MMORPG: Divine Mech Hunter

Chapter 174: clue

"Big stone, your equipment is okay, but the guard is enough, but the endurance is a little bit low. You can use the endurance scroll for a while, otherwise I\'m afraid you can\'t hold it." Li Yao said at the end of the stone.

   "How can it be not enough? I rushed over to the dungeon before I came here. The monsters carrying the elite mode are more than enough, and there is no danger." Da Shitou said unconvinced.

   Li Yao frowned and said: "Who told you that we are going to play elite mode?"

   "If you don\'t play in Elite mode, is it normal mode? I\'ll go, brother, don\'t be kidding." A trace of disdain flashed in Da Shitou\'s eyes.

   "Brother Hai, the tank you are looking for is a bit awkward, can I ask for a replacement." Li Yao did not answer his words, but said to the sea.


   Several women laughed.

   The sky is wide and the sky is so helpless, this big rock is usually the most obedient, why is it like this today.

   The sea and the sky are broad and open-minded, with a broad mind. Naturally, I don\'t know that the players of the Grand Guild have always been arrogant. They are usually in the same guild together, so naturally they will not show it,

"Stones, can you have a few more questions, just be a good mt." After finishing talking about the stone, he said to Li Yao: "Yes, the stone is now the best mt I can find. I can\'t find a better replacement."

"The key is that the brain is good enough. This stone is not good. I said for a long time. The requirements are so strict. I can\'t see that it is the master difficulty that I want to open up wasteland. Do you still expect him to cooperate with the main tank." .

The big stone was going to be mad. It was a good irony for Li Yao. When he heard Li Yao talking about the difficulty of opening up a wasteland, he was stunned and asked stutteringly: "What are you talking about? "

   "Nonsense, or what am I doing a lot of time?" Li Yao waved his hand and said, "Okay, just do what I said just now. Ten minutes should be enough."

   All the people named have returned to the city, and they went to the warehouse to dump equipment or something. Even the big stone went back to the city in a daze to buy an endurance scroll.

   Evil Cave is a gathering place for evil creatures recently discovered in Camp Rogge. It is said that they had a foreboding that an extremely evil aura lingered in them. There were many mercenaries sent to Camp Rogge, but all of them were gone.

   Therefore, Camp Rogge issued a mission for adventurers, hoping that powerful adventurers can explore or solve the hidden dangers of the evil cave.

   When Li Yao and others were teleported to the evil cave, countless players had gathered here.

   "Normal difficulty of the evil cave, come to mt, come to milk, the output is in place."

   "Evil cave elites open up wasteland with difficulty, come to any profession, it is best to come to the determined, don\'t destroy the old players who leave the group once."

   "Evil cave, mt and milk are in place, two remote outputs, hunters and dogs do not disturb."

   "It seems that the situation of the hunter is still not optimistic enough." Qin Fengyi said.

   "No way, this is not an overnight thing." Li Yao is also helpless, his current influence is very limited, and at this stage, it is a fact that players generally do not play Hunter.

   "Go and pick up the task first." Li Yao led everyone to a small camp next to the evil cave.

   "I don\'t think it\'s necessary. We also asked someone to ask. It\'s a small task with a little experience. It\'s a waste of time to do it," Da Shitou said.

   "Oh, you have accepted the task, let\'s talk about the content of the task description specifically." Li Yao said.

   "I said it is a small task, it is of no value." Da Shitou said angrily.

   "Sure enough, my brain is not good." Li Yao muttered, and then saluted a Roger: "Hello, I am an adventurer from the Eastern Continent, can I help you?"

   "Brave adventurer, thank you, but your strength is too weak, I am afraid you can\'t help me." The female Roger shook her head and said.

"My personal strength is very weak, but I have a lot of partners. Our combined strength is strong, and we are going to the evil cave this time. If you have any difficulties, you will definitely help, even if you don’t. Your busyness has no effect on you, does it

? "Li Yao said patiently.

"You are right." The female Mage Roger raised her head and said: "A month ago, my sister and I explored the cave together. After all the dangers, we reached the depths of the cave. But we encountered a powerful corpse. His name was Fu Huo. In order to save me, my sister led the corpse to the depths of the cave alone. There was no news later. If possible, I hope you can find him, even her corpse. If there is news, I will definitely I will repay you. By the way, my sister is Anna, who is a powerful archer."

   "Okay, I will pay attention. We are going to the cave now, don\'t know what needs attention?" Everyone was ready to leave and listened to Li Yao still asking.

   The female mage was shocked, but she also said: "Those creatures are very sensitive to light and heat, I hope you will pay attention."

   "Thank you." Li Yao bowed and left, and asked the others about no tasks. Li Yao led everyone to the cave.

   "As I said, it\'s a simple task. You have to waste time." Big Stone pouted.

   "But I think I got very important information." Li Yao said.

   "What information, why didn\'t I hear anything useful. Just blow it. UU reading" The big stone didn\'t care about the eyes of the sky.

   "So your brain is not good enough, if you can see it, what do you want me to do as the conductor." Li Yao walked into the cave after speaking.

   Everyone followed with a smile, and after entering the cave, it had become pitch black. Even the elves who can see at night have very poor eyesight in a cave without starlight.


   The big rock lit a torch, and the cave was suddenly illuminated.

   "Hey, I\'m still fully prepared."

   Li Yao nodded earnestly, and said, "Well, it\'s full, let\'s explore the way with the big stone."

   "Ahem, I\'m not a main tank, why am I exploring the way." Big Stone asked.

   "Didn\'t you come from the dungeon, you must be familiar." Li Yao said.

   "Uh, we just entered the dungeon, and we drove a wave of monsters..."

   "Okay, you have a torch, you still need to find the way." Li Yao said: "Or you can give the torch to the fruit, she can also find the way."

   "Let me come, after all, I have a little more experience." Da Shitou suddenly became unhappy, he still wanted to prove his strength.

   "Prepare for treatment, stand by at any time." The big stone took the torch and walked in the forefront, followed by the fruit knight and the sea and sky, and began to explore this deep and silent cave...

   (To be continued.)