MMORPG: Divine Mech Hunter

Chapter 230: Mop up

This chapter is organized by Biquge, and the copyright belongs to the author

In the dark gold treasure chest, Li Yao\'s breathing was short. 【No pop-up window...】

After playing the game for so long, a golden treasure chest was obtained in a special secret, and no real golden equipment has been released.

It is not easy to find treasure chests even on sparsely populated maps. There are too many players playing games, plus some thieves who specialize in opening treasure chests by chance to survive.

It is very difficult for ordinary players to open a treasure chest, and it is even more difficult to open a good treasure chest.

Now that I actually see a dark golden treasure chest, how can I not get excited, you know, the dark golden treasure chest must come with golden equipment.

Even he has not seen any golden equipment until now.

Li Yao was going to open it, but thought that the viscount of the miser might return at any time, he immediately put away the treasure chest.

Li Yao glanced a few times again, and saw another box, but it was not a treasure box. Li Yao pulled it out and suddenly smelled a faint fragrance of wine.

"Good wine, winter spring spirits, this guy will really enjoy it."

Li Yao unceremoniously put a box of precious wine in his backpack. At this stage, players simply cannot buy this kind of wine.

This is not only a good wine, but also a super magic wine that can bless attack and strength. At the beginning, such a bottle of wine was fired to 500 gold coins.

At that time, Li Yao worked hard for the daughter of the golden horse for a long time.

And this is a whole box, a total of fifteen bottles, obviously one bottle was drunk by the Viscount.

It is not surprising that Li Yao, Dongquan Fire Wine is originally a product of goblins, and drinking this wine at certain times can make up for their lack of strength.

When Li Yao saw the books on the desk, he was not welcome, and directly took away several precious books such as the Outline of Goblin Engineering, Brief Introduction of Goblin Engineering, and General History of Goblin Engineering.

These books have gained a little proficiency for ordinary players at this stage, but for him, he can learn to make things that he could not make before.

Li Yao just walked into the engineering laboratory of Viscount Trade.

Li Yao was welcome when he entered the laboratory, and directly stuffed several machine tools and engineering tables into the mechanical space.

Then there are some sophisticated engineering tools that players simply cannot get at this stage.

The engineering laboratory was suddenly empty, leaving only some tools that were of low value and could be bought at this stage.

"It\'s really developed this time. It\'s cool to have mechanical space."

Can you be uncomfortable? He can\'t put these things in his backpack. Generally, they can only be transported by vehicles in the city. His mechanical space is simply a small warehouse.

It is too difficult for adventurers to get these things. Only the guild president has the authority to buy some tools and build laboratories.

But if you compare it with the wealthy trade viscount\'s things, there is a big gap. Just the precision of what is made can determine the pros and cons of some items.

Had it not been for the limited mechanical space, Li Yao would really want to sweep away, so that he could build his own engineering laboratory. For comparison, the mine would be too old.

Li Yao just started looking for bookshelves. It turned out to be some production drawings, but they were all ordinary engineering items, basically some public facilities.

Among them, there are two most valuable ones. One is the mechanical puppet drawing of the Reaper 4000 that Li Yao is looking for, and the other is the sketch of the artillery.

Although it is only the simplest and least powerful one, and Li Yao currently does not have the materials and ability to produce it, he is very satisfied with the harvest.

Artillery is a real weapon of war. Although the power of artillery in this era is not great, it is more than enough for the player to hit if it is placed on the wall. Has a powerful deterrent.

Sweeping around, some materials also filled the mechanical space, and Li Yao still felt a little unfinished.

He can\'t wait to pull this house away, after all, there are still many valuable things, and there is no room for machinery.

"Meow, remember where there is room for equipment, the level is not enough, I can\'t get it."

Li Yao regretfully activated the passiveness of the Dark Ranger, then walked to the entrance of the elevator, recalled the layout of the lobby on the first floor, and then simulated how to get out in his mind.

Li Yao jumped directly down, and when he was about two yards from the elevator, a shadow wheel suddenly turned over and floated out of the elevator room.

At this moment, Li Yao\'s body is already in the lobby on the first floor. The freeze frame shows that Li Yao is floating for more than one yard, while two chief goblins are absent-mindedly drinking four or five yards away.

From time to time they look at their performance outside, knowing that they are also very concerned about the situation outside, and there are a dozen silver goblins at the door.

When Li Yaoying stopped turning, his back was facing the entrance of the hall.

Jump back!

The body that was about to fall suddenly flew upside down.

The two leaders felt the fluctuation of the air flow slightly, and looked at the room together.

However, at this moment, Li Yao had already left the lobby on the first floor, and when the back jump stopped, he continuously launched the shadow wheel flip again.

When Li Yao landed, he had already reached a dozen yards from Yinying, and then Li Yao left without looking back.

After a while, the Viscount Trade returned angrily. He felt deceived. Those who were less than a hundred adventurers were not worth mentioning.

Although dozens of them were escaped, he didn\'t care.

He tangled up to the second floor, and suddenly felt bad. He first looked at his safe and was about to breathe a sigh of Then he saw the evacuated engineering laboratory, and then He bumped under the bed. Suddenly let out a terrifying roar.

"Ah, **** thief, my half-life\'s work, how can I live in the future?"

His voice was terrible, and his cronies immediately took the elevator up.

"Boss, what\'s the matter with you?" a goblin leader asked with a drunken burp.

"What\'s the matter? I want to ask you what\'s wrong. What about the experimental machine that I have spent a lot of money on, my dark gold treasure chest, my precious drawings, and my beloved Winter Spring Spirit, poor, I just I\'m willing to take a sip, just that sip, goddamn, I actually took a whole box of me. My life\'s hard work is gone, you say what happened to me, huh?"

The goblin\'s tone was originally sharp and very sharp, but now the whole voice has gone out of tune. He sprayed the stars on the faces of the two leaders.

However, the two leaders did not even dare to breathe.

"Still stunned here, find it for me. The **** thief must have not gone far. Find it for me. I can\'t find my hard work. You useless **** don\'t want to get a copper plate from me. Salary." The Viscount Trade growled.

"Damn thief, I can\'t get the cute copper plate. I fought him."

The two goblin leaders called this to jump out of the elevator, and then went crazy and started looking for the thief. The camp that had just been calmer suddenly boiled again.

For goblins, as long as the price is sufficient, even their biological mother will be sold, and they will not get a salary, which is more uncomfortable than killing them.

And Li Yao is already preparing to complete the guild mission, this time he really wants to play a big ticket...

ps: Sure enough, there is nothing to ask for, so well, I will ask for a wave of monthly tickets, subscription and recommendation tickets, Mario thanks.

(To be continued.)