MMORPG: Divine Mech Hunter

Chapter 195: monopoly

"Oh, big brother, you finally came back. [, Wanjuan]" The cute pupil saw Li Yao jump up from the bonfire in the lobby where the first boss was.

"Uncle, you are too slow, do you know that the team has already seen the second boss in the wasteland competition. You are too inefficient." Da Vinci complained.

"It\'s okay, I think they will find the way for us." Li Yao said indifferently.

Qin Fengyi said: "You haven\'t seen it yet, he did it on purpose."

"What, on purpose?" Da Vinci asked curiously.

"Well, in terms of his character, if he truly grabs the first kill, the true sun will slowly linger." Qin Fengyi said helplessly.

"Brother, what Xia sister said is true?" Haikuotian asked.

Sister Li said thoughtfully: "I think I know his plan. This move is really ruthless."

"What, what dumb riddles are you playing? Bullying me too young to understand, right?" Dumb Tongtong said dissatisfiedly.

"I ask you, if it is you, participate in the carnival competition, compete with the world\'s strong guilds, fight bloody, take the first kill of the elite mode, wait for the audience to cheer, are you happy?" Sister Li asked.

"Of course happy, but we can get the first kill, but the cheers are gone." Da Vinci said angrily.

"The point is, this is the time when a wild group unexpectedly took the first kill of the master mode. What will happen to you?" Sister Li asked again.

"It will definitely be embarrassing, and I will turn into anger, wishing to kill someone," said Tongtong Dumb.

"Yes, but this is in the carnival. The embarrassment must continue. The ceremony needs to continue, and the cheers continue." Sister Li showed a slight smile.

"Fuck, this is too cruel." Haikuotian was dumbfounded. This thing is that he knew it was a bowl of Rexiang, but he still needed to eat it bite by bite in front of countless people with a smile. This feeling: "Brother, when did I offend you, remember to tell me so I can dig a good grave."

The words of the vast sky and the sky caused everyone to laugh, and this problem has passed, but only a few smart people know that today many people are destined to be uncomfortable and uncomfortable.

"Okay, we can start the live broadcast, let\'s start." Li Yao said and took the lead.

"Hey, big brother, you haven\'t said how to solve the problem of ghosts." The cute and adorable Tongtong followed Li Yao and asked.

"Just follow along."

Li Yao entered the second section of the cave and directly crushed a shining fruit, and small light spots began to float in the cave.

Because everyone drank the night vision potion, with the existence of these light spots, they could completely see the situation in the cave.

"Continue to go."

One shining fruit could spread over a distance of tens of yards, and Li Yao directly crushed the second shining fruit.

At this time, everyone could already see the lurking bat on the top of the cave, and then the spot of light continued to spread. Some stars attached to the ghost gradually formed a special outline, floating in the hole.

"Fuck, that\'s okay." The guardian angel was speechless.

"What do you do, on the stone." Li Yao said: "Fruit, the ghost **** blue. You are responsible for the bat this time."

"Good." The Fruit Knight nodded.

Paladins also rely on Lan for food, and their skills also consume Lan\'s legal system. Of course, so is the hunter.

"All the professions without blue and Xia Yao\'s skeleton stone monsters attacked ghosts and attacked bats." Li Yao pondered for a moment.

Ghosts are also different from ghosts. Ghosts are immune to a lot of physical damage, while ghosts are immune to spell damage and also **** blue.

Following Li Yao\'s arrangement, the big stone slammed into the ghost, and then Bad Kuo Tian and Ying Wu Kuang fought desperately against the ghost.

And Li Yao used a strong crossbow to draw the bat down, and the fruit knight used two skills to pull the hatred.

Using the new shield, the fruit knight is obviously much stronger. With powerful armor, physical immunity, and magic resistance across the entire system, the Fruit Knight is now extremely hard.

This cave bat can use lightning damage such as lightning balls, but because everyone is a lot stronger, it naturally handles the mobs more easily.

Of course, the mobs mentioned here are actually Yinying that is more powerful than the wild.

Generally speaking, if you only find the right method and strategy, and the equipment can meet certain requirements, the mobs in the dungeon will basically not cause much obstacle.

For example, this time, if it weren\'t for the shining fruit, it would be difficult to cross this distance, but with the shining fruit, their road was even easier than the road to the first boss.

"I said, brother, I really took it. No way, you can think of this kind of trick. At first, someone asked me whether I should hoard some, but I thought it was a toy. I rejected it. Now the guild It would be nice if the warehouse can have one or two groups." Haikuotian smiled bitterly.

Along the way, I have consumed more than twenty, but I haven\'t seen the boss yet, which shows that this kind of glitter fruit consumes a lot.

"Hehe, I have to expose you, you just made a row, it must be the logistics of the private chat guild ready to be acquired by the auction house." Li Yao said.

" Good things, naturally you have to reserve some." Haikuotian said embarrassedly.

In fact, it\'s not just him. Now those clubs and guilds are paying attention to land reclamation here. They are happy to see the team trapped, and they are disappointed to see that the shining fruit solves the problem. But then they woke up and hurriedly began to contact people to collect the results.

However, what disappointed them was that it was empty, and the auction house was empty. The glittering fruit that no one was interested in before, is now completely gone.

"Then what, you went back a lot of time, wouldn\'t you have finished collecting all the shining fruits?" Haikuotian asked suspiciously.

"Hahaha, let Brother Hai discover it. I thought of the flash fruit method, and naturally I can also think of the flash fruit business opportunity, so I asked my friend to help me sweep the goods, the dark camp, the neutral camp and the light camp auction house I swept away the shining fruit." Li Yao laughed.

"Fuck, you\'re too cruel, I don\'t want to make money with Brother Hai." Haikuotian despised Li Yao.

"Oh, there\'s no way, you have to get a guild, what if you don\'t have money." Li Yao sighed: "For the development of the guild, I also recognize it as a profiteer."

"Uncle, you want to point your face." Da Vinci, who was adding blood, said suddenly: "You are too bad, and you have a monopoly on the goods of the three camps. This is to eat alone."

"It\'s not a solo eater. In fact, someone has harvested shining fruit not long ago, but I\'m not sure who it is."

Naturally, Li Yao would not be so stupid to admit that that person was himself.

"Don\'t doubt the scent of profiteers and speculators." Sister Li said with a smile.

"Your horror is more than the money I have made over the years." Qin Fengyi said while outputting.

"Where, I am a copper plate and I won\'t be able to exchange credit points. The development of the guild is what I need to do the most."...