MMORPG: Divine Mech Hunter

Chapter 182: No compromise

Now the live broadcast room is also dark. After Qin Fengyi hangs up, the live broadcast function has also been closed. In the copy here, the soul will not return to the cemetery directly after the death.

So, now Li Yao and the others have destroyed the group or passed, the water friends in the live broadcast room don\'t know.

That\'s anxious, but they are also sorry to kill them, and they can cheer afterwards, but in this situation, the heart is hanging, it is really uncomfortable.

Soon, the members of Li Yao team were resurrected one after another.

The first thing in the resurrection is to ask: "How is it? Is it past?"

Then, seeing Li Yao pointing at the angry corpse, he suddenly exclaimed.

"Meow, this is fine too."

"It\'s really gone, my goodness."

"It seems that the elite mode of competition and wasteland has just passed one or two corpses and got angry."

"Some teams have passed, but it feels like they are not a dungeon, okay? First look at the elite mode and get angry. Only after meeting the master level did you know that the elite level dungeon is scum."

"It seems that the Liaoyuan God really hopes to take the master-level first kill, pitiful."

"It\'s very poor. For the notarization of the game, all participating teams could not communicate with the outside world. It was a tragedy, but why did I look forward to it so much."

"With the same expectations, you can see that although the people of the Great Guild can\'t communicate with the outside world, they can know the progress of the team. The teams that have seen the elite-level corpses become arrogant, one by one they talk loudly."

"Yes, but their guild boss and those club managers have been anxiously angry outside the arena, and they are almost out of the game."

"I want to see how they rushed into the game in front of hundreds of thousands of people."


In fact, it’s not just the managers and guild bosses who are anxious to get angry now, and even more terrified is the big-faced person in charge. I don’t know how he blocked Li Yao from participating in the competition. He didn’t know how he was known from above. Like my father.

What is the purpose of this game? On the one hand, it is to promote the effect, and the other is to promote these e-sports guilds and clubs.

The official opening of the registration for such a long time and the establishment of such generous awards is to gather all the teams that have the ability to open up wasteland, and to make it as beautiful as the first copy of the main line of wasteland.

There is actually a wild team in the wasteland master-level instance, and today is not weaker than those wasteland elites. What is this concept?

More importantly, the people in charge had come to sign up, but were driven away by the person in charge. Moreover, this person is still the company\'s key observation object, the owner of the first new mech, the senior officials of the ancient **** company will be mad.

If Li Yao really succeeded in land reclamation, the land reclamation competition they held would have become a ridiculous farce.

Qin Fengyi said helplessly: "The official has contacted me and wants me to ask you to intercede and add the person in charge\'s friend."

Li Yao said lightly: "Which person in charge, or the idiot who received us?"

"Yes, there is that guy, there is also the head of the Huaxia Carnival. He said he would apologize to you face to face." Qin Fengyi said.

"You told him that we are reclaiming wasteland and are busy. I will apologize until I finish typing the copy. All the team members will close the communication. It is estimated that you are all bombarded by information now. Hurry up." Li Yao urged.

The team members looked at each other and closed all private chats.

"I was killed by you, you pig." A savvy and capable man took off his virtual eyes and glared at the person in charge with a big face, and went out quickly.

The person in charge of the big face seemed to have lost his soul. He knew the company\'s system too well. He knew that he was finished this time.

Li Yao is very powerful, he admits, but in his opinion it is a personal technique, and it is completely different from the wasteland copy.

Just form a wild group and open up a dungeon against the sky. If it is so easy, wouldn\'t such a big guild be a fool.

However, the reality gave him a heavy blow. He didn\'t care when he learned that Li Yao was reclaiming wasteland, but when he heard that Li Yao had gone through the master-level corpse to get angry, he fell into fear.

He knew that he was over, this time he really got off...


Li Yao didn\'t care about this. He was sincerely trying to slap his face this time. They would definitely be pleaded with him if he wanted to come to the world, but since he made up his mind, he would do it to the end. Either do not do it, or do it absolutely.

If you stop this time, not only will you not be grateful from the guilds and responsible persons, but you will hate yourself and feel that your personality is weak and deceptive. Instead of doing this, you might as well just hit them hard. Let them know that they have to prepare for a tooth collapse before biting themselves.

"Why is Tongtong still stunned? Touching the corpse." Li Yao said when she saw that Tongtong was still in a daze.

"Oh, oh," Tongtong smiled like a flower, she was still a corpse expert, very happy: "Come on, the first one, you are ready."

The Profound Meaning of Arrow Catapult: The launched arrow can be ejected until it hits a target. UU reading www. uukanshu. com

"This skill, why is it so weird and has no attack power, does the master boss produce such rubbish?" Da Vinci frowned.

"I\'m welcome." Li Yao couldn\'t wait to assign the skills to himself, and then learned it.

"Seeing that Big Brother is so happy, is this skill very powerful?" Doutong asked in confusion.

Li Yao took a deep breath and said, "To be precise, this is an effect, and there is no attack power bonus, but if I have to measure its value, then a tenth-level purple weapon can\'t match this skill. ."

Li Yao knows too well that this passive effect is very rare, and the skill book world drops, but the drop rate is only one in ten million. After three or four years of playing Hunter, Li Yao praised a large amount of gold and bought this skill. It can be seen how precious this skill is.

The actual value is incomparable with golden weapons, let alone a low-level Ziwu.

Everyone was still puzzled. In their opinion, it was the ejection effect at most, and there was really nothing to post and no attack power.

"Okay, let\'s take the next one." Li Yao didn\'t explain any more, and of course he couldn\'t explain it clearly.

The first one was such a treasure, which made him look forward to it even more. The dungeon boss, especially the first kill, would naturally not be stingy.

"Okay, the next one." Dumb Tongtong touched the body again.

Corpse King Shield (Master)

Grade: Purple Epic

Armor: 389

Strength: 28

Stamina: 26

Reduce all damage by 25%.

Obtain all kinds of element resistance (ice, fire, earth, wind, nature) 20

Equipment level: 10

Recommended equipment: knights, warriors

Seeing the attributes of this shield, all the players\' eyes were dull. Supreme, it is really a shield of the highest quality. It is not an exaggeration to say that it is the current first shield...