias's brother and Sona's sister were two of the four satans, and the Gremory and Sitrii families had a long-standing relationship, so it wasn't long before I, who was born alongside Rias, to inevitably meet her, and the three of us were together almost all the time.

Whether studying, playing, or training our devil powers, Sona was almost always by our side.

At that time, somehow ... our relationship became extremely close distance, she was always touching my body, hugging me, and the three of us even took baths together.

It wasn't strange at all for a young child, and I tried not to care at that time. Plus unlike human and their s.e.x.u.a.l ethics, for devils as a race, this kind of thing is a non-issue.

But what if it's still going on all the way to high school? as devils, this is still not a big deal. But even though we are high school students, we are still considered babies from the perspective of the old devils who live thousands to tens of thousands of years. we grow the same as humans mentally but I'm still receiving such close skin contact from Sona. It's not so strange to come to a conclusion about what might be going on.

When I'm hugged or when we bathe together, it feels embarrassing now, unlike the innocent old days. Though, I don't really mind anyway.

If it's just that, it's still fine, but if i sleep in a separate bed, we always end up somehow sleeping together when I wake up in the morning, and or suddenly waking up to my lips being robbed or whatnot. I don't know what might have caused it, but I feel like it's a little too late to change now.

But that doesn't mean Lin hates Sona, he doesn't want to deny her.

That probably is certainly something to think about, but it can still be delayed.

Lin who finished changing clothes heads over to Sona.

Breakfast was already lined up on the table. Apparently it was finished before i woke up. But there's only a serving for one.

"Oh? What about yours?"

"I have already eaten."


Lin sits down in a chair, thinking how rare it was that they didn't eat together.

Sona sits in a chair in front of Lin, joins her hands together and watched him eat.

"How is it? delicious?"

"Well, it's delicious ..."

"Yes" Sona whispered to herself in joy, but that quickly change when she noticed Lins face of discomfort.

"What's wrong?"

"No, just, it has an interesting taste"

"... are you... unconsciously thinking that I might have put something in there?"

"hmm? What was that?"


Lin smiles at Sona, thinking of why she might be feeling this way. In the past, Sona was not good at housework in general, and her cooking was hopeless.

it was so terrible that rias's brother sirzechs and their father, foamed in the mouth and passed out. the mother of Rias, Venelana Gremory and the strongest queen Grayfia were frozen the moment they took a bite. Like a machine that had stopped functioning, they did not move at all. Lin was completely knocked out. when he came to, he had temporary amnesia.

The only one unaffected was Serafall. but as an unrepentant siscon, her opinions can't be trusted.

At last, after her cooking had taken many victims, she was finally able to make ordinary dishes.

Lin silently advances the chopsticks to his mouth while remembering the past.

Sona stares at the eating Lin with a silent smiling face while dyeing her cheeks red.





"... Um, sona?"

Lin, who was dying on the inside from the awkward silence, tried to improve the atmosphere and called out to Sona.


"Well, isn't it boring watching me eat? we still got some time before we go to school, I'm sure TV is more interesting."

"... But that's boring. watching you eat as far more interesting"

"... Is that so?"

What are you saying girl? Lin couldn't say anything and the awkward atmosphere returned again.

Anyway, it's always like this. Whatever I say, I can't do anything about it, lets finish breakfast as soon as possible.


"Yes. I'm glad you enjoyed it. I'll put the dishes away."

"Well, thank you."

Even though she's gotten better, she's still not good at housework, so Lin adds, "Don't break the plates," and gets ready to go to school.

Lin then spends the rest of the time with Sona, who stuck to him like glue and went to school.

At that time, sona look so happy seems that she was skipping on the way.

After school lessons, he completed his devil work with his colleagues, then came home with Sona, who quickly finished her student council work, then they finished eating and bathing.

Lin now sat on the sofa in his room and was staring into the void.

His face is dyed red, and his breath was hagard and his whole body had lost power leaving himself to the mercy of gravity.

on the other hand, though her skin was dyed red and her hair did not completely dry, Sona was the complete opposite of Lin, positively radiant and giving off strong s.e.x appeal. with a towel wrapped around her neck she sits next to Lin and calls out.

"Lin, are you okay?"

"...… who's to blame ..."

I squints and glares at her.

But that action alone made me feel tired instantly, and immediately I released his eyes and sighed.

In the first place, the cause of Lins current state is sona.

All i had to do was take a bath and sleep, and i took a bath with Sona as usual.

As far as real intentions go, I wanted to finally take a bath alone and enjoy it slowly, but when I told her that, Sona had pretty shocked face and I was forced to compromise afterwards. We eventually entered together again today like every other day.

At that time, everything was still normal when she was washing my back, when it was my turn to wash hers, she started making weird groaning noises and humming something under her breath.

Thanks to that, Lin's body had become hot in a another sense. not only because of the skin contact, but also the sauna like heat.



When I opened my closed eyes because Sona's voice, there was a glass of water in front of me.

Apparently, Sonna brought me something to cool down with without me noticing.

"I brought you something to drink."

"... Thank you"

In the first place, the cause of all this is sohna, but even Lin couldn't complain as long as she could smile. after all, she's cute so he could ignore everything and thankfully took the water.

I drank very cold water and relaxed.

Lin always like drinking tea, but sometimes drinking a cold glass of water is all you really need.

(there's a slight taste in it. )

Lin regained his calmness with the cool night breeze coming in through the slightly opened window, and his breathing had stabilized.

"Thank you, Sona."

"Huh? Ah ... yeah ///"

Lin, feeling a little more comfortable thanks Sona once again.

She was surprised for a moment and her cheeks turn red so she quickly turned away from Lin.

(This girl. She really is cute at times like this.)

With that in mind, Lin turns and looks at the moon through the window.

When I see the sun, I don't think much of it but the moon at night always looks very beautiful. Perhaps that's just because I'm a devil now.



The two said simultaneously. Surprised, I turned to see her who quickly turns her face away in embarrassment

(It seems like we were thinking about the same thing. )

Being glad that's the case, Lin turned his surprised face into a smile.

".. sigh ..."

Suddenly his eyelids became heavier and consciousness becomes faint.

I feel so sleepy, but I wasn't necessarily tired.

LIn is now suffering from intense drowsiness, loosing strength from his whole body and is completely deprived of energy to stand up.

"I'm getting sleepy ..."

Lin couldn't resist that intense drowsiness and fell asleep on the sofa, not the bed.

The cool touch that he felt invites him to sleep more intensely.

Lin closed his eyes because he had no more fighting power and wanted to drown in this comfort.

"Good night. Lin"

Before I lost consciousness, I heard Sona's gentle voice.

Lying on the couch, Sona smiles as she watches Lin fall quietly asleep.

The water which she had giving him earlier had been made with unique water magic of the sitri family and mixed with a special drug, had now seems to be taking effect.

At the very least, nothing will interrupt what's about to happen until tomorrow morning.

She lays Lins body on his back, staring at his face just like she did in the morning.

We have always been together since we were young.

For a while since we first met, we were just childhood friends.

But from when? What prompted me to be conscious of Lin like this?  I can't remember. I didn't know for certain is that I would always feel anxious and lonely whenever he's not there. not just me, I'm sure Rias feels the same way too.

She can't stay with him during class at school or when she's doing student council work and because of it, her heart is always nervous and restless.

When Lin said he wanted to take a bath by himself, she felt like she was at a unfathomable distance from Lin and that was painful beyond any physical damage she could receive.

Sohna understands herself.

My heart can only be filled with Lin.

I don't know why.

But that didn't matter.

When he ate the dishes that I made for breakfast and said they were delicious, my heart heartbeat rose like crazy. The blood i had mixed into the dish may have deepened my connection with Lin. The proof is how easily he was affected by my magic which I had put into the water.

Lins body in the bath ... just thinking about it I couldn't help it get hot again.  Just having him touch my n.a.k.e.d body is enough to push me to the brink of physical climax.

I'm sorry I Rias, I was in love with Lin after all. I apologized to my distant best friend and love rival, who had given me the chance to be alone with him.

That azure hair that had not yet dried swaying in the night breeze.

That lean body line visible through his clothing.

That smile he shows me while saying thank you.

I thought it was beautiful.

Then came an even greater beauty than all of that. Lin gazing Upward at the new moon. it was a moment so beautiful that even works of art like the Mona Lisa pale when compared to it.

Sona's heart was filled enough to burst.

But... that wasn't enough.

"Not yet ... not enough"

Sona places her hand on Lin's cheeks , bringing her face closer.

"I want more ... more of lin."

Overlapping her lips with Lin's lips.

Through it all, tears overflow from my eyes and run down my cheeks.

I'm glad for another reason, a reason that only I know. No, maybe I don't even know.

She separate her lips from his and places her hand on Lin's clothes. Then began sliding her hands down from across his c.h.e.s.t to his pants.

"I love you, Lin"

Sona slowly began to undress Lin.