MMORPG: Divine Mech Hunter

Chapter 256: Wanted

The camp of the orcs has always been a big tent made of animal skins, and the defense is a wooden fence, which is very hard and simple.

But this camp is indeed very lively, all kinds of shouting teams.

Li Yao\'s cloak concealed the effect of the equipment on his body, plus the longbow on the back.

As a result, until Li Yao walked out of the camp, no one invited him to form a team. The hunter\'s position is still worrying.

Only a few teams can find hunters.

Hunters often call out to form a team like this: "Beastmaster hunts, bring giant bear pets to output hunters."

"Survival hunting, good at all kinds of traps, ask for a hunting beast king with a tank baby."

The big trees in the gloomy valley are so huge that they are truly towering into the clouds.

Li Yao can only find directions based on road signs and minimaps. When there are not many people, Li Yao simply summoned Death 4000.

The climate in the gloomy valley was already extremely hot, and there was no wind.

After staying inside for a while, Li Yao couldn\'t stand it, and sat directly on the shoulders of Reaper 4000.


The silent road echoed everywhere with the walking sound of the **** of death 4000 clicks.

"Big brother, we have received a task to reward skill books, occupational special skills, are you coming?" Dumb Tongtong chatted with Li Yao excitedly.

"Well, I\'m in the Western Continent, so I can\'t make it through." Li Yao said helplessly, even he was tempted by his professional skills.

Only some basic skills can be learned from the instructor, and many special skills are not available at auction houses. It is very difficult to learn. Hitomi was lucky to receive this kind of task.

"That\'s it, but this mission is only one day, otherwise you should come back and do this mission together." The cute and adorable pupil said: "My team is full of beauties, I didn\'t take care of this wretched guy. ."

"The kids know what they know." Li Yao couldn\'t laugh or cry: "I\'m on the way, and I\'m working on a task. I can\'t live without it. You can do it."

"Cut, don\'t come and pull it down, it\'s rare." The cute pupil hung up the communication angrily.

Li shook his head. He has been completely aroused by the mysterious ball, and now he has no thoughts. The revenge on the three major guilds was delayed by him.

And now he doesn\'t know if what he inferred is correct, otherwise he will bring the veterans.

If there is something to be gained, if he inferred wrong, it would really be a joke, so he was on the road alone.

"Hey, I said why you ignore people." A female player angrily stopped Reaper 4000.

Li Yao was stunned, realizing that he was from the same camp, and that he was also a high elf, and said, "Sorry, I was chatting in private just now and didn\'t pay attention. What\'s the matter?"

The female player is a summoner, called a Pokemon. She stared at Li Yao and said, "My brother asked you a few things, but you didn\'t answer it. It\'s too rude."

At this time, an orc shaman on the side of the road apologized and said: "Sorry, my sister is spoiled. I asked my brother if I want to form a team. One of our team members has left because of something. The brother is alone, so ask. "

In the orc shaman, there is a shield and a thief behind Claw Wuhen.

"I am a hunter." Li Yao shook his head.

"What\'s the matter with the hunter, you, you are a hunter yourself, do you still look down on yourself." Pokemon said with contempt.

"Khan, sorry, I don\'t form a team." Li Yao had no choice but to say directly.

"Brothers may not know. There are a lot of players in the bright camp on this road. It is very dangerous if you don\'t form a team. You have to be careful." Li Claw Wuhen said.

"Thank you for the reminder." Li Yao arched his hands. This was pretty good. He was not angry at all because of his refusal, but instead reminded himself: "See you later."

"What a look." The Pokemon made a face at Li Yao.

Li Yao shook his head and continued on his way.

"Come and follow." Li Claw Wuhen said when Li Yao\'s figure was about to disappear.

"He doesn\'t form a team, what are we doing?" Pokemon said.

"He is not familiar with the situation here. There are too many thieves doing military missions alone. Let\'s take a look first. If you have any difficulties, you can help. Anyway, the direction is the same, and our mission will not be delayed."

Li Claw Wuhen said that he took the lead and followed Li Yao slowly. Li Yao naturally found out, but he didn\'t care.

As long as they are not hostile, it doesn\'t matter, and this path is not his.

"It\'s already in the chaos zone," the Pokemon whispered.

"This is an important way, there must be a thief waiting for an opportunity to ambush. We are ready to run over and help him at any time." Li Claw Wuhen said.

"Brother, you are so kind. People don\'t necessarily appreciate it." The Pokemon was saying, exclaiming: "Sure enough, we were fainted by the thief, and we couldn\'t make it through."

"Then resurrect him." Li Claw Wuhen said and started running.

However, the development of the matter completely exceeded their expectations.

After the thief was dizzy, Li Yao was already exposed, and a thief actually appeared on the other shoulder of Reaper 4000.

The dagger in his hand pierced the dizzy Li Yao\'s side fiercely.

Li Yao used the Dark Emblem in an instant to relieve his dizziness.

Jump back!

As Li Yao flew upside down, a burst of red light appeared on his body.

Great power!

Juli throw!

Juli throwing is the basic skill of Li Yaoxue.

The thieves never thought that Li Yao suddenly relieved his dizziness, his hands were too strong, his dagger fell through, and his body leaned forward.

The short spear in Li Yao\'s hand had already been thrown out.


The thief who wanted to jump off the Reaper 4000 was hit by the short spear. The strength of the short spear at such a short distance was already great, plus several times the strength of the bull, the thief was immediately short. The spear flew out.


The tip of the short spear was nailed to a big tree not far away, and the thief had been life-zero when he was hit, and the corpse was nailed to the tree.

When Li Yao threw the spear, he used magic spider silk, and his body was pulled back to Death 4000.

And the Reaper 4000 didn\'t stop his pace at all, and continued to keep a constant speed, click and click.

"Poorly forced to come out to play robbery." Li Yao glanced at the green suit dropped by the thief\'s death, without even thinking about picking it up, and left directly.

"Fuck, master." The Pokemon couldn\'t help but explode.

"It seems that I am worried for nothing." Sharp Claw smiled wryly.

"It\'s so handsome, let me go. I didn\'t maintain the image of a lady just now." The Pokemon was immediately depressed.

"Nympho." Dun Zhan murmured.

The thief picked up the green outfit and said, "This is too prodigal, you don\'t need a level ten green outfit."

"Cut, who would look at the green outfit for someone like a master." Pokemon despised.

"Who just took the fat boy away for a green outfit?" Li Claw Wuhen said.

"That\'s cloth armor. He is a warrior. Do you want cloth armor? He just wants black equipment. If he is willing to roll, he will be covered. Don\'t interact with him in the future, whoever." Pokemon said indifferently.

"You dare to take the equipment of the Assassin Alliance, and you will die."

A cold voice came.

Li Claw Wuhen\'s expression changed, and he said, "Preparing to fight, we may be surrounded."...

ps: seeking subscription, monthly ticket, recommended ticket

(To be continued.) (Shu Milou)