MMORPG: Divine Mech Hunter

Chapter 169: Occupy

"Then come. One novel ≦<≤≦﹤﹤﹤≤﹤≤<﹤≤≦﹤≦” Li Yao hooked his finger.

"You die." Huan Diewu was furious, and Li Yao has never released her with a single arrow, and simply doesn\'t put her in his eyes.

"Come and kill me." Li Yao still smiled. He could delay as long as he could. For him, there is really no difference between who and who pk.

"Flame Blade Flurry!"

Huan Diewu was about to breathe fire in her eyes, and her arms turned into afterimages.

The illusory criss-crossing flame giant swords intertwined into an irregular sword net and quickly enveloped Li Yao.

"The range is not small, but it\'s too slow."

Li Yao looked at the crisscrossed sword nets, his body twisted slightly, as if dancing a weird dance.

In the eyes of the audience, the sword net passed through Li Yao\'s body, but to everyone\'s disappointment, Li Yao was still intact.

"I\'ll go to your second uncle, are you still a human." Huan Diewu was also dumbfounded.

If Li Yao escaped with the displacement skill, she could still accept a little bit. It seemed impossible to go through the sword net with this directly. This was simply impossible, but it was alive.

"Come on, you\'ve been stunned for five seconds, isn\'t it because of me." Li Yao hooked again.

"I like your sister."

Huan Diewu charged again.

However, Li Yao didn\'t use the arrow tower this time, but replaced it with a hand cannon.


Break the move!

Li Yao succeeded in breaking the move, and Huan Diewu let out a painful scream, and then knelt on one knee.

Li Yao blew the smoke from the hand cannon, touched his chin and circled the magic butterfly dance.

"Tsk tsk, the chick is in good shape, very hot, what she grew up eating."

"Uncle\'s." Huan Diewu became angry with anger, her current anger has burned to the extreme.

"Flame Whirlwind!"

After the magic butterfly danced for three seconds, he swung the flame sword, his body rotated, forming a flame whirlwind quickly approaching Li Yao.

"There is a trick for you to break me. If you break, I will find you in reality, what do you want, I will take any tricks."

Li Yao jumped away and shot an arrow, but it was blocked by the flame spinning style.

"Your sister, this is an invincible trick, how can I break it?" Li Yao said while turning the shadow wheel to avoid the fast flame whirlwind, "Besides, I am such a pure and honest person, and I am not interested in you. "

Wow yeah yeah...

Huan Diewu was going crazy, but there was no way.

The audience was dumbfounded, and even dared to flirt with Diewu. Who is this guy? Do you know how to write the dead words?

Huan Diewu, Li Yao\'s mind was tumbling about her memory.

The game has been running for two years, he just started playing hunter, archery is very good.

Once practicing a bow and arrow somewhere, the magic butterfly dance appeared and killed him without saying a word.

At that time, Huadiewu was also considered a famous master. Li Yao was not convinced. After improving his skills, he found Huan Diewu and was abused again.

This situation lasted for about two or three years, and Li Yao had to look for Magic Diewu every time his skills improved. It wasn\'t until Ha Huan Diewu hit 50-50, and even later won more.

The two did not know each other. Although they were in a rival camp, they also became friends. They were one of Li Yao\'s most sincere friends in the game.

The two have never met in reality, but they can talk about everything. And the relationship between the two of them is very pure, there is no lingering between men and women, it is a pure friendship.

On the one hand, it takes time. On the other hand, I recounted the past with my old friend. Of course, this old friend cannot know him now, and he is probably in a very bad mood.

"Can you do it, are you dizzy, do you want me to help you?" Li Yaoxue said even worse.

"I, I\'m fighting with you." I ran out of magical butterfly dance elite skills, but I couldn\'t even touch Li Yao. She was molested for a long time. She was so angry.

"I said, you are having a good time. Many beautiful women around you have never seen you so caring." Qin Fengyi\'s voice came over.

"Cough cough." Li Yao smiled awkwardly and said: "Guliang don\'t mind, I was joking just now, you are not my opponent. Please admit defeat, you still have a chance to challenge other priesthood."

Huan Diewu panted heavily, staring at Li Yao stubbornly, and said: "You second, wait, I will find you again."

After finishing speaking, Huan Diewu directly surrendered and was sent out.

"Ferren, are you sure?" A player saw Ferren.

Phelan, second in the standings.

"I won\'t look for humiliation. The third priesthood is more suitable for me." Faerun shrugged and turned to leave.

"Even Fei Lun said that he is not an opponent, is this product so powerful?"

"You can try."

Fifteen seconds later, a warlock was teleported to the opposite side of Li Yao.

"I want to see if you are as good as they are." The devil\'s son said coldly.

"I\'m not good at them." Li Yao said lightly: "However, you can\'t see it."

"I\'m ranked ninth, isn\'t that enough?" The Demon Son said angrily.

Li Yao did not speak, but raised two fingers.

At the start of the game, Li Yaoping shot a flat arrow.

A look of contempt flashed in the eyes of the devil\'s son, and a roll: "I still think you are so good, but..."


He had just rolled over and stood up, the arcane arrows had passed through his throat.


"Next." Li Yao pointed to the surrounding stands.

Soon there will be the next end, this time a knight.

However, there were still two arrows, basically the first one forced the opponent to roll, and then the moment he stood up, he was pierced through the throat, killing him with one arrow.

The second, third, fourth, fifth, sixth...

Finally, no one dared to end.

Too abnormal, is this your sister still a human. Regardless of any profession, no matter it has always been two arrows, there are no exceptions.

"Is there anyone going down." Li Yao waited for a minute and no one left.

Everyone is speechless, you are a pervert, how to play with you.

They are self-confident, but your sister, you can let someone put a skill on it. No matter how powerful the profession is, it will be second if you can\'t even put the and play a fart.

Li Yao simply took out a chair, raised Erlang\'s legs, and opened the live broadcast, drinking red wine while watching the live broadcast of the carnival.

Seeing his piety, everyone took another ruthless look and walked away. No one challenged, naturally there was nothing to look at.

On the contrary, the second and third priests\' platforms were in full swing.

The second priesthood was occupied by Tie Niuxian, and Tongtong was staring angrily to see Tie Niuxian abuse people.

And the third priest position is Fei Lun, he did not seek the Iron Bull Immortal to fight, but occupied the third priest position, but his points are still second.

Although the two are strong, everyone can still see the hope of victory. When I got to Li Yao\'s side, I was desperate. As a result, Li Yaogan sat for more than 20 minutes, and the second round of trials finally came to an end...

ps: Continue to ask for monthly ticket support. I am tired and urinated, and I slept. I will still get up at six tomorrow to start the codeword, and update it around eight.

(To be continued.)